Контрольные работы. Английский язык. 2 класс. УМК SPOTLIGHT. Спотлайт контрольные работы

Контрольные работы по английскому языку по УМК "Spotlight" (5

Spotlight 5

Module 4

Test 4

  1. Listen and complete the card

My best friend

Name: Alisa

Age: 1) ……


Family: one brother and 3) … sister(s)

Hobbies: 4)…., playing the piano and singing

She can: speak 5)… and Russian

  1. Choose the right word

  1. I am here! Look at (I, me).

  2. Claire is pretty. (She, her) eyes are big and blue.

  3. Did you call them? (They, their) car is in front of the house.

  4. Who is that girl? What’s (she, her) name?

  5. Dad, can I ask (his, you) something?

  6. Miss Smith is (us, our) English teacher.

  1. Fill in with can, can’t

  1. … you speak French? No, I …

  2. Mark … play tennis. He plays on Mondays.

  3. My dad … fly a plane. He is a pilot.

  4. … Ann and Susan paint? Yes, they…

  5. This is easy! You .. do it.

  1. Make sentences using the imperative

1. do the task (+) 2. listen to the teacher (+)

3. come to the blackboard (-) 4. close the door (-)

  1. Choose the correct word

  1. Lisa is a baby. She is (big, small).

  2. My sister’s got (long, big) hair.

  3. Dad’s tall with (fair, good) hair.

  4. My teacher’s got a (kind, small) nose.

  5. Wendy’s short and (tall, thin).

6. Choose the correct response

1. Who is she?

a. My best friend

2. How old are they?

b. The USA

3. Where is his house?

c) It’s Mark

4. Whose car is this?

d) In London

5. Where are they from?

e)They are twelve and fourteen

Spotlight 5

Module 9

Test 9

Task №1 Choose the correct word

  1. Musicians play in the theatres\concert halls.

  2. Let’s go to see a play at the theme park\theatre.

  3. I don’t like theme parks\zoos. I’m scared of roller coasters.

  4. I’m looking for a teddy\toy train.

  5. Buy aspirin from the florist’s\chemists.

Task №2 What’s the English for

1. булочная

4. картинная галерея

7. Как мне добраться до зоопарка?

2. Могу Я Вам помочь?

5. комедия

8. налево

3. Мне бы хотелось купить книгу.

6. мелодрама

9. на углу улицы

Task №3 Make the sentences

  1. the, opposite, restaurant, it’s, food, fast.

  2. film, what, is, this, about?

  3. it, don’t, miss!

  4. take, you, photographs, mustn’t.

  5. much, does, it, how, cost?

Spotlight 7

Module 6

1. Complete the phrases: candy, perform, go on, pool, famous, explore, designated, rocket, fun, theme, obey, cartoon, no diving, reserve, send

1. a water ride, 2. a place, 3. park, 4. fair, 5. tricks, 6. journey, 7. floss, 8. landmarks, 9. characters, 10. a haunted mansion, 11. lifeguards, 12. an e-mail, 13. safety 14. areas 15. signs

2. Fill in the gaps with play, make, have, go

1. ____webpage 2. ___ a tree house 3. ____rafting 4. ____ IT classes 5. ___ swimming

3. Fill in: round, across, out, back

1. He …. this chessboard in an antiques shop.

2. They … to their home town because they missed it.

3. John … to see my new stereo.

4. His new book … recently.

5. She came … to the country a month ago.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect

1. She … (never\travel) abroad.

2. … (you ever\see) this film?

3. They … (not\play) the game yet.

4. … (you\ever\speak) to any funny cartoon character at Disneyland?

5. She … (never\meet) this woman before.

6. He … (never\fly) a plane.

7. We … (just\write) an interesting story.

8. … (ever\hear) such strange sounds?

9. I … (already\read) the letter.

5. Form opposite adjectives

1. What an … film! (believable)

2. It’s … to do it right now. (possible)

3. Your reaction is completely … (logical)

4. The long beginning makes your story … (balanced)

5. Don’t be so …! (responsible)

6. What’s the English for:

1. кататься на колесе обозрения 2. пожимать друзьям руки 3. ходить в поход 4. побывать в лагере 5. навестить кого-либо 6. пиратский корабль 7. покупать сувениры 8. отправляться на сафари 9. попасть в беду 10. кататься на верблюде

*7. Write a letter to your friend about your visit to a theme park. Include its name, location, what you did and saw there.

Spotlight 7

Module 8

Test 8

  1. Fill in: collect, teach, soil, watering, toxic, recycle, plastic, factory

    1. ….fumes 2. … waste 3. …rubbish 4. …cans 5. … pollution 6. … bag 7. … can 8. …the cycle of life

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb make in the appropriate form

    1. I can’t …. what you are talking about.

    2. It’s not true. She … the whole story.

    3. Tom …. Jane a few days ago. They are friends again now.

    4. Don’t ….! I don’t believe you!

  1. Complete with the present perfect or present perfect continuous

    1. We ….. trees for a week now. (plant)

    2. The children … the pond yesterday. (clean out)

    3. She …. doing her homework. (already, finish)

    4. My uncle …. To Save the Whales for a long time. (donate)

    5. How long …. nesting boxes? (you, build)

    6. He … all day. (study)

  1. Fill in: have to, don’t have to

    1. You … water the flowers. I’ve done it.

    2. She … take the dog for a walk before she leaves.

    3. You … give me a lift. I will walk.

    4. We … do something to help the planet.

    5. He … go to the desert to see camels. He can see them at the zoo.

  1. Fill in the correct question tag

    1. She isn’t here, …?

    2. They live in Paris, …?

    3. The boys are playing football now, …?

    4. He couldn’t swim when he was three, …?

    5. Ann and Peter went to the concert hall yesterday, …?

  1. Choose the correct response

    1. Can I give you a hand cleaning the pond? a) No , thanks, I’m fine

b) That’s right

2. How can I help you? a) That’s very generous b) I’m interested in making a donation

3. Would you like me to collect rubbish? a) Yes, please b) That’s right

  1. What’s the English for:

1. кислотные дожди, 2. естественная среда обитания, 3. виды животных,

4. загрязнение воздуха, 5. сажать цветы, 6. выживать в тропических лесах,

7. банковский счёт, 8. уехать из города, 9. аргументы за и против, 10. садовые перчатки и грабли

Spotlight 9

Module 6

Test 6

Task 1 Make the sentences with the help of abstract nouns

  1. We have known each other since our … (child).

  2. I’m sick and tired of your … (lazy).

  3. It’s all your … (imagine), nothing else.

  4. They were very afraid of the … (dark) in the forest.

  5. There’s a …. (possible) that the museum will be closed when you get there.

Task 2 Fill in the right preposition

  1. If you show affection … your pet, it’ll be happy.

  2. We were rescued … bad homes.

  3. Tom has got involved … a community action group.

  4. She has checked …the items on her list.

  5. Take care … my little son when I’m out.

  6. They checked … at the hotel and they were shown to their rooms.

Task 3 What’s the English for

  1. Общественные службы

  2. Сеть рек и каналов

  3. Снимать деньги со счёта

  4. Хорошо проводить время

  5. Сообщить о пожаре

  6. Продвижение по службе

  7. Навещать пожилого человека

  8. Благотворительная акция

Spotlight 9

Module 6

Lessons 6a/6b

Task 1 Match the words

  1. animal

a. event

2. burst

b. members

3. charity

c. choice

4. foster

d. shelter

5. staff

e. a full recovery

6. natural

f. home

7. make

g. into tears

Task 2 What’s the English for

1. отвечать на телефонные звонки

2. помогать очищать лес

3. протянуть руку помощи

4. поддержать в трудной ситуации

5. переходить улицу по «зебре»

6. смотреть правильно за животными

7. кольцевая автодорога

8. заказать номер

Spotlight 9

Module 8

Lessons 8a-8b

Task 1 match the words

1. total

a. damage

2. burn

b. bruised

3. face

c. a disaster

4. perfectly

d. miracle

5. wannabe

e. an accident

6. brain

f. attitude

7. seriously

g. still

8. experience

h. her head

9. survive

I. film maker

10. positive

j. challenges

Task 2 Match the synonyms

1. soon

a. come into sight

2. appear

b. quit

3. understand

c. plant

4. face

d. before long

5. give up

e. keep mind on

6. place firmly

f. deal with

7. concentrate

g. gigantic

8. huge

h. realise

Task 3 Write the correct response

1. Have you done something to your leg? …………………………………..

2. I’m going to join an extreme sports club. ……………………

3. Want to try skydiving with me? ……………………….

4. What do you think about taking up a new hobby? ………………………

Task 4 What’s the English for:

1. Вдохновение

2. Выглядеть угнетённым

3. Жалеть кого-либо

4. Царапать ногу

5. Выиграть соревнование

6. Выглядеть нездоровым

7. Ужасное событие (случай)


Контрольные работы. Английский язык. 2 класс. УМК SPOTLIGHT.


Контрольные работы. Базовый уровень.

2 класс

Урок №22

Контрольная работа №1 (Module 1)

I вариант

  1. Read and circle. Прочитай и обведи правильный ответ.

  1. What’s this?

It’a bathroom.
  1. No, it isn’t.

  1. Where is Larry?

Yes, he is.
  1. He’s in the tree house.

  1. Is she in the living room?

No, she isn’t.
  1. It’s a radio.

  1. Read and write. Use: He’s or She’s Прочитай и запиши: Используй: He’s или She’s

  1. A: Where is Mummy?

B: _________ in the kitchen.

  1. A: Where is Daddy?

B: _________ in the garden.

  1. A: Where is Grandpa?

B: __________ in the bedroom.

  1. A: Where is Grandma?

B: ___________ in the house.

  1. Read and draw. Прочитай и нарисуй.

a yellow chair
  1. a green tree

  1. a red bed

2 класс

Урок №22

Контрольная работа №1 (Module 1)

II вариант

  1. Read and circle. Прочитай и обведи правильный ответ.

  1. What’s this?

Yes, it is.

b)It’s a living room.

  1. Where is Daddy?

No, he isn’t.
  1. He’s in the bathroom.

  1. Is she in the bedroom?

Yes, she is.
  1. It’s a chair.

  1. Read and write. Use: He’s or She’s Прочитай и запиши: Используй: He’s или She’s

  1. A: Where is Larry?

B: _________ in the garden.

  1. A: Where is Lulu?

B: _________ in the tree house.

  1. A: Where is Chuckles?

B: __________ in the bathroom.

  1. A: Where is Mummy?

B: ___________ in the kitchen.

  1. Read and draw. Прочитай и нарисуй.

a brown table
  1. a blue bath

  1. a red house

2 класс

Урок №32

Контрольная работа №2 (Module 2)

Вариант I

  1. Read and circle. Прочитай и обведи подходящее слово.

  1. Six egg/ eggs

  2. Three banana/ bananas

  3. One apple/ apples

  4. Four burger/ burgers

  1. Read and match. Прочитай и соедини вопрос с подходящим ответом.

1. How old are you?

a) Happy birthday!

b) I’m seven.

2.What’s your favourite food?

a) Pizza, yummy!

b) I like it.

  1. Look, read and complete. Допиши слова в текст, взяв их из таблицы.


оrange juice


ice cream



2 класс

Урок №32

Контрольная работа №2 (Module 2)

Вариант II

  1. Read and circle. Прочитай и обведи подходящее слово.

  2. Five sandwich/ sandwiches

  3. Eight cake/cakes

  4. Two biscuits/biscuits

  5. One candle/candles

  1. Read and match. Прочитай и соедини вопрос с подходящим ответом.

1. How old are you?

a) I’m six.

b) I’m happy!.

2.What’s your favourite food?

a) Thank you.

b) Chocolate, yummy!.

  1. Look, read and complete. Допиши слова в текст, взяв их из таблицы.







2 класс

Урок №44

Контрольная работа №3 (Module 3)

Вариант I

  1. Read and complete.

a horse, a bird, a fish, a chimp
  1. I can jump like __________ .

  2. I can run like ____________ .

  3. I can swim like ___________ .

  4. I can sing like ____________ .

  1. Read and write Yes, I can or No, I can’t

  1. Can you run?

  2. Can you fly?

  3. Can you dance?

  4. Can you sing?

  1. Look, read and complete.







  1. Lulu can’t climb.

  2. Lulu can __________ .

  3. She can’t __________ .

  4. She can ____________ .


Контрольные работы для 4 класса к УМК "Spotlight-4"

Test 1

  1. Расшифруй число и запиши его в тетрадь.

isyxt, ftyfi, egtyhi, tihtry, eninyt.

  1. Запиши предложения, в соответствии c целью высказывания, используя Present Continuous.

you / watch a video (?)

the boys / play soccer (x)

the children / sing a song (v)

he / talk on the phone (?)

I / play computer games (x)

  1. Прочитай текст, перепиши текст, выбрав подходящие слова из рамочки.

dark slim funny g green fishing piano


Look at the picture. This is my ____________ Dasha. She’s thirty-two years old. She’s tall and _____________ with _____________ hair and ____________ eyes. She always makes me laugh because she’s very ______________. She can play the ____________ very well. She lives near the sea. She likes swimming and _______________ in summer.

  1. Переведи слова на английский язык и запиши их в тетрадь.





Test 2

  1. Перепиши слова, вставляя пропущенные буквы.

T _e_tre, _o_pita_, s_at_ _n, _a_é, _os_ of_ice

  1. Напиши, который час, используя слова: o’clock, quarter past, quarter to, half past.

10:45 – It’s __________________________.

7:30 – It’s ___________________________.

12:00 – It’s __________________________.

3:15 – It’s ___________________________.

  1. Сделай данные предложения отрицательными.

They have to come to school on Sunday.

He has to do his homework.

She has to get up early on Saturdays.

  1. Расставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения в тетрадь.

it / What / is / time?

do / How / play / soccer / you / often?

a / twice / I / theatre / the / go / to / month.

quarter / to / It’s / twelve.

  1. Расшифруй слова и перепиши их в тетрадь.

Psto foefic, féac, alhopsit, rtehate.

Test 3

  1. Образуй от данных существительных форму множественного числа (слово в ед.ч. записывать не нужно).

Lemon pepper fox tomato

  1. Выбери правильное слово и запиши предложения в тетрадь.

How much/many bananas are there on the table?

How much/many olive oil is there in the bottle?

How much/many apples are there on the table?

How much/many salt is there on the shelf?

  1. Вставь there is или there are и перепиши предложения в тетрадь.

____________ a lot of sugar in the coffee.

____________ some olive oil in the bottle.

____________ some flour in the bag.

____________ a lot of tomatoes in the salad.

  1. Подбери к продуктам соответствующую упаковку/меру веса и запиши словосочетания в тетрадь. Например: cheese – a kilo of cheese

Olive oil –

Meat –

Chocolate –

Milk –

Test 4

  1. Выбери правильный вариант и запиши предложения в тетрадь.

Look! The giraffe eats/is eating from the tree!

They always have/is having a lot of fun at the zoo.

The dolphins swim/are swimming in the sea at the moment.

The seals swim/are swimming in the morning.

  1. Раскрой скобки, употребляя Present Simple или Present Continuous.

The monkeys always (climb) trees.

Listen! The crocodile (cry)!

The hippo (have a bath) at the moment.

The seals (swim) in the morning.

  1. Выбери правильное прилагательное и запиши предложения в тетрадь.

Monkeys are clever/cleverer than hippos.

Bananas are tasty/tastier fruit.

In autumn it’s warm/warmer than in winter.

  1. Вставь must, have to, may или can и перепиши предложения в тетрадь.

__________I come in?

Sasha is 4, but he ___________ read very well.

You _____________ do your homework every day.

I have a toothache. I ______________visit a dentist.

Test 5

  1. Напиши порядковые числительные словами.

20th 89th 33rd 45th 61st

  1. Вставь was или were и перепиши предложения в тетрадь.

The day __________ very warm.

He _____________ in the bedroom.

The trees _______________yellow.

My friends _______________ at the theatre.

  1. Напиши, где были эти люди вчера.

Larry / at home.

The children / at the cinema.

Ann and Peter / at the shop.

Alex / at the museum.

  1. Вставь am, is, are, was или were и перепиши предложения в тетрадь.

My father _____________ a teacher. He works at school.

We ______________ at the cinema last week.

I ________________ very hungry.

They _______________ at home now.

She ________________ a doctor 2 years ago.

Test 6

  1. Прочитай текст, вставь пропущенные слова и перепиши его в тетрадь.

weren’t last was wasn’t were

Ann and Jess were in the park __________________ Saturday. It ______________ warm but it was sunny. There were a lot of children there. They _______________ sad, they were happy. The trees _______________green and yellow. It _____________ a nice day!

  1. Напиши глаголы в Past Simple.

Visit, live, hope, listen, cry, start.

  1. Раскрой скобки и напиши глаголы в Past Simple. Перепиши текст в тетрадь.

Lulu ________(be) at the park yesterday. There ___________ (be) a lot of people and dogs there. They _________ (be) funny. The dogs ______________ (jump) and ____________(play).

The children __________ (laugh).

  1. Выбери нужное слово и перепиши предложения в тетрадь.

We _______(stay/stays/stayed) at the hotel last night.

The children _________(visit/visits/visited) a theatre 2 weeks ago.

They usually _________(watch/watches/watched) TV in the evening.

I __________(play/plays/played) soccer on Sundays.

Test 7

  1. Сделай предложения отрицательными и запиши их в тетрадь.

Tom rode a bike.

Maya went to the zoo.

I saw my friends yesterday.

  1. Задай вопросы к данным предложениям и запиши их в тетрадь.

Kate went to the museum on Wednesdays.

Mike saw a monkey at the circus.

I walked with my friends at the park.

  1. Выбери правильное слово и запиши предложения в тетрадь.

We write/wrote a dictation yesterday.

We sing/sang English songs at our English lessons every day.

They drink/drank milk last evening.

  1. Напиши сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных.

Big –

Clever –

Good –

Cold –

Test 8

  1. Напиши, что собираются делать эти люди в воскресенье, используя конструкцию to be going to.

Nick and Tim / watch an interesting film.

John / go to the river.

Laura and Julia / go to the museum.

  1. Задай вопросы к предложениям, используя конструкцию to be going to.

She is going to watch cartoons.

We are going to paint pictures.

Maya is going to read a book.

I am going to go to the cinema.

  1. Напиши предложения в Future Simple.

I / play football tomorrow.

We / watch an interesting film.

They / walk in the park.

  1. Вставь пропущенные буквы и запиши слова в тетрадь.

T_n_, _lee_i_g b_g, sw_ _s_i_, _un_la_s_s, bo_ _s.


Контрольная работа Spotlight 6 Module 7


Module 7

6th form

  1. Use the letters to make up the words. Use them in the sentences below.

buafetuli – ______________

edretsed – ______________

uqite – _____________

elacn – _____________

ylgu – _____________

  1. I like small towns. The air is _________ and fresh there.

  2. The main street of the city is very _________________. There are lots of nice buildings and decorations.

  3. There are ten hot ______ buildings in the world – buildings that are not beautiful.

  4. Lots of European towns are very small, peaceful and ________.

  5. There are several _____________ towns. People don’t live there anymore.

2. Fill in the gaps using the words from the frame.

introduce puzzled naughty rush loud

ghost weekly worried knock mines

1. The streets were empty. It was like a ________ town.

2. Can I ________ myself? My name is Henry Smith.

3. You must ________ on the door before you enter the classroom.

4. There are many gold ________ in South Africa.

5. Angela was really ________ because her daughter didn’t come home after school.

6. Fred was so __________ yesterday! He didn’t want to do his homework.

7. My parents buy a _________ newspaper every Sunday.

8. Nick was _________. He didn’t understand what happened.

9. We have got a lot of time. You don’t need to ________.

10. Molly got scared when she heard a ___________ noise.

3. Match the adjectives to their opposites.

1) wealthy A ugly

2) clean B quiet

3) beautiful C stressed

4) busy D poor

5) crowded E miserable

6) relaxed F deserted

7) happy G polluted

4. Complete the types of buildings.

1) s_l_ _ n 2) _es_ _ _r_ _t 3) s_ _ o_ l 4) p_s_ _ff_ c _

5) d_c_ _r’s 6) r_ _lw_ _ st_ _ _ _n 7) g_ r_g_

5. Write the correct past form of the following verbs. Then write 3 sentences with these words in the Past Simple Tense.

be - ….. do - ...... find - ..... go - ...... have - ..... hear - …..

make - ..... come - ….. . drink - ….. give - ….. meet - …... read - …….

see - ..... say - …... spend - …...




6. Read the text and choose the best word for each space.

Saturday, 14th June

I had a great day! I 1____ up at 8 o’clock and the sky was blue (get/woke/stood). I met Larry and George at the port 2____ nine and we left for Little Island (at/on/in). The sea was calm and the trip only took 3____ hour (the/a/an). When we arrived, we went 4____ and then we had a picnic on a beach (swam/swimming/swims).

5____ the afternoon we went for a walk around the island (on/around/in). We found an empty house on the top of the hill. There were 6____ strange paintings on the walls of the house (less/much/a lot of). It was cool! When we came out of the house, the sky was grey and then it started to rain. We decided to leave the island but 7____ the sea became very rough (then/when/and). The boat moved up and down and from side to side. We 8____ afraid but it was also fun (be/are/were). It 9____ us two hours to get back but we arrived safely (had/was/took). When I got home, mum was very 10____ but I told her that I had had a really lovely day (worry/worrying/worried)!


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