Контрольная работа по английскому языку 4 класс по программе "Enjoy English", автор Биболетова М.З. 4 класс биболетова контрольная

Итоговая Контрольная работа 4 класс, Биболетова

Enjoy English. Биболетова М.З. 2010

Аленчикова С.А. МОУ Гимназия №16 «Интерес»

Пояснительная записка

Лексика – учащиеся должны знать и уметь применять при выполнении устных и письменных упражнений лексические единицы по учебным ситуациям «Speaking about seasons and the weather», «Enjoy your home», «Having a good time with family», «Shopping for everything», «School is fun»

Грамматика – учащиеся должны владеть навыками употребления:

Part 1. Listening

Question 1 – 5

1. What will Jill play tomorrow?


a b c

2. When did Alex come back yesterday?


a b c

3. What did Mag buy for Tom?


a b c

4. What farm animal does Alice draw?hello_html_m134661a7.gif


a b c

5. What’s the weather like today?


a b c

Part 2. Reading (15 minutes)

Questions 6 – 10

Which notice (A - F) says (1 -5)?

For questions 6 – 10, mark the correct letter A – F in your sheet

  1. You must not do these things there A

  2. Phone if you want to buy this B

  3. You can come here on any day to play this C

  4. There is nobody here now

  5. Come here on this day if you want to do this D



Questions 11 – 15

Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines.

Example Books aren’t only for learning at school, but you know that!

11 How do you choose a book? __________ you look at the pictures? Some people do.

12 Many books are very old. Some fat books _________ long stories or many short 13stories in___________.

14 Lots _________ us like reading in bed. Many people take their books on transport to

15 read__________ they are going to work. Choose well what and where you read!

Example aren’t isn’t not

11 Did Do Does

12 have has had

13 it they them

14 by of on

15 what when why

Part 3. Grammar (5 minutes)

Question 16 – 20

Choose the right form

16. A cow is … than a sheep.

a) big b) more big c) bigger

17. Leopard is … in the world.

a) faster b) the fastest c) most fast

18. An elephant is … then monkey

a) more strong b) the most strong c) stronger

19. My cat is … .

a) more beautiful b) the most beautiful c) the beautifullest

20. Dolphin is … animal.

a) cleverer b) the most clever c) the cleverest

Part 4. Writing (10 minutes)

Question 21

This is part of letter to Ann. Answer her questions.

Write your letter in about

Text 1

Alex: Jill, what will you do tomorrow?

Jill: Well. Tomorrow is Saturday and I won’t go to school.

Alex: Will you stay at home and play puzzles?

Jill: Oh, no, we’ll play tennis with my brother in the park.

Alex: Are you good at tennis?

Jill: Yes, I think I play better than my brother.Alex, will you play with me tomorrow? Alex: With pleasure.

Text 2

Jill: Alex, I called you yesterday, but you were out.

Alex: Sorry, Jill, but I came back at 20 past seven.

Jill: Did you play football with your friends?

Alex: No, I went to the country with my parents on a little picnic.

Jill: Great. Was it fun?

Alex: Oh, yes. And what did you want, Jill?

Jill: Alex, could you give me your new computer game to play with?


Контрольное тестирование по английскому языку 4 класс, II четверть, УМК Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English-4»

Контрольное тестирование по английскому языку 4 класс, II четверть, УМК Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English-4» Составлено для двух вариантов. Состоит из пяти разноуровневых заданий. Тест на проверку лексико-грамматических знаний: - использование лексики в контексте, - использование предлогов места, - дифференциация оборотов there is/there are, -использование видовременной формы глагола, - формообразование множественного числа существительного.

Просмотр содержимого документа «Контрольное тестирование по английскому языку 4 класс, II четверть, УМК Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English-4» »

Контрольное тестирование по английскому языку

4 класс, II четверть, УМК Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English-4»

1 вариант

1. Прочитай письмо и вставь пропущенные слова

Beautiful, write, letter, in the country, behind, sheep, mountains, towns, swim, river, garden

Dear Sam,

Thank you for your _____________. I am Anna, I am from Russia. My country is large and

________________. There are many cities and _________ in Russia. But I live _________________.

I live with my mum and dad. Our house isn’t big. There is a green ____________ with apple trees and flowers ___________ my house. There is a river next to the forest. My friends and I _________

there in summer. There is an old bridge over the ____________. We’ve got a cow, five _________,

a horse, a cat and a dog. I like to read books about seas, oceans, ____________________ and deserts.

___________ me about your country and your town, please.

Your pen friend,


2. Выбери и обведи нужный предлог

1. There is a nice round table in/ on/ at the room.

2. I share a large room of / from / with my brother.

3. There is a nice carpet on/ at/ in the floor.

4. There are two toys in/ on/ under the chair.

5. There is a shelf next to/ under/ between the fireplace.

3. Прочитай предложения и вставь пропущенные is или are.

1. There………. two windows in the kitchen.

2. ………..there many books in his room?- Yes, there ……..

3. There…………. a sofa and two armchairs in Jim’s living-room.

4. ………….there a big kitchen in their cottage?- No, there ……n’t.

5. There ………… a black old piano in the dining- room.

4. Выбери и подчеркни нужный глагол.

1. She will draw/ draws a funny picture for her brother tomorrow.

2. I’ll have/ have breakfast at 8 am every day.

3. They will help/ help you tomorrow.

4. It is/ will be sunny and hot next summer.

5. She will listen/listens to music every day.

5. Заполни таблицу









Контрольное тестирование по английскому языку

4 класс, II четверть, УМК Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English-4»

2 вариант

1. Прочитай письмо и вставь пропущенные слова

Beautiful, write, letter, in the country, behind, sheep, mountains, towns, swim, river, garden

Dear Sam,

Thank you for your _____________. I am Anna, I am from Russia. My country is large and

________________. There are many cities and _________ in Russia. But I live _________________.

I live with my mum and dad. Our house isn’t big. There is a green ____________ with apple trees and flowers ___________ my house. There is a river next to the forest. My friends and I _________

there in summer. There is an old bridge over the ____________. We’ve got a cow, five _________,

a horse, a cat and a dog. I like to read books about seas, oceans, ____________________ and deserts.

___________ me about your country and your town, please.

Your pen friend,


2.Выбери и обведи нужный предлог

1. There is no TV on/ behind/ in the room.

2. I share a large room of/ from/ with my sister.

3. There are a lot of books on/ behind/ in the shelf.

4. There are two desks on/ under/ next to the window.

5. There is a nice carpet on/ at/ in the floor.

3. Прочитай предложения и вставь пропущенные is или are.

1. There………. one window in the bedroom.

2. ……….. there any posters in your room?- Yes, there …….. two posters in it.

3. There…………. a living – room and two bedrooms in Jim’s house.

4. …………. a bridge over the river? - No, there ……..n’t.

5. There ………… a nice new sofa in the living- room.

4. Выбери и подчеркни нужный глагол.

1. He’ll draw/ draws a funny picture for his sister tomorrow.

2. I’ll have/ have dinner at 2 p.m. every day.

3. We’ll help/ help you next week.

4. It is/ will be snowy and cold next winter.

5. She will listen/ listens to music every Sunday.

5. Заполни таблицу










Контрольная работа по английскому языку 4 класс по программе "Enjoy English", автор Биболетова М.З.

Ермилова Н.В.,

учитель английского языка

муниципального бюджетного общеобразовательного учреждения

«Школа №117»

г. Нижний Новгород

Промежуточная контрольная работа

за | полугодие

по английскому языку

по программе «Enjoy English» автор: Биболетова М. З.

4 класс

Заполните Ваши данные печатными буквами



Класс :

А. Аудирование

B. Чтение

B1. Прочитайте текст и вставьте необходимые по смыслу слова.

A. ball

B. meat

C. fox baby

D. mushrooms

E. river

My name is David. Last summer I lived in the village with my granny and grandpa.

There is a big forest and a (1) near our village.

Every day my friends and I went to the river. We swam and played with a (2) on the green grass.

One day in July we got up at 6 o’clock in the morning and went to the forest. There were many (3) and berries in the forest. We picked flowers, gathered berries and mushrooms.

Suddenly one of the boys stopped and said, “Look! What is this?”

We ran up to him and saw a small (4) under a big tree. It was very nice and funny. “Where is your mother, baby?” we asked him.

We took the fox baby home. We gave him fish and (5). He grew up quickly. We named him “July”. July liked to play with us. We were friends.

One day when we wanted to play with July we couldn’t find him. He ran away to the forest.


B2 . Last summer David lived in … . B6. One day July ran away… .

    1. town a. to the village

    2. the village b. to the river

    3. the forest c. to the forest

B3. Every day the boys went … .

a. to the forest

b. to the zoo

c. to the river

B4. The boys saw a baby fox … .

    1. under a big tree

    2. near the river

    3. in the village

B5. The boys gave July … .

a. berries and mushrooms

b. meat and fish

c. some water

C. Грамматика

C1. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. Запишите грамматически правильное предложение

1. My brother _______yesterday.

a)will cry b) cries c) cried

2.Granny_____to us last week.

a)came b)will come c) comes

3.Mary often____at the parties.

a)will sing b)sings c)didn’t sing

4.Our family____to London next year.

a)will go b)went c)goes

5.I usually ____up at 7 o’clock.

a) get b) will get c) got

6. This girl____in the park tomorrow.

a) skates b) skated c)will skate

С2. Поставьте глаголы в Past Simple.

1. to live-______________ 6. to try-__________

2. to give-_____________ 7. to watch-_________

3. to eat-______________ 8. to do-___________

4. to think-____________ 9. to want-_________

5. to play-_____________ 10. to be-___________

C3. Образуйте форму множественного числа

  1. Tooth _______________________________________________________

  2. Lady ________________________________________________________

  3. Fox __________________________________________________________

  4. Child ________________________________________________________

  5. Book________________________________________________________

C4. Раскройте скобки, употребив прилагательное в правильной форме.

1. My sister is the __________ (lazy) pupil in her class.

2. It is a very __________ (interesting) English book.

3. This baby is the __________ (nice) baby in the world.

4. My bike is __________ (good) than your bike.

5. Tigers are __________ (big) than dogs.

С5. Заполните пропуски предлогами.

Предлоги: in the middle of, in, to, above, on.

1. He likes to ski _____ winter.

2. Do you like to listen _____ music?

3. I play tennis _____ Sunday.

4. What is there _____ the room?

5. There is a nice picture _____the table.

С 6. Вставьте пропущенные слова is или are.

1) There a nice woman in the kitchen.

2) there an old armchair in Tiny's house?

3) There ______ five shelves with interesting books in his room.

  1. There no clocks in the living room.

  2. There a sofa, a table and three chairs in the living room.

С 7. Вставьте артикль(a,an,the), где необходимо.1. I see…elephant on … table. …toy elephant is big.

2. This ... book is good. I like…book.

3. Give me ... chair, please.

4. They have ... dog and two ... cats.

5. I have ... spoon in my ... cup, but I have no ... tea in it.

C8. Составьте предложения из слов.

1.is, an armchair, there, in your kitchen?


2. did, clean, your room, you, yesterday?


3. it, in winter, is, very cold.


4. sweets, not, there, in the box, any, were.


5.my mother, next summer, will take me, to the Black Sea.



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