Контрольная работа по английскому языку. Контрольная английский

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 11 классе за 3 четверть. (вариант 1)

1. Read the text and complete it with the phrases (a-h). There is one phrase you don’t have to use.

a) surgeon operates  the instruments

b) by an electronic device

c) the building of surgical robots

d) because they can detect the change in acidity

e) becomes more difficult

f) on a special screen

g) the operation can be done faster

h) safe are these robots

Now there are robots that help surgeon perform operations. What can they do and is there anything to fear?

As surgical techniques become more advanced, keeping close control over everything that goes on during the operation (1)_________. The need for greater control and sensitivity has led to (2)_________. Keyhole surgery has s lot of benefit from their help. Specially adapted instruments on the ends of thin tubes are put through a small hole in the patient’s skin. The (3)_________ from outside the body using an instrument called a laparoscope, which has a camera on it. Thus doctors can watch the whole operation (4)_________.

The Laparobot or the robot laparascope gives the surgeon  greater control over the image on the screen, so (5)_________. The Laparobot is controlled (6)_________ worn by the surgeon. The position of the camera inside the patient follows the surgeon’s hands movements. But how (7)_________ ? Unlike industrial robots, these new surgical robots are designed to be extremely sensitive to the environment and respond quickly to any change. For instance,  they stop if they bump into an unexpected blood vessel.

2. Translate into English.

1. изумительный 2. захватывать 3. понимать 4. убедительный 5. тонуть (о людях) 6. выставлять 7. верный 8. роскошный 9. обладать 10. выпускать 11.искать 12. подходящий 13. подозревать 14. стоящий 15. придираться

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 11 классе за 3 четверть. (вариант 2)

1. Read the text and complete it with the phrases (a-h). There is one phrase you don’t have to use.

a) safe are these robots

b) the operation can be done faster

c) becomes more difficult

d) on a special screen

e) the building of surgical robots

f) by an electronic device

g) because they can detect the change in acidity

h) surgeon operates  the instruments

Now there are robots that help surgeon perform operations. What can they do and is there anything to fear?

As surgical techniques become more advanced, keeping close control over everything that goes on during the operation (1)_________. The need for greater control and sensitivity has led to (2)_________. Keyhole surgery has s lot of benefit from their help. Specially adapted instruments on the ends of thin tubes are put through a small hole in the patient’s skin. The (3)_________ from outside the body using an instrument called a laparoscope, which has a camera on it. Thus doctors can watch the whole operation (4)_________.

The Laparobot or the robot laparascope gives the surgeon  greater control over the image on the screen, so (5)_________. The Laparobot is controlled (6)_________ worn by the surgeon. The position of the camera inside the patient follows the surgeon’s hands movements. But how (7)_________ ? Unlike industrial robots, these new surgical robots are designed to be extremely sensitive to the environment and respond quickly to any change. For instance,  they stop if they bump into an unexpected blood vessel.

2. Translate into English.

1. изумление 2. захватывающий 3. понятный 4. убеждать 5. тонуть (о неодушевленных предметах) 6. выставка 7. вера 8. роскошь 9. обладание 10. восстанавливать 11.напоминать 12. подходить 13. подозрение 14.быть уволенным  15. выбирать

3. Match the words in two columns and complete the sentences with the phrases.

1. hardly             a) a gardener

2. worth              b) the poor animal

3. employ           c) of restoring

4. suspected        d) of being a spy

5. released          e) comprehensible

1. She was ___________ but the police didn’t have any evidence. 2. Sir Reynolds was reading a long ___________ report written in official language. 3. The old church is certainly ___________ but the community doesn’t have any money to pay the architect and the builders. 4. The new owner of the castle intended to ___________ and the cook. 5. Walking in the forest Sam saw a small white hare under a thick branch and ___________ from the trap.

4. Use the adverbs in brackets in the appropriate forms to complete the sentences.

1. Two very large vans drove quite slowly down the street. The first one was moving a bit (quickly) than the second one. 2. The last orator spoke (enthusiastically) in comparison to the previous speakers. 3. The diggers moved much (far) but didn’t reach  the bottom. 4. I see Uncle Gerald (little) of all my relatives because he seldom comes to Wales. 5.Such species appear (frequently) here than the ones we were speaking about the other day. 6. She began to smile (brightly) than in the days of his youth.

5. Use the derivatives of the words given in brackets to complete the text.

The word “microscope” is a 1.(combine) of two Greek words, micros, or “small” and scopos, or “watcher”. It helps to see tiny things, which are 2.(visible) to the naked eye. No one is quite sure who 3.(actual) invented it. The credit is 4.(usual) given to Galileo. A Dutch 5(science) called Leeuwenhoek is sometimes referred to as “the father of microscope’ but that’s because of many 6(discover) he made with this instrument. He was also the first to see the whole 7(circulate) of the blood. Today the 8(important) of microscope to man in almost every form of science and industry is evident.

3. Match the words in two columns and complete the sentences with the phrases.

1. masterpiece              a) schoolar

2. famous                     b) beauty

3. captivating               c) a car

4. perform                    d) miracles

5. hired                         e) is on exhibition

1. In his book “English as a global language” David Cristal, a ___________ and a linguist, showed the role of English in the modern world. 2. Sunflowers Vincent Van Gogh’s ___________in Sweden. 3. Every year Venice’s ___________ attracts thousands of tourists. 4. They say Doctor Lewis can really ___________. Practically all his patients leave his hospital cured and healthy. 5. When we were in Italy, we ___________ for a week.

4. Use the adverbs in brackets in the appropriate forms to complete the sentences.

1. The elderly gentleman spoke to us very dryly, much (dryly) than we had expected him to. 2. You should have acted (slyly). Your opponents are very clever, knowlegeable and cunning. 3. It is snowing hard outside, much (hard) than yesterday. 4. I can say that Ron is a very good athlete. He runs (fast) of all in the team, swims a bit (badly) than Greg and jumps (high) than everybody except Willy.

5. Use the derivatives of the words given in brackets to complete the text.

The word “microscope” is a 1.(combine) of two Greek words, micros, or “small” and scopos, or “watcher”. It helps to see tiny things, which are 2.(visible) to the naked eye. No one is quite sure who 3.(actual) invented it. The credit is 4.(usual) given to Galileo. A Dutch 5(science) called Leeuwenhoek is sometimes referred to as “the father of microscope’ but that’s because of many 6(discover) he made with this instrument. He was also the first to see the whole 7(circulate) of the blood. Today the 8(important) of microscope to man in almost every form of science and industry is evident.

Просмотр содержимого документа «Контрольная работа по английскому языку»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 11 классе за 3 четверть. (вариант 1)

1. Read the text and complete it with the phrases (a-h). There is one phrase you don’t have to use.

a) surgeon operates the instruments

b) by an electronic device

c) the building of surgical robots

d) because they can detect the change in acidity

e) becomes more difficult

f) on a special screen

g) the operation can be done faster

h) safe are these robots

Now there are robots that help surgeon perform operations. What can they do and is there anything to fear?

As surgical techniques become more advanced, keeping close control over everything that goes on during the operation (1)_________ . The need for greater control and sensitivity has led to (2)_________. Keyhole surgery has s lot of benefit from their help. Specially adapted instruments on the ends of thin tubes are put through a small hole in the patient’s skin. The (3)_________ from outside the body using an instrument called a laparoscope, which has a camera on it. Thus doctors can watch the whole operation (4)_________.

The Laparobot or the robot laparascope gives the surgeon greater control over the image on the screen, so (5)_________. The Laparobot is controlled (6)_________ worn by the surgeon. The position of the camera inside the patient follows the surgeon’s hands movements. But how (7)_________ ? Unlike industrial robots, these new surgical robots are designed to be extremely sensitive to the environment and respond quickly to any change. For instance, they stop if they bump into an unexpected blood vessel.

2. Translate into English.

1. изумительный 2. захватывать 3. понимать 4. убедительный 5. тонуть (о людях) 6. выставлять 7. верный 8. роскошный 9. обладать 10. выпускать 11.искать 12. подходящий 13. подозревать 14. стоящий 15. придираться

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 11 классе за 3 четверть. (вариант 2)

1. Read the text and complete it with the phrases (a-h). There is one phrase you don’t have to use.

a) safe are these robots

b) the operation can be done faster

c) becomes more difficult

d) on a special screen

e) the building of surgical robots

f) by an electronic device

g) because they can detect the change in acidity

h) surgeon operates the instruments

Now there are robots that help surgeon perform operations. What can they do and is there anything to fear?

As surgical techniques become more advanced, keeping close control over everything that goes on during the operation (1)_________ . The need for greater control and sensitivity has led to (2)_________. Keyhole surgery has s lot of benefit from their help. Specially adapted instruments on the ends of thin tubes are put through a small hole in the patient’s skin. The (3)_________ from outside the body using an instrument called a laparoscope, which has a camera on it. Thus doctors can watch the whole operation (4)_________.

The Laparobot or the robot laparascope gives the surgeon greater control over the image on the screen, so (5)_________. The Laparobot is controlled (6)_________ worn by the surgeon. The position of the camera inside the patient follows the surgeon’s hands movements. But how (7)_________ ? Unlike industrial robots, these new surgical robots are designed to be extremely sensitive to the environment and respond quickly to any change. For instance, they stop if they bump into an unexpected blood vessel.

2. Translate into English.

1. изумление 2. захватывающий 3. понятный 4. убеждать 5. тонуть (о неодушевленных предметах) 6. выставка 7. вера 8. роскошь 9. обладание 10. восстанавливать 11.напоминать 12. подходить 13. подозрение 14.быть уволенным 15. выбирать

3. Match the words in two columns and complete the sentences with the phrases.

1. hardly a) a gardener

2. worth b) the poor animal

3. employ c) of restoring

4. suspected d) of being a spy

5. released e) comprehensible

1. She was ___________ but the police didn’t have any evidence. 2. Sir Reynolds was reading a long ___________ report written in official language. 3. The old church is certainly ___________ but the community doesn’t have any money to pay the architect and the builders. 4. The new owner of the castle intended to ___________ and the cook. 5. Walking in the forest Sam saw a small white hare under a thick branch and ___________ from the trap.

4. Use the adverbs in brackets in the appropriate forms to complete the sentences.

1. Two very large vans drove quite slowly down the street. The first one was moving a bit (quickly) than the second one. 2. The last orator spoke (enthusiastically) in comparison to the previous speakers. 3. The diggers moved much (far) but didn’t reach the bottom. 4. I see Uncle Gerald (little) of all my relatives because he seldom comes to Wales. 5.Such species appear (frequently) here than the ones we were speaking about the other day. 6. She began to smile (brightly) than in the days of his youth.

5. Use the derivatives of the words given in brackets to complete the text.

The word “microscope” is a 1.(combine) of two Greek words, micros, or “small” and scopos , or “watcher”. It helps to see tiny things, which are 2.(visible) to the naked eye. No one is quite sure who 3.(actual) invented it. The credit is 4.(usual) given to Galileo. A Dutch 5(science) called Leeuwenhoek is sometimes referred to as “the father of microscope’ but that’s because of many 6(discover) he made with this instrument. He was also the first to see the whole 7(circulate) of the blood. Today the 8(important) of microscope to man in almost every form of science and industry is evident.

3. Match the words in two columns and complete the sentences with the phrases.

1. masterpiece a) schoolar

2. famous b) beauty

3. captivating c) a car

4. perform d) miracles

5. hired e) is on exhibition

1. In his book “English as a global language” David Cristal, a ___________ and a linguist, showed the role of English in the modern world. 2. Sunflowers Vincent Van Gogh’s ___________in Sweden. 3. Every year Venice’s ___________ attracts thousands of tourists. 4. They say Doctor Lewis can really ___________ . Practically all his patients leave his hospital cured and healthy. 5. When we were in Italy, we ___________ for a week.

4. Use the adverbs in brackets in the appropriate forms to complete the sentences.

1. The elderly gentleman spoke to us very dryly, much (dryly) than we had expected him to. 2. You should have acted (slyly). Your opponents are very clever , knowlegeable and cunning. 3. It is snowing hard outside, much (hard) than yesterday. 4. I can say that Ron is a very good athlete. He runs (fast) of all in the team, swims a bit (badly) than Greg and jumps (high) than everybody except Willy.

5. Use the derivatives of the words given in brackets to complete the text.

The word “microscope” is a 1.(combine) of two Greek words, micros, or “small” and scopos , or “watcher”. It helps to see tiny things, which are 2.(visible) to the naked eye. No one is quite sure who 3.(actual) invented it. The credit is 4.(usual) given to Galileo. A Dutch 5(science) called Leeuwenhoek is sometimes referred to as “the father of microscope’ but that’s because of many 6(discover) he made with this instrument. He was also the first to see the whole 7(circulate) of the blood. Today the 8(important) of microscope to man in almost every form of science and industry is evident.


Контрольная работа по английскому языку

1. Превратите следующие предложения в косвенную речь, сделав все необходимые изменения.


1)Fred said: “I have invented a new computer program”. 2)Mary said: “I will help my sister.” 3)They told me: “We were really happy.” 4)She said: “I live in a big apartment.” 5)He told her: “I am going to the fish market.” 6)Betty said: “I found my passport.” 7)Mr. Ford said: “I don’t like pork.” 8)Little Tim told his mother: “I am sleepy.”

2. Измените вопросы на косвенную речь. Начиная со слов  Maria wondered …


1)“Where has Jim gone?” 2) “What did the workers eat?” 3)«Have you ever been to China, Sam?”

4)“Are you French or Italian?” 5)“When will the next train arrive?” 6)“Do you grow flowers in your garden, Mrs. Smith?”


3. Вставьте пропущенные слова

 Drink, leg, take, medicine, toothache, temperature1)This is a good__ for a cold.2)He has a pain in his____.3)Mum asked him to take his______.4)You should stay in bed and _______ hot milk.5)I have a terrible_______, I should go to the dentist.6)You should _____this medicine 3 times a day.

4.Переведите на русский язык:

1)У меня болит живот.2)Доктор сказал, что мне следует оставаться в постели.3)У тебя простуда. Сходи к врачу.4) Прими это лекарство от головной боли.5)Тебе следует принимать витамины, чтобы быстрее выздороветь.6)Если ты хочешь похудеть, тебе следует соблюдать диету.





1. Превратите следующие предложения в косвенную речь, сделав все необходимые изменения.

1)“I am planning to go to Kenya,” Sally said.2) “I will take my little sister to school next  day,” little Anthony said. 3) “They play in the gym every day,” Nick said. 4)“I don’t like chocolate,” Mary said.5) “My sister has gone” Helen said 6). “My mother went shopping last Saturday,” the girl said. 7)“The birds were in the south,” the teacher said. 8)“I am not married,” she said.

2. Измените вопросы на косвенную речь. Начиная со слов  Alex wondered …

Do you  have headaches?.2)“What’s her name?”3) Are you taking any medicine now?4)  Will you follow my advice? 5)“What did she buy?”6) “Why is she working so late?”

3. Вставьте пропущенные слова

Medicine      headache   throat   temperature   doctor   swallow   cold  

1)Yesterday Pete had a … and high ….2)His mother called a ….3)She examined his ….4)It was red and it was difficult for him to ….5)The doctor said that it was a … and prescribed ….

4.Переведите на русский язык:

1)У меня болит живот.2)Доктор сказал, что мне следует оставаться в постели.3)У тебя простуда. Сходи к врачу.4) Прими это лекарство от головной боли.5)Тебе следует принимать витамины, чтобы быстрее выздороветь.6)Если ты хочешь похудеть, тебе следует соблюдать диету.

Rewrite the following statements as indirect speech with tense change.

  1. He said, ”I’m living in New York”
  2. She said, “My father isn’t well”
  3. They said, “Rachel and Mark are getting married next month”
  4. He said, “My sister has had a baby”
  5. My sister said, “I don’t know what Frank is doing”
  6. He said, “I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine”
  7. My mom said, “I haven’t seen Diane tonight”
  8. Steve said, “I’m not enjoying my job very much”
  9. Mary said, ”You can come and stay at my place if you are ever in London”
  10. Joe said, “My car was stolen (украдена) few days ago”
  11. He said, “I want to go on holiday”
  12. She said, “I will tell Chris I saw you”
  13. “I get up early every day at 6.30”? she said.
  14. “Everybody likes comedy films”, he said.
  15. “I’m thinking about it”, he said.
  16. “Scientists don’t understand everything”, she said.
  17. “I’ve decided to look for a new job”, he said.
  18. “I can swim 5 000 meters”, he said.
  19. “I’ll phone you on Friday”, he said.
  20. “I love you and I want you to come with me”, Paris told Helen

Rewrite the following statements as indirect speech with tense change.

  1. He said, ”I’m living in New York”
  2. She said, “My father isn’t well”
  3. They said, “Rachel and Mark are getting married next month”
  4. He said, “My sister has had a baby”
  5. My sister said, “I don’t know what Frank is doing”
  6. He said, “I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine”
  7. My mom said, “I haven’t seen Diane tonight”
  8. Steve said, “I’m not enjoying my job very much”
  9. Mary said, ”You can come and stay at my place if you are ever in London”
  10. Joe said, “My car was stolen (украдена) few days ago”
  11. He said, “I want to go on holiday”
  12. She said, “I will tell Chris I saw you”
  13. “I get up early every day at 6.30”? she said.
  14. “Everybody likes comedy films”, he said.
  15. “I’m thinking about it”, he said.
  16. “Scientists don’t understand everything”, she said.
  17. “I’ve decided to look for a new job”, he said.
  18. “I can swim 5 000 meters”, he said.
  19. “I’ll phone you on Friday”, he said.
  20. “I love you and I want you to come with me”, Paris told Helen
  1. Fred said (that) he had invented a new computer program.
  2. Mary said (that) she would help her sister.
  3. They told me (that) they had been really happy.
  4. She said (that) she lived in a big apartment.
  5. He told her (that) he was going to the fish market.
  6. Betty said (that) she had found her passport.
  7. Mr. Ford said (that) he didn’t like pork.
  8. Little Tim told his mother (that) he was sleepy.
  1. Maria wanted to know where Jim had gone.
  2. They asked what the workers had eaten.
  3. I asked Sam if he had ever been to China.
  4. She wanted to know if he was French or Italian.
  5. I asked when the next train would arrive.
  6. She wondered if Mrs. Smith grew flowers in her garden.

Просмотр содержимого документа «Контрольная работа по английскому языку»

1. Превратите следующие предложения в косвенную речь, сделав все необходимые изменения.

1)Fred said: “I have invented a new computer program”. 2)Mary said: “I will help my sister.” 3)They told me: “We were really happy.” 4)She said: “I live in a big apartment.” 5)He told her: “I am going to the fish market.” 6)Betty said: “I found my passport.” 7)Mr. Ford said: “I don’t like pork.” 8)Little Tim told his mother: “I am sleepy.”

2. Измените вопросы на косвенную речь. Начиная со слов Maria wondered …

1)“Where has Jim gone?” 2) “What did the workers eat?” 3)«Have you ever been to China, Sam?”

4)“Are you French or Italian?” 5)“When will the next train arrive?” 6)“Do you grow flowers in your garden, Mrs. Smith?”

3. Вставьте пропущенные слова

Drink, leg, take, medicine, toothache, temperature1)This is a good__ for a cold.2)He has a pain in his____.3)Mum asked him to take his______.4)You should stay in bed and _______ hot milk.5)I have a terrible_______, I should go to the dentist.6)You should _____this medicine 3 times a day.

4.Переведите на русский язык:

1)У меня болит живот.2)Доктор сказал, что мне следует оставаться в постели.3)У тебя простуда. Сходи к врачу.4) Прими это лекарство от головной боли.5)Тебе следует принимать витамины, чтобы быстрее выздороветь.6)Если ты хочешь похудеть, тебе следует соблюдать диету.

1. Превратите следующие предложения в косвенную речь, сделав все необходимые изменения.

1)“I am planning to go to Kenya,” Sally said.2) “I will take my little sister to school next day,” little Anthony said. 3) “They play in the gym every day,” Nick said. 4)“I don’t like chocolate,” Mary said.5) “My sister has gone” Helen said 6). “My mother went shopping last Saturday,” the girl said. 7)“The birds were in the south,” the teacher said. 8)“I am not married,” she said.

2. Измените вопросы на косвенную речь. Начиная со слов Alex wondered …

Do you have headaches? .2)“What’s her name?”3) Are you taking any medicine now?4) Will you follow my advice? 5)“What did she buy?”6) “Why is she working so late?”

3. Вставьте пропущенные слова

Medicine headache throat temperature doctor swallow cold

1)Yesterday Pete had a … and high ….2)His mother called a ….3)She examined his … .4)It was red and it was difficult for him to ….5)The doctor said that it was a … and prescribed ….

4.Переведите на русский язык:

1)У меня болит живот.2)Доктор сказал, что мне следует оставаться в постели.3)У тебя простуда. Сходи к врачу.4) Прими это лекарство от головной боли.5)Тебе следует принимать витамины, чтобы быстрее выздороветь.6)Если ты хочешь похудеть, тебе следует соблюдать диету.

Rewrite the following statements as indirect speech with tense change.

  1. He said, ”I’m living in New York”

  2. She said, “My father isn’t well”

  3. They said, “Rachel and Mark are getting married next month”

  4. He said, “My sister has had a baby”

  5. My sister said, “I don’t know what Frank is doing”

  6. He said, “I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine”

  7. My mom said, “I haven’t seen Diane tonight”

  8. Steve said, “I’m not enjoying my job very much”

  9. Mary said, ”You can come and stay at my place if you are ever in London”

  10. Joe said, “My car was stolen (украдена) few days ago”

  11. He said, “I want to go on holiday”

  12. She said, “I will tell Chris I saw you”

  13. “I get up early every day at 6.30”? she said.

  14. “Everybody likes comedy films”, he said.

  15. “I’m thinking about it”, he said.

  16. “Scientists don’t understand everything”, she said.

  17. “I’ve decided to look for a new job”, he said.

  18. “I can swim 5 000 meters”, he said.

  19. “I’ll phone you on Friday”, he said.

  20. “I love you and I want you to come with me”, Paris told Helen

Rewrite the following statements as indirect speech with tense change.

  1. He said, ”I’m living in New York”

  2. She said, “My father isn’t well”

  3. They said, “Rachel and Mark are getting married next month”

  4. He said, “My sister has had a baby”

  5. My sister said, “I don’t know what Frank is doing”

  6. He said, “I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine”

  7. My mom said, “I haven’t seen Diane tonight”

  8. Steve said, “I’m not enjoying my job very much”

  9. Mary said, ”You can come and stay at my place if you are ever in London”

  10. Joe said, “My car was stolen (украдена) few days ago”

  11. He said, “I want to go on holiday”

  12. She said, “I will tell Chris I saw you”

  13. “I get up early every day at 6.30”? she said.

  14. “Everybody likes comedy films”, he said.

  15. “I’m thinking about it”, he said.

  16. “Scientists don’t understand everything”, she said.

  17. “I’ve decided to look for a new job”, he said.

  18. “I can swim 5 000 meters”, he said.

  19. “I’ll phone you on Friday”, he said.

  20. “I love you and I want you to come with me”, Paris told Helen

  1. Fred said (that) he had invented a new computer program.

  2. Mary said (that) she would help her sister.

  3. They told me (that) they had been really happy.

  4. She said (that) she lived in a big apartment.

  5. He told her (that) he was going to the fish market.

  6. Betty said (that) she had found her passport.

  7. Mr. Ford said (that) he didn’t like pork.

  8. Little Tim told his mother (that) he was sleepy.

  1. Maria wanted to know where Jim had gone.

  2. They asked what the workers had eaten.

  3. I asked Sam if he had ever been to China.

  4. She wanted to know if he was French or Italian.

  5. I asked when the next train would arrive.

  6. She wondered if Mrs. Smith grew flowers in her garden.


контрольная английский 1 курс, в

Министерство образования республики Беларусь

Учреждение образования


Институт информационных технологий

Специальность ЭСБ


По курсу английский язык

Вариант № 1

Студент-заочник_1_ курса

Группы №

ФИО __________________




Тел. ___________________

Минск, 2012


Задание 1. Укажите номера предложений, в которых окончание «-s» является показателем: a) множественного числа имени существительного; b) притяжательного падежа имени существительного; c) глагола в 3-м лице ед.числа Present Simple.

1. All Belarusian citizens are equal before the law, they enjoy equal rights and equal duties.

2. The Belarus’s population is less than 10 million now.

3.Their laboratory occupies a separate part of the building.

Ответ: 1-а, 2-в, 3-с

Задание 2. Укажите номера предложений, в которых указательные местоимения this, these, that, those выступают как заместители ранее упомянутых существительных. Назовите эти существительные.

  1. Natural rubber is of higher quality than that produced artificially.

  2. These factors taken together ensure high production efficiency.

3. The pictures painted by Rembrant and those painted by Rubens have very little in common.

Ответ: 1,3

Задание 3. Укажите номера предложений, в которых встречаются сравнительные конструкции, имеющие значение: a) такой же, … как;

b) не такой, … как; с) чем; d) чем … тем.

  1. On behalf of their nations the leaders of European countries, the United States and Canada declared in Helsinki in the summer of 1975 that their countries will encourage the expansion of trade on as broad a multilateral basis as possible.

  2. The better a region is surveyed, the more reliable its potential deposits of raw materials and the better its economic prospects.

  3. In Siberia highways are not so economically effective as a railway since motor transport over such long distances means vast fuel expenditure.

  4. There is more water in Lake Baikal than in the Baltic Sea.

Ответ: 1-а, 2-d, 3-b, 4-c

Задание 4. Read the text. Then read the titles. Which of the following titles is the best?

a) Radio and Electronic Devices.

b) Radio Waves.

c) The Birth of Radio.

d) Radio and TV.

1. Today we don’t think twice when we turn on the radio, but when a 21-year-old Italian invented it over 100 years ago no one could believe their ears.

2. One day in 1895 in Bologna, Italy, an Italian engineer sent the world’s first radio signal. Using a simple radio transmitter and a receiver, he sent a signal from his attic room to his brother who was hidden in a field a kilometer away. 1 ____. The Italian government showed no interest in young Marconi’s invention, but his mother believed he had a good idea. So in February of the following year, she sent him to England to meet her cousin who was an important engineer. 2 ____.

3. In England this engineer and his cousin were joined by two other inventors. In 1897 he formed the Wireless Telegraph Company in London and started to transmit simple radio signals over long distances. In 1899 he sent the first wireless telegraph across the English Channel to France.

4. He had always believed that radio waves could travel round the curve of the earth. By 1901 he had improved his radio system so much that on 12th December he astonished the world by sending the first radio signals across the Atlantic Ocean. 4 ____. His system was soon adopted by the British and Italian navies. From now on, his company had the monopoly of wireless communication and he became a multi-millionaire.

5. This engineer is one of the key figures of the twentieth century. He even recognized the military importance of radar and thought of the idea of sending radio signals out into space. When he died in 1937, wireless stations all over the world closed down for two minutes as a mark of respect. He made only one big mistake. 5 ____.

Задание 5. Read the text again. Choose the best sentence from the list below to complete each gap.

a) They were transmitted from Poldhu in Cornwall, and were received 3,520 kilometres away in St John’s, Newfoundland, using an aerial flown in the air by a kite.

b) When his brother received the signal he fired a gun.

c) He thought that television would never become popular.

d) This meant that ships were now able to send messages from ship to shore if they were in distress.

e) It was a journey that would change the world.

Ответ: 1-b, 2-e, 3-d, 4-a, 5-c

Задание 6. Choose the best answer to these questions according to the text.

  1. Who invented the radio?

  1. a French engineer,

  2. an American engineer,

  3. an Italian engineer.

  1. What was the Italian government’s attitude towards this invention?

  1. The Italian government was interested in this invention.

  2. The Italian government didn’t believe that this invention was very useful.

  3. The Italian government wasn’t interested in this invention.

  1. Who helped this Italian engineer to continue his work?

  1. American engineers,

  2. His cousin and two other inventors,

  3. Italian scientists.

  1. Why was this invention so important for the British and Italian navies?

  1. Because it was very cheap.

  2. Because it helped the ships to send messages from ship to shore if they were in danger or difficulty.

  3. Because they wanted to use it against the USA navy.

  1. What was the only mistake made by the inventor?

  1. He didn’t recognize the importance of radar.

  2. He didn’t recognize the importance of telegraph.

  3. He didn’t recognize the importance of television.


1-с, 2-с, 3-b, 4-b, 5-c

Задание 7. Translate paragraphs 2 and 3 into Russian.

2. Однажды в 1895 году в Болонье, Италия, итальянский инженер послал первый радиосигнал в мире. Используя простой радиопередатчик и приемник, он послал сигнал со своего чердака, своему брату, который был спрятан в поле на расстоянии километра. 1 b) Когда его брат получил сигнал он выстрелил из пистолета. Итальянское правительство не проявляло интереса к изобретению молодого Маркони, но его мать полагала, что это было хорошей идеей. Таким образом, в феврале следующего года она отправила его в Англию, чтобы он встретился с его двоюродным братом, который был важным инженером. 2 e) Это было путешествие, которое изменило мир.

3. В Англии к инженеру и его двоюродному брату присоединились два других изобретателей. В 1897 году он сформировал Беспроводную Телеграфную Компанию в Лондоне и начал передавать простые радиосигналы на больших расстояниях. В 1899 году он послал первый беспроводной телеграф через Английский канал во Франции. . 3 d) Это означало, что корабли теперь смогут отправлять сообщения с судна на берег, если они были в бедственном положении.



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