Module 7 (Spotlight 9)
Variant I
A Translate into English:
сжигать калории
перебороть страхи
непредсказуемое животное
сесть на диету
набирать вес
дрожать как осиновый лист
быть на седьмом небе от счастья
краснеть до корней волос
B Use two word combinations in sentences of your own:
C Complete the sentences with: damage, starving, poor, habits, lead, spend, rich, burn
You need to change your eating………; eating junk food all the time isn’t good for you.
Recent studies show that people who have……diets and take little exercise suffer from ill health.
Do you know that spinach is… iron?
Rick hasn’t eaten anything all day; I’m sure he’s….!
D Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:
If he passes his exams, he …..(enter) the university.
If I were you, I…..(exercise) a little every day.
If you……(not/be) afraid of heights, I’d take you on a helicopter ride.
If he …..(close) the window, the thief would not have got in.
E Finish the sentences:
If I were you………..
If I had more free time………..
If I had been born in another century……
F Dependent prepositions. Fill in with: to, from, in
Drinking too little water can lead……headaches.
Samantha still hasn’t recovered……her bad cold.
G Phrasal verb “keep”. Fill in with: back, out of, up with, on, off
If you keep…..missing classes, you won’t pass your exams.
Keep …..from unlit areas at night!
Module 7 (Spotlight 9)
Variant II
A Translate into English:
терять вес
громко кричать
выглядеть несчастным
привычки питания
ядовитая змея
вести здоровый образ жизни
позеленеть от зависти
испугаться до смерти
B Use two word combinations in sentences of your own:
C Complete the sentences with: damage, starving, poor, habits, lead, spend, rich, burn
Don’t tell Pete about the party we’re planning for him; you’ll ……the surprise.
People who ………busy lives rarely find time to exercise.
Exercise helps us…….calories more easily.
Parents should teach their children good eating….
D Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:
If she misses the bus, she …..(take) a taxi.
If I were you, I…..(find) a job.
If Nick……(have) some money, he would buy a car.
If she …..(not/act) immediately, the fire would have spread throughout the whole house.
E Finish the sentences:
If I were you………..
If I had more free time………..
If I had been born in another century……
F Dependent prepositions. Fill in with: to, from, in
How do you manage to keep…..such good shape?
Don’t put any milk in my coffee, I’m allergic …..all dairy products.
G Phrasal verb “keep”. Fill in with: back, out of, up with, on, off
If you keep…..driving like that, you’ll have an accident.
Keep…from sweets. They are bad for your teeth.
Модульная контрольная работа № 5.
Выполнить задания, обосновать решение с помощью определений, формул и алгоритмов.
1 задача.
Найти полный дифференциал функции .
2 задача.
Для функции найти экстремум функции
и выяснить максимум это или минимум.
3 задача.
С помощью дифференциала вычислить приблизительное значение функции в точке М(x;y).
4 задача.
Решить транспортную задачу.
I вариант.
На три базы А1; А2; А3поступил однородный груз в количествах, соответственно равных 115, 90, и 205 ед. Этот груз требуется перевезти в четыре пункта назначения В1; В2; В3; В4соответственно в количествах 95, 150, 85 и 80 ед. Тарифы перевозок единицы груза с каждого из пунктов отправления в пункты назначения указаны в таблице:
Найти оптимальный план перевозок для данной транспортной задачи. Опорный план составить методом минимального элемента.II вариант.
На три базы А1; А2; А3поступил однородный груз в количествах, соответственно равных 100, 70 и90 ед. Этот груз требуется перевезти в четыре пункта назначения В1; В2; В3; В4соответственно в количествах 50, 70, 60 и 80 ед. Тарифы перевозок единицы груза с каждого из пунктов отправления в пункты назначения указаны в таблице:
Найти оптимальный план перевозок для данной транспортной задачи. Опорный план составить методом минимального элемента.III вариант.
На три базы А1; А2; А3поступил однородный груз в количествах, соответственно равных 110, 190, и 90 ед. Этот груз требуется перевезти в четыре пункта назначения В1; В2; В3; В4соответственно в количествах 80, 60, 170 и 80 ед. Тарифы перевозок единицы груза с каждого из пунктов отправления в пункты назначения указаны в таблице:
Найти оптимальный план перевозок для данной транспортной задачи. Опорный план составить методом минимального элемента
9 Grade TEST ON MODULE 2(V1)
I. Match the adjectives to their opposites. Use adjectives to complete the sentences.
The streets in this neighbourhood are so..........
that there's not enough room for two cars to pass at the same time.
Our next-door neighbours are very................; they keep having loud parties all the time.
II. Use the words below to complete the sentences
1. A: Hi, Carol. Would you like to go to a...............
for a cup of coffee?
B: Sure, but first I have to go to the.................
to get some money.
A: I need to buy some bread. Is there a……..
B: Yes, it's next to a .................. down the
street where you can buy your fruit and vegetables.
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:
A 1.Do you want me (give) you a lift?-No, thanks. I’d rather (walk).
2. Would you like me (cook) dinner tonight?-OK, but how about (make) something light, like soup?
3.Do you fancy (watch) a DVD?-Good idea. Let me (make) some popcorn.
B 1.Mark enjoys (listen) to pop music.
2.You should (pay) more attention in class.
3.I’m tired of (do) the same exercise.
C 1.I’m looking forward to see/seeing him.
2.You should read/reading more.
3.Let me have/to have your book for a while.
IV. Choose the correct preposition: in, on, at, to
The armchair is ….. the corner of the room next to the window.
The fire left half the buildings in the street ….. ruins.
3. I know we're …… a hurry, but can you slow down, please?
9 Grade TEST ON MODULE 2(V2)
I. Match the adjectives to their opposites. Use adjectives to complete the sentences.
I don't like the way they have decorated their living room; I think it looks really.....................
Their house in the country is full of old, wooden, ............................... furniture, which gives
the whole place a very beautiful and warm look.
II. Use the words below to complete the sentences
A: Could you give me directions to the……..?
I need to buy some meat.
B: I'll go with you. It's opposite the..................
where I buy the paper.
A: I feel terrible! I should go to the.................
to get some aspirin.
B: You can't leave your ......................... in this cold weather! I'll go and get some for you.
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:
A 1.Would you like (go) bowling tonight?-No, thanks. I hate (bowl).
2.I’m not very keen on (play) board games.- Me neither. I can’t stand (wait) for someone to make their move.
3.We’d better (go) now.-Can’t we (stay) a bit longer?
B 1.Let’s (eat) out tonight.
2.I can only (hope) everything turns out well.
3.I can’t stand (listen) to jazz music.
C 1.My teacher made me stay/to stay after school.
2.I’d like going/to go shopping this afternoon.
3.I look forward to see/seeing you at the party.
IV. Choose the correct preposition: in, on, at, to
1. Don't worry, if we can't find a nice hotel for your birthday party, we'll do it …… home.
James has parked his car ….. the corner of Smith and Nicolson street.
Suzan can't do her Maths homework, because she's left her book …. school.
Тема № 12. Крестьянская реформа 1861 г. (2 часа)
Место крестьянской реформы среди реформ середины XIXв. Ее значение.
Общая характеристика документов крестьянской реформы.
Временнообязанные крестьяне:
а) личные и индивидуальные права крестьян;
б) порядок составления уставных грамот;
в) выделение наделов.
4. Крестьяне-собственники (определение размеров выкупа за землю, выкупные платежи)
Методические рекомендации
Предпосылки реформ. Комитеты по подготовке реформы. Проекты крестьянской реформы, цели реформы. Крестьянская реформа 1861 г. Наделение землёй. Выкупная операция. Характер реформы.
Вопросы и задания
Какие проекты отмены крепостного права предлагались до реформы? Находили ли они свое отражение в законодательстве?
Сравните правовое положение временнообязанных крестьян и крестьян-собственников по положениям 19 февраля 1861 г. Охарактеризуйте правовой статус свободных сельских обывателей.
История государства и права России. Источники права. Юридические памятники XI-XX вв. М., 1995.
Отечественное законодательство XI-XX вв. Ч. 1. Под. ред. О.И. Чистякова. – М.: Юрист, 1999.
Памятники русского права. Вып. 8., М., 1961.
Политическая история России: Хрестоматия / Сост. В.И. Коваленко, А.Н. Медушевский, Е.Н. Мощелков. М., 1996.
Российское законодательство Х-ХХ вв. Т. 7. Документы крестьянской реформы. М., 1989.
Российское законодательство Х-ХХ вв. Т. 8. Судебная реформа. М., 1991.
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права СССР. Дооктябрьский период. М., 1990.
Буржуазные реформы в России второй половины XIX века. Воронеж. 1988.
Великие реформы в России, 1856-1874 гг. Под. Ред. Л.Г. Захаровой, Б. Эклофа, Дж. Бушнелла. М., 1992.
Дружинин Н.М, Русская деревня на переломе. 1861-1880 гг. М., 1978.
Зайончковский П.А. Отмена крепостного права в России. М., 1968.
Захарова Л.Г. Самодержавие и отмена крепостного права в России 1856-1861 гг. М., 1984.
Ключевский В.О. Русская история. Полный курс лекций в трех книгах. М., 1995. Кн. 3. Лекции LXXXIV, LXXXV, LXXXVI.
Литвак Б.Г. Переворот 1861 года в России: Почему не реализовалась реформаторская альтернатива. М., 1991.
Пуздрач Ю.В. История российского конституционализма IX – XX веков. СПб., 2004.
Развитие русского права во второй половине ХIX – начале XX века. /Отв. Ред. Е.А. Скрипилёв. М., 1998.
Реформы Александра II. М., 1998.
Российские реформаторы XIX – начала XX вв. /Отв. Ред. А.П. Корелин. М., 1995.
Чернуха В.Г. Крестьянский вопрос в правительственной политике России (60-70-е годы XIX в.). Л., 1972.
Эйдельман Н.Я. «Революция сверху» в России. М., 1989.
1. Разработка и проведение судебной реформы.
2. Система судебных органов по реформе 1864 г.:
а) местные суды;
б) общие суды
3. Судопроизводство:
а) уголовный процесс
б) гражданский процесс
Судебная реформа 1864 г. Судебные уставы 1864 г. Две судебные системы (местные и общие суды) и новые принципы суда. Мировые суды. Окружные суды. Присяжные заседатели. Судебные палаты. Департаменты сената. Судопроизводство. Значение реформ.
Module 5 (Spotlight 9)
V -I
A Translate into English:
остаться неизвестным
частная собственность
детский рисунок
уличный художник
Бэнкси – художник, который хочет остаться неизвестным.
B Fill in the gaps with the correct pre"; line-height: 0.22in">6. It is very nice ____ you to invite me and my family for lunch.
7. Who stars _____ The Hobbit films ?
8. The second youngest billionaire of the world Mark Zuckerberg is famous _____ creating Facebook.
9. I think, high quality special effects add value ______ the Harry Potter films.
10. What sort ____ music does your friend like ?
C Complete the sentences with the correct comparative /superlative form of the adjectives/ adverbs in brackets:
11. That was _________(bad) film I have ever seen.
12. Den is __________ (intelligent) person in our group.
13. We are going to enjoy __________ (comfortable) way to watch a movie in the luxurious VIP Auditorium.
14. The _____(much) pupils said, the _____(angry) the teacher felt.
15. She came _____ (late) than we expected.
D Fill in the gaps with the correct particle:
16. When I was a kid I got angry with my parents one day and ran ______from home.
17. Melissa ran _________ Bill yesterday at the cinema.
18. We’ve run _____ milk. Could you get some, please?
19. After I’ve written the speech, could we run _______ it together so you can let me know what you think.
20. I ran _________ the dog while driving here and I can’t stop thinking about it.
E Translate into Russian:
21. The artist’s miniature sculptures are so small that they fit on the top of a pinhead.
22. Most of his paintings portray scenes from his native town.
Module 5 (Spotlight 9)
A Translate into English:
трудности в обучении
масляная краска
знаменитая выставка
миниатюрная скульптура
Виллард Виган делает миниатюрные скульптуры.
B Fill in the gaps with the correct pre"; line-height: 0.22in">6. Giacomo Puccini is famous ____ his operas .
7. Mozart is one of the best composers ______ all time.
8. The Transformers film is very popular _______ the young people.
9. The Dali became the most expensive Surrealist lot sold ____ auction last month.
10. Yesterday afternoon two thieves stole some painting ______Rembrandt from the Boston Museum.
C Complete the sentences with the correct comparative /superlative form of the adjectives/ adverbs in brackets:
11. In the government of a country, the President is __ _______(important) person.
12. She smiled ______(happy) than before.
13. He had an accident last year. Now, he drives __________ (carefully) than before.
14. The standard of living in our country is getting ______(good) and _______(good).
15. Tony is ________ (talented) artist in our group.
D Fill in the gaps with the correct particle:
He’s upset because his cat got run _____ yesterday.
The actors ran _____ the scene once more.
The film is about a boy who runs ____ from home.
I’ve run ____ of white paint. Can you buy me some?
Jack ran _____ an old school friend in the park.
E Translate into Russian:
No one knows the author’s name, as he chooses to remain anonymous.
You can’t draw graffiti on this house, it’s private property.
5 form Test 7
Variant I
Exercise 1. Choose the correct form of the verb.
1. Where do the children go/going? 2. Look at Kate. I don’t like the dress she wears/’s wearing. 3. I watch/’m watching a film tonight.4. Mike makes/is making a snowman at the moment.
Exercise 2. Make negative sentences.
1. The sun is shining. 2. Daniel goes camping once a month. 3. We often have dinner at a restaurant.
Exercise 3. Make interrogative sentences.
1. Ian is having a glass of milk now. 2. Sue goes to school on foot.
Exercise 4. Choose the correct response.
1. How much is it? 2. What size are you? 3. How does this look on me?
* a) It’s £45. * b) It’s freezing! * c) You look lovely! * d) A 14 collar. * e) I’m looking for a shirt. * f) I’m not sure it suits you. *
Exercise 5. Complete the sentences.
1. The … months are December, January, February. 2. We … picnics at weekends. 3. We usually … skiing in winter.
Exercise 6. Read the email below and choose the best word to complete the sentences.
Dear Julie,
Hi! How 1) is/are you? I am here in Milan with my family and we 2) are having/have a great time. We are staying 3) in/under a nice hotel near the centre so we can walk everywhere. In the 4) mornings/evenings we wake up very early and have breakfast at the hotel restaurant. Then we 5) goes/go to see the city. It is very beautiful. We 6) are going/go to different places every day and take lots of pictures. The food is very nice too! I love Risotto alia Millanese and I have 8) it/him every day. The weather is sunny and warm. 8) At the moment/Every day, I am wearing a T-shirt and shorts! What about you? Are you having a good holiday?
See you soon,
Exercise 7. Read the email again and answer the questions.
1. Where is Mark? 2. Where are they staying? 3. Where do they have breakfast? 4. What do they do in the city? 5. What kind of dish does Mark love? 6. What is the weather like? 7. What is Mark wearing?
5 form Test 7
Variant II
Exercise 1. Choose the correct form of the verb.
1. We go/are going to the cinema every Saturday evening. 2. Where are the children go/going? 3. Laura and Tim are watching/watch a play now. 4. On Sundays, we usually stay/are staying at home.
Exercise 2. Make negative sentences.
1. John is listening to music. 2. You speak English well. 3. Nathan reads comics when he wants to relax.
Exercise 3. Make interrogative sentences.
1. Luke rides his bike to school. 2. It is raining at the moment.
Exercise 4. Choose the correct response.
1. What’s the weather like today? 2. How do I look in this? 3. How can I help you?
* a) It’s £45. * b) It’s freezing! * c) You look lovely! * d) A 14 collar. * e) I’m looking for a shirt. * f) I’m not sure it suits you. *
Exercise 5. Complete the sentences.
1. The … months are June, July, August. 2. The … is shining. 3. I like to … a snowman with my friends.
Exercise 6. Read the email below and choose the best word to complete the sentences.
Dear Stuart,
Hi! How 1) is/are you? I am here in Barcelona with my family and we 2) are having/have a great time. We are staying 3) in/under a nice hotel near the centre so we can walk everywhere. In the 4) mornings/evenings we wake up very early and have breakfast at the hotel restaurant. Then we 5) goes/go to see the city. It is very beautiful. We 6) are going/go to different places every day and take lots of pictures. The food is very nice too! I love paella and I have 8) her/it every day. The weather is sunny and warm. 8) At the moment/Every day, I am wearing a T-shirt and a skirt! What about you? Are you having a good holiday?
See you soon,
Exercise 7. Read the email again and answer the questions.
1. Where is Mary? 2. Where are they staying? 3. Where do they have breakfast? 4. What do they do in the city? 5. What kind of dish does Mary love? 6. What is the weather like? 7. What is Mary wearing?