Четвертные контрольные работы английский язык. Контрольные работы английский

Четвертные контрольные работы английский язык

Примерные варианты контрольных работ

по предмету «Английский язык»

в 7 классе

на 2017-2018 учебный год –

приложение к рабочей программе

по предмету «Английский язык»

на уровень основного общего образования

(5-9 классы)

Базовый уровень


учитель английского языка

Романенко А.А.

Входной контроль

I.Reading Comprehension. Read the text. Choose the correct answer.

When he was a teenager, Hunter Adams was very unhappy, and he spent many years in a special hospital for people with mental health problems.

When he left hospital, Hunter decided to become a doctor, so he went to study medicine. But when he was there, he did things in a different way. For example, he didn’t like the doctor’s white coats, so he wore shirts with flowers on them when he visited his patients, and he tried to make them laugh. The doctors at the medical school didn’t like Hunter very much because he was too different.

But Adams believed that people in hospital need more than medicine. He saw unhappy and lonely people, and he tried to help them as patients, but as people too. He spent a lot of time with children in the hospital, and often put a special red nose on his face to look like a clown and to make the children laugh.

When he finished medicine and became a doctor, Adams opened his own hospital, called ‘The Gesundheit Institute’ (институт здоровья), together with some other doctors. They wanted it to be a place with a different way of working with sick people.

Hunter Adams became famous during the 1980s, and in 1998, Universal Pictures made a film about his life. It was very successful. In the film (called Patch Adams), Robin Williams played Adams. Williams said, ‘Hunter is a real warm person, who believes that patients need a doctor who’s a friend. I enjoyed playing him’.

1. Robin Williams is…

a) a doctor b) a clown

c) an actor d) a patient

2. Hunter Adams started ‘The Gesundheit Institute’…

a) on his own b) with Robin Williams

c) with a group of sick people d) with other doctors

3. Hunter Adams thought that many people in hospital…

a) were unhappy and lonely b) didn’t need any medicines

c) weren’t nice people d) laughed too much

4. Hunter Adams wore shirts with flowers on them because…

a) he didn’t want to wear a white coat b) the doctors didn’t like him

c) he didn’t like visiting patients d) it made the patients laugh

5. Universal Pictures made a film about Hunter Adams because…

a) Robin Williams was his friend b) he was very successful

c) he was a famous doctor d) Robin Williams wanted to play Hunter Adams

6. Find 1 false sentence.

a) Hunter Adams spent a lot of time in hospital as a patient.

b)” Patch Adams “ is a film about Hunter’s life.

c) The doctors at the medical school didn’t like Hunter Adams.

b) Hunter Adams worked as a clown in a hospital.

Промежуточный контроль

I.Reading Comprehension.

Формат теста — note-taking. Заполнение таблицы      

      Hi! I’mDavid. I’m 13 and in the third form at school. School starts tomorrow, yuck! I hate the first days back to school, but on the whole I like school. This year we have to study eleven subjects. My best are history, geography, English and biology, but my favourite are biology, history and of course PE with any sporting activity. I’m happy to be the captain of our school hockey team. I’m glad there’s no strict uniform at our school. We have to wear just clean and neat clothing.


контрольные работы по английскому языку

Автор: Газизова Лилия Райхановна

Контрольная работа №2

по английскому языку  во 2 классе

I.                Вставьте  is, are, am:

1.      His dog ___________     funny.

2.      Mike __________    my friend.

3.      My mother and father _______    doctors.

4.      I ______    from America.

5.      The cats_______    black.

6.      They ______   at home.

7.      It _____ a little puppy.


II.              Напишите соответствующие местоимения:

1.      My aunt _____________

2.      His dog ______________

3.      A  doll _______________

4.      My brothers __________

5.      My monkeys __________

6.      His daughter __________

7.      My sister and I _________


III.            Составьте предложения.

1.      bike , have, a, I, got, red._________________________________________________

2.      not , we, funny, are. ____________________________________________________

3.      a, is, teacher, she.______________________________________________________

4.      want , my friend, a pilot, to be.___________________________________________

5.      Helen, name, her, is.____________________________________________________


IV.            Вставьте слова в предложения: 

grandfather, worker, pupil, teacher, aunt, doctor,

1.      A ______________________       works at school.

2.      A ______________________       works in a hospital.

3.      My _____________________      is my mother’s sister.

4.      A _______________________     goes to school.

5.      A _______________________     works in a plant.

6.      My _______________________   is my father’s father.


V.              Вставьте play  или  plays :

1.      I _______________ with my brother.

2.      The dog ________________________ with my ball.

3.      My sisters______________________ with dolls.

4.      She ___________________ with puppies.

5.      We _____________________ with my monkey.

6.      His brother _______________________ with toys.

7.      Kate ____________________  tag.


VI.            Выберите правильный ответ:

1.      Hello!

a)      OK!

b)      Let’s!

c)      Hi!

2.      How old are you?

a)      I am fine, thanks.

b)      I am not old.

c)      I am nine.

3.      Where is your friend from?

a)      He is from Africa.

b)      He is a pupil.

c)      He is at home.

4.      What is he?

a)      He is my uncle.

b)      He is ten.

c)      He is an economist.

5.      Who is she?

a)      She is a doctor.

b)      She is my sister.

c)      She is from Russia.

























Контрольная работа № 1

по английскому языку во 2 классе


I.                 Составь из слов предложения

1.     Mike, seven, is.  ____________________________________________________

2.     are, nice, my, planes. ________________________________________________

3.     has got, he, a bike. __________________________________________________

4.     I, my, like, dog. _____________________________________________________

5.     Africa, they, from, are. _______________________________________________

6.     the kitten, not, pink, is. ______________________________________________


II.               Вставь слова в предложения: cat, his, home, has got, am, is.

1.     I have got a _____________.

2.     My name ____________  Bob.

3.     I ______________ seven.

4.     Granny ____________________ a kitten.

5.     Let’s go _______________________.

6.     Tom has got a robot. _____________robot is nice.


III.              Выбери правильный вариант

1.     We _________________ a little sister.

a)     have got                     b) got                       c) has got

2.     His brother Dan _______ ten.

a)     am                               b) are                       c) is

3.     My Granny _____________ to play computer games.

a)     like                               b) to like                 c) likes

4.     Let’s ____________ a book.

a)     reads                           b) read                    c) to read

5.     I have got _______________________________________ .

a)     six frogs                      b) a six frogs           c) frog


IV.             Закончи предложения

1.     He is from _____________________________________.

2.     I like to ________________________________________.

3.     My bike is ______________________________________.

4.     Her name is _____________________________________.

5.     My puppy is _____________________________________.


V.               Найди лишнее слово и зачеркни его

1.     Three, five, thanks, six, seven

2.     Bear, monkey, pony, little, pig

3.     Fun, run, swim, skip, jump

4.     Black, grey, red, green, ten

5.     He, she, boy, we, I

6.     Doll, big, little, nice, funny





Контрольная работа № 3

по английскому языку во 2 классе


I.                 Выбери правильный вариант

1.     My father ____________ doctors. (like/ likes)

2.     My mother and father ________ to play with my cat. (like/ likes)

3.     _______ Cliff want to be a doctor? ( Do/ Does)

4.     Where _______ your sister like to play with her friends? (does/ do)

5.     _________ they want to be doctors? (Do/Does)

6.     What _______ she want? ( do/does)



II.               Заполни пропуски слова    this, these

1.     Where are _______________ engineers from?

2.     Are __________ sportsmen good?

3.     Is ___________ family big?

4.     Where is ___________ swimmer from?

5.     __________ cars can’t swim.



III.              Заполни пропуски словами  that, those

1.     What colour are ___________ balls?

2.     How old is _______________ doctor?

3.     Where is ______________ driver from?

4.     ______________ dog is black and white.

5.     _______________ giraffes are very nice.

6.     _______________ books are funny.



IV.             Вставь слова в предложения How, How many, Where, Who, What

1.     _______________ is Mike? He is fine.

2.      ____________ is he from? He is from Russia.

3.     ___________ is he? He is a pupil.

4.     ___________ is he? He is my brother.

5.     ____________games have you got? We have got five games.


V.               Напиши краткий ответ

1.     Has Ann got a friend? Yes, ________________________.

2.     Are your sisters at home? No, _____________________.

3.     Do they go to school? Yes, _________________________.

4.     Does Sam like to read? No, ________________________.

5.     Is your uncle an engineer? Yes, ______________________.







Контрольная работа № 4

по английскому языку во 2 классе


I.                 Выбери правильный вариант

1.     Have you got ______ cousin?

a)     a                               b)   the                     c) -

2.     Ted ________ only five.

a)     has    b) is    c) are

3.     We _________  like to play.

a)     aren’t                     b) don’t                     c) isn’t

4.     _______ many English poems?

a)     Does he knows     b) He knows            c) Does he know

5.     Peter can __________ very well.

a)     runs                       b) run                        c) to run

6.     I like ____________ little house.

a)     this                        b) these                    c) those

7.     I want to play with ____________ cat.

a)     Bob                       b) Bobs’                     c) Bob’s

8.     Do you know those __________?

a)     children               b) child                       c) girl

9.     Are they _______________________ ?

a)     a businessman    b) businessman       c) businessmen

10.  Kate has got five __________________.

a)     mice                   b)   doll                        c) box


II.               Задайте общие вопросы

1.     _______________   Mary got a dog?

2.     _______________these boys champions?

3.     ______________ he like to swim?

4.     _______________you know this poem?

5.     _______________his brother lazy?


III.              Вставь слова в предложения: teeth, dinner, hares, open, snakes, mouth

1.     ______________  have got long ears.

2.     We _______________   our eyes when we watch TV.

3.     ____________________ eat frogs. They have got no legs, no hands, no ears.

4.     “ Open your ________________ !” the doctors say to children.

5.     We have got nice white ______________ in our mouths.

6.     I want to have fish for _____________________________.


IV.             Напишите слова во множественном лице

1.     fox - ______________________

2.     woman - ___________________

3.     wife - ______________________

4.     pony - ______________________

5.     name - ______________________

6.     sportsman - __________________

7.     mouse - _____________________


Итоговая контрольная работа

по английскому языку во 2 классе


I.                 Выбери правильный вариант

1.     When _______ your Granny usually play chess?

a)     do                  b) is                            c) does

2.     It’s 9 o’clock. Go to _________ bed.

a)     a                    b) the                         c) -

3.     _________ don’t like cats.

a)     The dog       b) The mouse            c) Mice

4.     I _________ playing now.

a)     not               b) am not                   c) don’t

5.     What games  _________________________ every day?

a)     do you play          b) are you playing         c) are you play

6.     Can the doll open ________________ eyes?

a)                          b) its                            c) it’s

7.     How ________________________ ?

a)      she is           b) does she                c) is she

8.     You can play with ________________________ balls.

a)     this              b) these                      c) that

9.     Do you like to go to school? 

a)     Yes, I do.                b) No, I do.                      c) Yes, I am.

10.  Lena has got a brother.  _________ brother is a pupil.

a)     His                b) My                         c) Her


II.               Вставьте вопросительные слова

1.     ___________________________ do you do at 7 o’clock?

2.     ___________________________ do you have lunch? – At school.

3.     ___________________________are they?  - They are students.

4.     ___________ is Mary angry? – Her little brother doesn’t want to get up.

5.     ____________ is she? – She is my aunt.


III.              Вставьте в предложение нужные предлоги: at (2), about, for (2), in

1.     Does your uncle often help your aunt ______________ the house?

2.     Hello, Pam! Are you going ________________ a walk?

3.     My father doesn’t come home at 8 o’clock ______________ the evening.

4.     Look ___________ the clock!

5.     Do you always work hard ____________ your English?

6.     What do you have ___________ dinner?


IV.             Поставь глагол в Present Simple или в Present Progressive

1.     We _______________________________ basketball every day. (play)

2.     They usually ________________________ in the park. (ski)

3.     I __________________________________ chess now. (play)

4.     You often ______________________your sister with her homework. (help)

5.     My friends _________________________________ now. (dance)

6.     They _____________________________________ home now. (go)

7.     She ___________________________________ a shower  in the morning. (take)



V.               Вставь слова в предложения: are, is, have, has, can, do

1.     How old _______________ Tom and Jerry?

2.     _______________ you got a computer?

3.     Ted _______________ swimming in the lake.

4.     _________ your mother drive a car?

5.     My Granny ______________ got a nice house.

6.     _______________ you like to play hockey?


VI.             Заполни пропуски This is  или   These are

1.     _____________________________ my friend.

2.     _____________________________ my friend’s horse.

3.     _____________________________ their books.

4.     _____________________________ the girl’s dolls.

5.     _____________________________  her sister.

6.     _____________________________ little children.



































Контрольная работа

по английскому языку в 3 классе


I.                 Complete the sentences with the right prepositions: in (2), with, at (2), for (2).

1.     My sister liked to play _____________  her toys.

2.     You like to go __________ a walk with me.

3.     What do you usually eat  _______ breakfast?

4.     We live __________ Russia.

5.     Yesterday I cleaned my teeth _____________ the morning.

6.     I usually watch TV ____________ night.

7.     Did you skate ______________ the stadium yesterday?


II.               Complete the sentences with a lot of, much, many

1.     Are there __________________ holidays in a year?

2.     I like to read books. I ‘ve  got ____________ books.

3.     Were there _______________ different birds at the Zoo?

4.     Please, hurry up! I haven’t got _______________ time.

5.     There is ____________ juice in the glass.

6.     We saw ______________


III.              Choose the right item

1.     Yesterday morning my father ____________ eat a cake. (doesn’t eat/didn’t eat)

2.     ____________ you usually eat porridge in the morning? (Do/Did)

3.     She __________ soup without meat last Sunday. (make/made)

4.     Did you ________ this nice cake ? (make/made)

5.     The boys ______________ on the school sports ground yesterday. (run/ran)

6.     When ________ your parents come home yesterday? (do/did)

7.     I didn’t ____________ a box of sweets yesterday. (buy/bought)

8.     _____ she go to the swimming pool last week? (Does/Did)

9.     ______ he in London last month? (Did/Does/Was)

10.  I __________ very hungry yesterday. (am/was)


IV.             Make the sentences negative

1.     My mother ate salad with bread.

2.     Jill bought sweets yesterday.

3.     My parents came home at night.

4.     Mary drank apple juice yesterday.

5.     They played leap-frog yesterday.

6.     The flowers were red and orange.


V.               Match the words

1.     to eat                                    TV

2.     to watch                              meat

3.     to drink                                chess

4.     to grow                                terrible

5.     to play                                  juice

6.     to look                                 the house

7.     to clean                               trees

Итоговая контрольная работа

по английскому языку в 3 классе


I.                 Write the verbs in the Past Simple:

1.     send -______________

2.     go - ________________

3.     drink - ______________

4.     eat -________________

5.     take - _______________

6.       give - _______________

7.     come - ______________

8.     make - ______________

9.     have - ______________

10.  see - ________________


II.               Choose the right word:

1.     Tim ___________ shopping last week.

a)     doesn’t go                  b) didn’t go                    c) didn’t went

2.     _______________________ the present?

a)     She liked    b) Did she liked   c) Did she like

3.     Tom _______________ in Moscow last year.

a)     is                                 b) was                              c) were

4.     Ann _____________________ now.

a)     sleeps                        b) slept                             c) sleeping

5.     I usually  ______________   books in the evening.

a)     read                          b) is reading                     c) am reading

6.     There ____________ a cake on the table today.

a)     was                           b) is                                    c) were

7.     _______________________________________ in the book.

a)     There are no pictures     b) No pictures       c) There are no pictures

8.     My mother ________________ home at 8 o’clock.

a)     come                        b) comes                          c) came

9.     Look! The baby __________________.

a)     sleeps                      b) am sleeping                 c) is sleeping

10.  Nick ______________ at 6 o’clock yesterday.

a)     got up                    b) gets                                 c) is getting


III.              Complete the sentences with is, are, was, were:

1.     There ________ much chocolate at home. Can I have it?

2.     There ________ three hungry puppies in the house. Give them milk, please!

3.     There ________ a big cake on the table. Did you take it?

4.     What ________ there in your schoolbag yesterday?

5.     __________ there any baby crocodiles in the Zoo last year? Yes, there _______ five.

6.     Look! There __________ red apples on the apple tree.


IV.             Vocabulary. Choose the right word:

1.     I’d like to get a puppy __________ a birthday present.

a)     as                                 b) a                                 c) how

2.     On holidays children don’t _________________________________.

a)     have parties     b) get presents   c) go to school

3.     I __________________________ a party last week.

a)     invited                       b) sent                            c) had

4.     Could I speak to Betsy please? - _____________________________.

a)     Great!             b) This is Betsy. Hello.            c) The same to you.

5.     Where is my Christmas present? - ___________________________.

a)     There is a present on the table.    b) Your present is on the table.    c) My present is there.

6.     How old is your sister now? - _______________________________.

a)     She is not old. She is a little girl.      b) She is five.    c) She is very, very old.

7.     We wish you a ___________ Christmas and a ___________ New Year.

a)     happy, merry                b) funny, lovely              c) merry, happy




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Контрольная работа по английскому языку, 1 курс, спо

Здесь представлен первый вариант из контрольной работы по английскому языку. Контрольная работа предназначена для студентов первого курса колледжей, обучающихся по программе СПО. Данная контрольная работа проверяет знания студентов за второе полугодие первого курса. Контрольная работа включает в себя два варианта. Каждый вариант состоит из шести заданий. В первом задании нужно выбрать правильный ответ из предложенных вариантов. Данное задание проверяет грамматику. Во втором задании нужно угадать слово или фразу по данной дефиниции. Тема - путешествие и транспорт. В третьем задании нужно сделать перевод предложений с английского на русский язык. В четвертом задании нужно сопоставить заголовки и отрывки текстов по смыслу. В пятом задании нужно перевести на английский язык слово или фразу по теме "части автомобиля". В шестом задании нужно сделать перевод предложений на английский язык. Тема - путешествие и транспорт.  

Просмотр содержимого документа «контрольная работа по английскому языку, 1 курс, спо »

1 Вариант

Задание 1

Choose the correct answer.

1. … you already (to finish) doing your homework?

(a) have you already finished (b) are you already finishing

(c) have you been already finishing (d) has you been already finishing

2. He ….(to watch) a TV-set now.

(a) watch (b) watches

(c) is watching (d) watched

3. He …not ( to eat) an ice cream yet .

(a) have not eaten (b) has eaten

(c) has not been eating (d) has not eaten

4. Two heads are… than one. (good)

(a) worse (b) nice

(c) less (d) better

5. This is the…shop in Moscow. (expensive)

(a) expensivest (b) most expensive

(c) more expensive (d) expensive

6. The weather has become … It looks like raining. (bad)

(a) the worst (b) better

(c) worse (d) less

7. ….USA is very large country.

(a) an (b) the

(c) - (d) a

8. I go by …car very often.

(a) an (b) the

(c) - (d) a

9. There are …pictures in the book.

(a) any (b) no

(c)some (d) every

10. Are there ….new students in your group?

(a) any (b) no

(c)some (d) every

Задание 2

Read the definitions of a word or a phrase, try to guess what it is. (Topic –Traditions and customs)

  1. A belief, custom, or way of doing something that has existed for a long time.

  2. An occasion or party when you celebrate something.

  3. It is a day on which many children in the UK dress up in unusual costumes. It happens on October 31.

  4. It is a celebration in the UK. There is singing and dancing at 12 o’clock on the 31st of December.

  5. It is the great national holiday in Russia. We celebrate it on the 9th of May.

  6. The holiday we celebrate in Russia on the 7th of January. And in the UK the holiday is celebrated on the 25th of December.

  7. It is the best example of English traditions. Who is the head of the UK?

Задание 3

Translate into Russian. (Topic –State system of the UK and Russia)

  1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy.

  2. The head of the country is the monarch, a king or a queen.

  3. The Queen's name is Elisabeth II.

  4. The Russian Federation is a presidential republic.

  5. In the Russian Federation the president is the head of state. People elect the president directly.

Задание 4

Установите соответствие тем A-F текстам 1-5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

  1. Eating traditions.

  2. A treat and a song go together.

  3. Celebrate to get many presents.

  4. Holiday decoration business.

  5. Holiday food business.

  6. Cooking special holiday dishes.

  1. Many stories in the USA stock a large range of holiday house decorations for a month before the holiday itself. For instance, on Thanksgiving Day they sell pumpkins and leaves specially designed for adorning. As for Halloween, stores offer flashlights, masks and skeletons for decorating the gardens and for scaring one’s guests. Thus, people after the attire of their houses several times a year. The wealthier families change not only the season’s outside decorations but even the interior of their houses such as curtains, carpets and pictures.

  2. On the Eve of Thanksgiving day, most supermarkets are flooded with turkeys selling at lower prices. Turkey producers have to decrease their price because they must sell all the turkeys as soon as possible, otherwise they will still have them when Christmas comes o even longer. Almost nobody buys turkey for an ordinary meal (during the rest of the year).at Christmas Americans also cook a turkey or they can choose another traditional dish, e.g. roasted ham.

  3. One of the peculiarities of Americans is that do not usually sit around the table for a holiday meal. For larger groups, all the food usually stands on a special, separate table that is beautifully decorated. Everyone can serve themselves with the food they want. What is more, they do not usually have salads, which may seem rather strange for the Russians living there. Salads, to Americans, may be nothing more than tossed leaves of lettuce with a few other vegetables.

  4. One more type of celebration, which is connected with presents, are “showers”, for instance a baby shower or a wedding shower. For a baby- shower, a pregnant woman is given presents for her future child, whereas for a wedding- shower a bride receives presents for her household. These showers are popular because on the one hand, it is usually a moderate price to rent a café or a restaurant and order some kind of snacks such as crisps and sauces and salads. On the other hand, it is very pleasant to be “showered” witch presents. Many people are usually invited to such parties.

  5. As for Birthdays, it is worth mentioning that this holiday is for both friends and family. Often an additional party is organized by a company of friends at which time the one having the birthday is invited to a restaurant to celebrate. Besides a meal, they order a birthday cake and a ‘happy birthday song’ is performed by the staff of the restaurant. Guests are not expected to give presents at this kind of necessarily have a family feast; of course it depends on your family

Задание 5

Name parts of motorcycle

  1. Амортизатор

  2. Топливный бак

  3. Рычаг сцепления

  4. Рычаг газа/дроссель

  5. Руль

  6. Тросики

  7. Передняя вилка

  8. Боковая стойка/подножка

  9. Задняя вилка

  10. Карданный вал

Задание 6

Translate into English

  1. Я встаю в семь часов утра.

  2. Время вставать.

  3. Я иду в ванную, принимаю душ, чищу зубы, затем возвращаюсь в комнату, включаю телевизор, чтобы послушать новости, в это время я причесываюсь, бреюсь и одеваюсь.

  4. Я завтракаю со своей семьей: мамой, папой, братом и сестрой.

  5. Моя сестра замужем. Она с мужем живет недалеко от нас.

  6. Я приезжаю в колледж в 8.30. Как правило, у меня три или четыре пары каждый день.

  7. Суббота и воскресенье это мои выходные дни.

  8. В час дня у нас большая перемена и мы идем в столовую обедать..

  9. Занятия заканчиваются в 3 часа дня. Иногда после занятий я иду в библиотеку.

  10. Я приезжаю домой, ужинаю с семьей, смотрю телевизор, затем читаю книгу. Я ложусь спать в 11 часов вечера.

Ответы на зачет

1 вариант

Задание 1











задание 2

1. a tradition

2. a celebration

3. Halloween

4. New Year/ New Year's Day/ New Year celebration

5. Victory Day

6. Christmas

7. a queen/a monarch

Задание 3

1. Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии является конституционной монархией.

2.Глава государства/страны – монарх, король или королева.

3.Королеву зовут Елизавета вторая.

4.Российская Федерация это президентская республика.

5.В Российской Федерации президент это глава государства. (Непосредственно) люди выбирают президента (напрямую).

Задание 4






Задание 5

1) shock absorber

2) fuel tank

3) clutch lever

4) throttle

5) handlebars

6) triple trees

7) fork tubes

8) side stand

9) swingarm

10) shaft drive

Задание 6

1) I get up at seven a.m.

2) It is time to get up.

3) I go to the bathroom, take a shower, clean my teeth, then I come back to my room, switch on the tv-set to listen /watch the news, while I am brushing my hair, shaving and putting my clothes on.

4) I have breakfast with my family –with my mother, my father, my brother and my sister.

5) My sister is married. Her husband and she live not far from our place.

6) I arrive at/come to my college at half past eight. As a rule. I have three or four periods every day.

7) Saturday and Sunday are my days off.

8) At one p.m. we have a long break and we go to the canteen to have dinner.

9) The classes are over at three p.m. Sometimes after my classes I go to the library.

10) I come home, have supper with my family, watch TV-set, then I read a book. I go to bed at eleven p.m.


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