Контрольные вопросы по английскому языку 8 класс: Тест (8 класс) по теме: Тесты по английскому языку

Тест по английскому языку (8 класс): контрольная работа для 8 класса

Контрольная работа №1

1. Choose the correct answers.

1. I’m keen on books. I read ________at school ________ at home.

a) either…. or b) both…and c) neither… nor d) both ….. or

2. I haven’t got a lot of books at home. So I borrow books from the ________ .

a) shop b) museum c) library d) bank

3. I choose books by______ .It’s a summary of the plot of the book.

a) genre b) pictures c) the title d) the blurb

4. I like to read about criminals, robbers and killers. I’m interested in _____ .

a) detective story b) fantasy c) fairy tale d) history book

5. My favourite _____ is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

a) book b) author c) genre d) character

6. It’s worth reading. It’s my ______ .

a) glass of milk b) cup of coffee c) cup of tea d) bottle of lemonade

7. I read _____ biography ____ autobiography. It’s boring.

a) either…. or b) both…and c) neither… nor d) both ….. or

8. Romances bored me to ____ .

a) love b) death c) health d) interest

9. Sometimes I read ____ because the plot of the books is scaring, but thrilling.

a) romance b) horror story c) fairy tale d) biography

10. The main _____ are vampires, witches, ghosts.

a) members b) problems c) ideas d) characters

2. Choose the correct translation of the underlined words.


1. Mobile phones are used by millions of people.

a) использовали b) используют c) будут использовать

2. A lot of houses were built last year.

a) строят d) построили c) построят

3. The present will be bought in a day.

a) купят b) купили c) покупают

4. Masha was given a computer last week.

a) Маша подарила b) Маше подарят c) Маше подарили

5. I will be shown a new film tomorrow.

a) меня покажут b) мне покажут c) я покажу

3. Fill in the gaps. Choose the correct variant.

1. The doctor _________ in a minute.

a) will be sent for b) is sent for c) send d) was sent

2. The letter ___________ tomorrow.

a) is waiting b) wait for c) will be waited for d) will be waited

3. The radio ________ every day.

a) listen b) is listened to c) will be listen d) is listened for

4. The flat _______ already.

a) clean b) cleaned c) will be cleaned d) has been cleaned

5. The boy _________ two days ago.

a) was laughed b) laughed c) was laughed at d) will be laughed


1 задание

1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a, 5-b, 6-c, 7-c, 8-b, 9-b, 10-d

2 задание

1-b, 2-d,3-a, 4-c, 5-b

3 задание

1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d, 5-c

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса

Control work

I — вариант

№1. Раскройте скобки, используя Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous глаголов.

1. She (type) the letters all day and that’s why she is tired.

2. He (stay) in London for two weeks now.

3. (you/hear) the latest news?

4. We (not/eat) in this café before.

5. My friends and I (sunbathe) since 2 o’clock.

6. I (try) this dish before.

2. Прочитайте текст и отметьте утверждения T (True), F (False) или NS (Not Stated).

Jamie Oliver is a genius in the world of food and one of Britain’s most famous cooks. His programs are shown in over 100 countries including the USA, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Japan and Russia. They were translated into over 30 languages. Jamie Oliver’s cookery books are bestsellers not only in the UK but across the world.

Jamie Oliver was born in 1975 in England. From an early age he got interested in food. His parents had a pub where he often helped them in the kitchen. He actually began working there at the age of eight. Jamie cut vegetables like any other ordinary worker in the pub.

Jamie Oliver left school at 16 and went to Westminster College to study economics and after that he travelled to France. After returning from France, Jamie worked in a number of British restaurants. At that time there was a program on TV about the cafe where Jamie worked. TV producers were impressed by the young chef. The next day Jamie received calls from five different TV companies wishing to work with him. He soon became the best-liked celebrity chef on television and his program was a real revolution in cooking shows.

However, Jamie devotes his time not only to cooking. He’s a family man, with a wife and four children. Except television, Jamie Oliver is a writer. His every book immediately becomes a bestseller. It’s interesting that he became the best-selling author in the country after J. K. Rowling, the «Harry Potter» writer.

1. Jamie is a well-known cooker.

2. Programs with Jamie are shown in Russia.

3. Jamie has loved preparing food since his childhood.

4. Jamie hasn’t got any children.

5. Jamie has written two books by now.

6. Jamie is the author of «Harry Potter».

3. Раскройте скобки, используя подходящую степень сравнения прилагательных.

  1. Summer is (warm) than winter.

  2. Jack Nicholson is (old) than me.

  3. Lake Baikal is (deep) than this lake.

  4. Kate is (tall) girl in the class.

№4. Измените словосочетания, поставив прилагательные в скобках в правильном порядке.

1. a new sweater (green / nice)

2. a metal box (black / small)

3. long hair (black / beautiful)

4. an old painting (interesting / French)

5. Ответьте на вопросы о себе.

1. Do you like eating snacks and why?

2. What is your favorite food?

3. Do you eat in a school canteen?

4. How do you prefer your potato?

Control work

II — вариант

1. Раскройте скобки, используя Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous глаголов.

1. — Why are your hands so dirty?

— I (fix) the car.

2. Marta (be) in the shopping center for 2 hours.

3. Cathy (drive) since 2 o’clock. She is exhausted.

4. Jane is abroad. She (visit) three countries already.

5. I (not/see) this film before.

6. (you/listen) to this song?

2. Прочитайте текст и отметьте утверждения

T (True), F (False) или NS (Not Stated).

Jamie Oliver is a genius in the world of food and one of Britain’s most famous cooks. His programs are shown in over 100 countries including the USA, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Japan and Russia. They were translated into over 30 languages. Jamie Oliver’s cookery books are bestsellers not only in the UK but across the world.

Jamie Oliver was born in 1975 in England. From an early age he got interested in food. His parents had a pub where he often helped them in the kitchen. He actually began working there at the age of eight. Jamie cut vegetables like any other ordinary worker in the pub.

Jamie Oliver left school at 16 and went to Westminster College to study economics and after that he travelled to France. After returning from France, Jamie worked in a number of British restaurants. At that time there was a program on TV about the cafe where Jamie worked. TV producers were impressed by the young chef. The next day Jamie received calls from five different TV companies wishing to work with him. He soon became the best-liked celebrity chef on television and his program was a real revolution in cooking shows.

However, Jamie devotes his time not only to cooking. He’s a family man, with a wife and four children. Except television, Jamie Oliver is a writer. His every book immediately becomes a bestseller. It’s interesting that he became the best-selling author in the country after J. K. Rowling, the «Harry Potter» writer.

1. Jamie is a well-known cooker.

2. Programs with Jamie are shown in Russia.

3. Jamie has loved preparing food since his childhood.

4. Jamie hasn’t got any children.

5. Jamie has written two books by now.

6. Jamie is the author of «Harry Potter».

3. Раскройте скобки, используя подходящую степень сравнения прилагательных.

  1. Winter is (cold) than summer.

  2. Jack Nicholson is (old) than me.

  3. Lake Baikal is (deep) lake in the world.

  4. Kim is (tall) than Boris.

№4. Измените словосочетания, поставив прилагательные в скобках в правильном порядке.

1. an ugly dress (yellow / new)

2. a red car (old / little)

3. a big cat (fat / black)

4. a little village (old / lovely)

5. Ответьте на вопросы о себе.

1. Do you like eating snacks and why?

2. What is your favorite food?

3. Do you eat in a school canteen?

4. How do you prefer your potato?

Ключи к заданиям

I – вариант

1. 1) has been typing; 2) has been staying; 3) have you heard; 4) haven’t eaten; 5) have been sunbathing; 6) have tried

2. 1) True; 2) True; 3) True; 4) False; 5) Not stated; 6) False

3. 1) warmer; 2) older; 3) deeper; 4) the tallest

4. 1) a nice new green sweater; 2) a small black metal box; 3) beautiful long black hair,

4) an interesting old French painting

5. Индивидуальные ответы (письмо).

II – вариант

1. 1) have been fixing; 2) has been; 3) has been driving; 4) has visited; 5) haven’t seen;

6) have you listened

2. 1) True; 2) True; 3) True; 4) False; 5) Not stated; 6) False

3. 1) colder; 2) older; 3) the deepest; 4) taller

4. 1) an ugly new yellow dress; 2) a little old red car; 3) a big fat black cat; 4) a lovely little old village

5. Индивидуальные ответы (письмо).

Критерии оценивания

1 балл за каждый верный ответ. Всего 24 балла.

Оценка «3»

Оценка «4»

Оценка «5»

49% и менее

От 50% до 69%

От 70% до 90%

От 91% до 100%

11 баллов и менее

12-16 баллов

17-21 балл

22-24 балла

Тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему: переводной экзамен по английскому языку 8 класс


1. Вы два раза услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А, B, C, D. Установите соответствие между диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каждому диалогу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1–5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия.

1.         On board a plane

2.         At home

3.         In the theatre

4.         At a railway station

5.         In a restaurant

Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.


2. Вы два раза услышите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А, В, С, D, Е. Установите соответствие между высказываниями и утверждениями из следующего списка: к каждому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифрами. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1–6 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.          

1.         The speaker talks about his/her recent trip.

2.         The speaker describes the hotel room.

3.         The speaker talks about his/her travelling plans.

4.         The speaker explains why he/she likes travelling.

5.         The speaker talks about his/her favourite transport.

6.         The speaker talks about his/her job responsibilities.

Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.



Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–E и заголовками 1–6. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.



Where to find traditional British food


Why fast food appeared


Modern British food



Traditional British drink


What they used to eat


What kind of tea they prefer


If you go back to the time of Queen Elizabeth (1558–1603), people really knew how to eat and Chefs used to travel round Europe to get new ideas and ingredients. It was also the time when British explorers sailed all over the world. They brought home all sorts of exotic food: rice and tea from China, spices from India, coffee from Arabia. In the Americas they found tomatoes, potatoes, peanuts, pineapples, sugar and vanilla.


In the past, without cookbooks and TV programmes, women learnt from their mothers and spend hours every day in the kitchen. But then, around the end of the 18th century, life in Britain changed dramatically. The industrial revolution took families from farms in the country to the crowded cities. Men and women worked long hours in the factories. So they had no longer time or energy to cook properly at home. There was already an interest in fast food.



Every country seems to have a national cuisine and to be proud of it. So what is Britain famous for? The sad truth is that most of the British gave up cooking a long time ago and started buying ready-made meals from the shops. They love tins, tubes, packets and frozen food of all kinds. Of course, convenience food is an international phenomenon, but it started earlier and has gone further in Britain than in most countries.


It’s more than just a tradition – it is a way of life. Many people have tea first with breakfast, then at mid-morning, with lunch, at tea-time (around 5 o’clock), with dinner, and finally just before bed. As a nation, they get through 185 million cups per day! Most British use tea bags these days, but serious tea lovers still go through an almost Japanese-style ceremony. The selection of tea is very personal.


The country has some excellent food: lamb from Wales, shellfish and salmon from Northern Ireland, fresh fish from Scotland, cheeses from England and Wales. Unfortunately, good British food is difficult to find. Only 2% of restaurants in London serve British food. There are many more Italian, Chinese and Indian restaurants. You can have a good “British” meal without spending a lot of money by going to a pub (or public houses) that you can see everywhere in Britain.



Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–E и заголовками 1–6. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.





Famous people











The United States is the second largest country in North America after Canada. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, by the Pacific Ocean in the west and by the Gulf of Mexico in the south. The country is so big that there are four standard time zones. It also possesses many islands in the Pacific Ocean and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands in the Atlantic. The USA has the third largest population in the world (after China and India).



The American Dream, the hope for a better life in a new country, has attracted people from all over the world. Most of them leave their homeland because they are poor and have few opportunities. Some are forced to leave because of famines and civil war; others come for religious freedom. There are nearly 250 million people living in the USA. 10% are Spanish-speaking people than people of Asian and Pacific Island origin.


Each September, more than fifty million students between the ages of five and seventeen start the new school year. Students attend classes for an average of five hours a day, five days a week, and they have homework assignments to complete after school and on weekend. Many students sign up for after-school programs at their school or nearby. Sports are very popular. There are children’s baseball, soccer, football, and basketball teams in almost every school. 41% of high school graduates go to college.


This day celebrates Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the Americas in 1492. As Columbus was Italian, working for Spain, Columbus Day is especially important for many Italian-Americans and Hispanic-Americans. Since 1971, the holiday has been commemorated in the U.S. on the second Monday in October. Officially, the people of the USA are invited to celebrate the anniversary of the discovery of their country with church services and other activities. In some towns and cities, special church services, parades and large events are held.


Most Americans enjoy sports – both playing sports themselves and watching their favourite teams and competitions. Children are encouraged to participate in sports at an early age. The rivalry between high schools and colleges in sporting events goes right through the school year from football in September to track and field in June. Sports are important in college. Students who show talent in a sport like tennis, track and field, swimming, football, or basketball can apply for sports scholarships.



You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend, Ben.

…We’ve moved house and now I have to go to a new school. It’s a pity because I liked my old school and I had a lot of friends there. Now I feel a bit lonely but I hope to find some friends here too….

…What do you like most about your school? Have you got a lot of friends at school? What do you usually do with your school friends in your free time? …

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 80-100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.




You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend, Ben.

… I can’t imagine my life without my computer and the Internet! Now I can write all my stories and immediately send them to my friends to read…

…What do you use your computer for? How much time do you spend working on your computer? What else do you do in your free time? …

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 80-100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing



1 Stop ……. time playing computer games and do your homework!

A losing B missing C wasting

2 Jenny isn’t here, she ……. at her friend’s house tonight.

A stays B is staying C will stay

3 When we were in Rome, we went on a guided……. of the city.

A tour B excursion C expedition

4 Since Brian has always been interested in the  stars and planets, it’s no wonder he chose to study ……. .

A Astronomy B Engineering CChemistry

5 Be careful! You ……. into that car!

A will crash B are crashing C are going to crash

6 Can you please get ready? There’s ……. time before our guests arrive.

A a lot of B very little C few

7 Little David has ……. much taller since the last time I saw him.

A developed B increased C grown

8 This school ……. in the 1960s.

A was built B built C had built

9 ……. I use your phone, please?

A Should B Must C May

10 When we don’t water flowers they ……. .

A will die B die C are dying

11 Paul ……. going to bed late, so he always feels sleepy at around 11:00 pm.

A didn’t use to B isn’t used to

C doesn’t get used to

12 John usually has ……. eggs and some orange juice for breakfast.

A scrambled B roast C grilled

13 Susan’s father works as an air traffic ……. at the airport.

A programmer B wardenC controller

14 Mark really needs to speak to you. He …….you every five minutes for the last two hours!

A ’s been calling B ’s calling C was calling

15 If you buy more than three books at this shop, they ……. you a better price.

A are giving B would give C will give



1 Maths ……. my favourite subject when I was

at school.

A has been B were C was

2 Can you repeat what you said ……., please?

A clearer B most clearly C more clearly

3 Kenneth ……. his hometown since he came to

live in the city.

A hasn’t visitedB hasn’t been visiting

C wasn’t visiting

4 Are you sure this is ……. leather? It doesn’t

look like it.

A original B genuine C realistic

5 I usually like eating out, but tonight I’d like

……. at home.

A eating B I eat C to eat

6 Frank ……. for six hours without a break, so

he decided to stop somewhere to rest.

A had been driving B drove C was driving

7 Stephen is very ……. because he does

weightlifting five times a week.

A plump B overweight C muscular

8 You ……. get a taxi to the airport. I’ll give

you a lift, if you want.

A mustn’t B don’t have to C can’t

9 Paul wanted to buy that DVD player, so he

asked the salesman how much ……. .

A did it cost B it cost C it costs

10 What would you do if you ……. someone


A had met B met C would meet

11 James spends a lot of time on his computer

……. with his online friends.

A chatting B telling C texting

12 Why go shopping in the city centre when I can

find everything I need at my ……. market?

A native B foreign C local

13 The famous tennis player has announced that

he will not be taking part in any more ……. .

A half-times B championships C tournaments

14 Cynthia pays 30 euros ……. hour for guitar


A a B an C the

15 ……. Ted? Let me introduce you to him.

A Have you met  B Have you been meeting

C Do you meet



1 Lisa asked her brother ……. her computer

without asking her first.

A don’t use B not to use C to not use

2  Are you sure you feel ……. to come on the

picnic with us?

A enough well B too well C well enough

3  I think your ……. shirt will go perfectly with

your new jeans.

A striped, cotton, blue B cotton, blue, striped

C blue, striped, cotton

4  It’s not worth ……. so much money on a pair

of shoes that you’ll only wear once or twice.

A spending B you spend C spend

5  The show ……. at 8:00, so we have plenty of

time to get to the theatre.

A has started B is starting C starts

6 Lilly ……. have taken up squash; she hates

indoor sports.

A mustn’t B can’t C shouldn’t

7  Did Chris himself tell you that he got a pay

rise, or did you hear it on the …….?

A media B grapevine C headlines

8 Can you please stop playing that terrible song

over and over again? It’s ……. me crazy!

A taking B flying C driving

9 ……. you hurry up and get ready, we’ll be

really late.

A If B When C Unless

10Badminton is a fun sport, and you don’t really

need any ……. equipment for it.

A technical B opposing C physical

11 Marshall ……. be less selfish and start caring

about other people besides himself.

A should B needs C ought

12 The ……. has decided to make some last minute changes to tomorrow’s front page.

A producer B editor C director

13 Please hurry sir, all the other passengers have

already ……. the plane.

A caught B boarded C taken

14  Robin ……. Karen that she couldn’t go to her

birthday party.

A told to B said C told

15 Are you sure I still have your book? I remember

……. it to you two weeks ago.

A returning B to return C return



You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben.

…Yesterday I did a test to see which job is the most appropriate for me. According to the results I should become a doctor. But it would be absolutely impossible because I am afraid of blood…

…What future career would you like to have, why? Do your parents agree with your choice? In what way will English be useful for your career? …

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 80-100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.



Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–E и заголовками 1–6. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


1.         Why did people start the postal service?

2.         What is snail mail?

3.         Where did the first delivery system appear?

4.        What are the advantages of e-mail?

5.         What was the first stamp like?

6.         How were the letters paid for?


For as long as humans have existed there has been a need to keep in touch and to transfer important information between people in different places. Before the invention of writing, oral messages were carried from one person to another between towns. Writing made it much easier to send longer messages; however, it was still difficult to make sure that your message got to the right place.


It was used by the Roman officials to transfer information throughout the Empire. Staging posts and a system with horses and carriages meant that messages could move quickly, by using many riders instead of one. It was very important for business and military reasons that good communication system existed. However, the Romans were not the first to realize this. The Chinese and Persian empires used systems of horses and riders more than 500 years before the Romans.


Before the invention of the postage stamps, letters were “franked”. It was marked on the letter that delivery had been paid for. This could have been either written or stamped. A post-mark was also stamped on the letter. Invented in 1660 in England, this was a mark that showed where and when the letter had been posted. It was used to see how long it took to deliver the letter – to make sure the service was reliable.



It is the humorous term used by e-mail users for the old-fashioned letters-in-envelopes postal system. It means that such letters travel very slowly, which actually is rather unfair. In Britain you can send letters first or second class; the first class ones normally get to their destination, anywhere in the country, the next morning. The postal service is called the Royal mail, and all the British stamps have the head of the Queen.



They were invented in Great Britain. It was a British man called Rowland Hill who proposed a stamp to be stuck on the letter to identify that postage had been paid. The first stamp was issued in 1840. It was called the Penny Black and the profile of Queen Victoria’s head was depicted there. The stamp cost 1 pence and was darkly coloured. About 65 million Penny Blacks were issued, and nowadays it is not a very rare stamp.


1 C

2 B

3 A

4 A

5 C

6 B

7 C

8 A

9 C

10 B

11 B

12 A

13 C

14 A

15 C

2 вариант

22 C

23 C

24 A

25 B

26 C

27 A

28 C

29 B

30 B

31 B

32 A

33 C

34 C

35 B

36 A

3 вариант

44 B

45 C

46 C

47 A

48 C

49 B

50 B

51 C

52 C

53 A

54 A

55 B

56 B

57 C

58 A

Тест по английскому языку (8 класс): Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе

Административная контрольная работа за 1 полугодие по английскому языку в 8 классе (УМК «Английский в фокусе»)

Цель работы: проверить уровень достижения планируемых результатов, выявить уровень сформированности УУД учащихся на основе материала, пройденного за первое полугодие.

Документы, определяющие содержание административной контрольной работы:

  1. Федеральный государственный образовательный стандарт основного общего образования
  2. Фундаментальное ядро содержания общего образования
  3. Примерная программа по английскому языку 5-9 классы
  4. Основная образовательная программа ООО МБОУ СОШ №207

Учебник: Ю.Е. Ваулина «Английский в фокусе», изд-во «Просвещение, 2018»

        Элементы содержания:

           Предметные: Общение и поведение в обществе. Кто есть, кто? Способы приготовления пищи. Изобретения. Научные открытия. Покупки

        Грамматическая сторона речи:

Видовременные формы глагола (времена группы Present и Past) способы выражения будущего времени, порядок слов в английском предложении, степени сравнения прилагательных, исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные

Структура контрольной работы:

Работа состоит из двух частей. Первая содержит 10 заданий базового уровня, вторая часть –3 задания повышенного уровня. Время выполнения контрольной работы составляет 40 минут.

Первая часть ориентировочно занимает 20 минут, вторая – 20 минут.

Критерии оценивания работы

Каждое задание первой части оценивается одним баллом. Во второй части – каждое задание – два балла. Два балла ставится, если ход рассуждения верный, все шаги выполнены правильно и получен верный ответ. Один балл ставится, если ход рассуждения верный, все шаги выполнены правильно, но допущены незначительные ошибки. Все остальные случаи – оцениваются нулем. Баллы за выполненные задания суммируются. Вся работа, при верном исполнении, оценивается шестнадцатью баллами.

№ части

Часть 1

Часть 2

Общий балл

№ заданий

Задания №1-10

Задания №11-13

Кол–во баллов за 1 задание



Сумма баллов за задания всей части




Таблица перевода первичных баллов в школьные отметки

Первичный балл

Школьная отметка









Распределение заданий контрольной работы по основным содержательным блокам, планируемым результатам обучения и УДД


Планируемые результаты по английскому языку

Планируемые результаты из целевого раздела ООП

Проверяемые элементы УУД


Общение и поведение в обществе


выбор правильного

решения из



Осуществлять выбор правильного решения из предложенных вариантов



Общение. Кто есть кто?

Употреблять в письменной речи реплики –клише речевого этикета

Объяснять явления, процессы, связи и отношения



Способы выражения количества. Исчисляемые /неисчисляемые существительные

Распознавать в

предложениях исчисляемые /неисчисляемые существительные

Классифицировать и обобщать факты и явления



Видовременные формы глагола (времена группы Present и Past)

Распознавать и употреблять в речи различные типы простых предложений в Past Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous

Умение действовать по алгоритму в соответствии с учебной задачей

Действие по алгоритму


Существительные, употребляющиеся только во множественном\единственном числе

Находить общие признаки.  употребления в речи существительных во множественном и единственном числе.

Анализировать факты и явления



Рассказ о друге по образцу

Написать рассказ о друге с опорой на образец

Излагать полученную информацию, интерпретируя её в контексте решаемой задачи

Действие по алгоритму


Употребление в речи степеней сравнения прилагательных


прилагательные по




Объединять предметы и явления в группы по определенным признакам.



Изобретения. Научные открытия

Находить обобщающее понятие

Обобщать факты и явления



Порядок прилагательных перед существительным.

Применять знания для определения слов по группам

Определять логические связи между предметами и/или явлениями, обозначать данные логические связи с помощью знаков, таблиц, графиков, схем

Использование знако- символических функций для логических операций


Способы приготовления пищи

Находить обобщающее понятие

Выделять признак двух или нескольких предметов или явлений и объяснять их сходство




Понимать основное содержание текста

Ориентироваться в содержании текста, понимать целостный смысл текста, структурировать текст

Работа с информацией


Составлять план пересказа

Умение самостоятельно планировать пути достижения целей



Извлекать нужную информацию из текста

Строить доказательство: прямое, косвенное, от противного


Административная контрольная работа за 1 полугодие по английскому языку в 8 классе (УМК «Английский в фокусе»)

1. Выберите верный ответ

   1. Alan is a very cheerful person because he always looks on…side of life.

        a) colourful                b) bright              c) optimistic

2. Sue wants to do the things her own way. She is so…!            

        a) generous                b) stubborn          c) flexible

   3. Don’t …being around new people just because you feel uncomfortable.

        a) benefit                   b) fancy                c) avoid

   4.  You shouldn’t be jealous …younger brother.

        a) on                          b) of                      c) at

2.Установите соответствие между репликами

   1.What’s he like?

   2. How’s it going?        

   3. See you later!

   4. I turn sixteen next May!

  1. Take care.
  2. That makes us the same age.  
  3. He’s very friendly, but   he can be a bit stubborn at times
  4. Couldn’t be better!

3. Сколько вариантов удовлетворяют заданному условию. Найдите предложения, в которых есть только   неисчисляемые существительные:

   A. There are few grapes, a lot of apples and some chocolate in the basket.

   B. Let’s leave now! We don’t have much time before the film starts.

  1. Is there any butter left? –Yes, there is. But not much.
  2. Helen has bought a lot of things and she has very little money left

4. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке

  1. they /evening/ with/ are /dinner/ the Simpsons/ tomorrow/ having
  2. have /how/ been /you/ studying /English/long?
  3.  spent/ he/ his/ bed/ with /flu /weekend/ in /the
  4. yet/she/ not/ taken/ has/ photos/ any/.

5.Найдите лишнее слово

   1. jeans, scissors, trousers, goods, news, stairs

   2. luggage, money, information, food, police, furniture


6. Напишите рассказ о друге по образцу, используя слова в скобках (selfish, patient, sincere, generous, great)

 My best friend Anna is the coolest friend in the world. She is easy-going and optimistic. Everyone likes her. She is very reliable and always there for me.  Her only fault is that sometimes she gets very stubborn and wants to do things her own way.

My best friend John…


7.  Сгруппируйте прилагательные по способу образования степеней сравнения:

slim, nice, funny, big, exciting, hardworking, tall, little, good, bad, happy, small

-er/ -est





double cons+er/est

8. Какое из перечисленных слов является обобщающим:

Biology, Astronomy, Natural Science, Physics, Ecology, Earth Science

9. Заполните пустые места в таблице:














dark blue








light brown

polka dot



10. Укажите общую черту из перечисленных:

Baked potatoes, roast chicken, steamed rice, boiled vegetables, scrambled eggs, grilled fish, pickled cucumbers

  1. ways of cooking            b) food preparation verbs             c) eating habits

 Часть 2

11.  Озаглавьте текст и выделите главную мысль.




Ten years ago most people didn’t even know what the Internet was. Today, the Internet is a collection of various services and resources. The Internet helps us in different ways. We can read lots of interesting things, send letters and chat with friends or even, what is very popular nowadays, we can do shopping without leaving our houses. But we need to be aware of advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.

Many people fear Internet shopping because of its disadvantages. They claim that the worst thing is that there is no guarantee of receiving the desired product. The seller can simply mail a pig in a poke (кот в мешке) and then the money is lost. They are right because that kind of things happen very often. So people should buy from a reliable source. Another thing is that we have to pay for the delivery and it can be a really big price when the parcel is heavy or comes from overseas.

And what about our health? People don’t go shopping, don’t walk but just sit in front of the computer screen. It affects not only our body but our eyes too!

Another disadvantage is that there is less employment for shop assistants, security men, etc.

Still in spite of the disadvantages internet shopping becomes more and more popular. People can find the desired products much faster than in the shops. Another fine thing about Internet shopping is that there is an enormous choice. Furthermore, the products in the Internet are cheaper than in the shops. But going shopping with your family or friends is much more fun than sitting in front of the screen.



    12. Составьте план рассказа:

1. –                 A. Health problems

2. –                 B. No guarantee for buying desired products

3. –                C. How to do the shopping without leaving a house

4. –                D. Various services of Internet

5. –                E. Going shopping can be more enjoyable

6. –                F. Advantages of shopping via the Internet

13. Найдите в тексте предложение, которое подтверждает следующее:

_______________________________________________________________________ Another advantage of buying online is that there is a huge variety of things in the Internet shops.


 Часть 1

1. Выберите верный ответ

1.b bright    2.b stubborn    3. c avoid   4. b of

2. Установите соответствие между репликами:  

 1.-c) He’s very friendly, but   he can be a bit stubborn at times

    2.- d) Couldn’t be better!   3.- a) Take care   4. -b) That makes us the same age.

3. Сколько вариантов удовлетворяют заданному условию. Найдите предложения, в которых есть только   неисчисляемые существительные:

   B. Let’s leave now! We don’t have much time before the film starts.

С. Is there any butter left? –Yes, there is. But not much.

4. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке:

A. They are having dinner with the Simpsons tomorrow evening.

B. How long have you been studying English?

C. He spent his weekend in bed with the flu.

D. She has not taken any photos yet.

5. Найдите лишнее слово: 1. news 2. police


7. Сгруппируйте прилагательные по способу образования степеней сравнения

-er/ -est





double cons+er/est













8. Какое из перечисленных слов является обобщающим: Natural Science

9. Заполните пустые места в таблице





















dark blue








light brown

polka dot



10. Укажите общую черту из перечисленных: a) ways of cooking

Часть 2

11. Варианты: Online shopping/Internet shopping/ Advantages and disadvantages of Internet shopping

The main idea of the text: (примерно)

Internet shopping is very popular because we can buy desired products and save our time but we need to be aware of advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.


1. – B                 2. – C                  3. – D               4. – A                  5. – F                 6. – E        

13. Another fine thing about Internet shopping is that there is an enormous choice.

Тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему: Стартовый контроль по английскому языку 8 класс

English Grammar Test (Form 8th)

  1. Open the brackets using Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Future Simple:
  1. Something …(fall) out of that window while I …(stand) under it.
  2. When Jane…(have) her Saturday job at a flower shop she…(send) me flowers.
  3.  If he…(not sleep)well, he’ll be always tired.
  4. When I …(be) short of money I ask my parents for help.
  5. (You to see) Mary today?
  6. He (to visit) that place last year.

(8 points)

  1. Put the adjectives in an appropriate degree of comparison:
  1. My sister speaks English (bad) than I do.
  2. A bus is (fast) than a tram.
  3. The (tall) trees in the world grow in California
  4. Who is the (attentive) student in your group?
  5. It is autumn. Every day the air becomes (cold), the leaves (yellow).

(6 points)

  1. Form tag questions from the following sentences:

1.   It’s а lovely evening.

2.  The sportsman runs very fast.

3.   It was a wonderful game .

4.   You will come here again.

(4 points)

  1. What parts of speech do the following affixes form? (nouns, adjectives)
  1. — able/ — ible
  2. im -, ir -, in —
  3. — or, — er
  4. – ful

(4 points)

  1. Match the left column with the right one:
  1. Преследовать (run)
  2. Искать (look)
  3. Столкнуться (run)
  4. Продолжать (go)
  5. Приходить в гости (come)
  1. after
  2. into
  3. on
  4. for
  5. round

(5 points)



  1. fell, was standing
  2. had, sent
  3. doesn’t sleep
  4. am
  5. Have you seen
  6. visited


  1. worse
  2. faster
  3. the tallest
  4. the most attentive
  5. colder, yellower


  1. isn’t it?
  2. doesn’t he?
  3. wasn’t it?
  4. won’t you?


  1. adj.
  2. adj.
  3. n.
  4. adj.


  1. a
  2. d
  3. b
  4. c
  5. e

Criterion of estimation:

«5» 25 – 27 points (95 – 100 %)

«4» 21 – 24 points (70 – 94 %)

«3» 17 — 23 points (50 – 69%)

Тест по английскому языку для 8 класса


8 класс 1 вариант

1. You look so serious. What ………….you …………..about?

1. do / think

2. do / thinking

3. are / thinking

4. are / think

2. – It’s rather hot in here, isn’t it?

— Yes. You’re right. I ………….a window.

1. open

2. am going to open

3. am opening

4. will open

3. David ………….lunch when the phone …………….

1. was making / rang

2. made / rang

3. was making / rung

4. was making / was ringing

4. The students ……………finished the exam yet.

1. didn’t finish

2. don’t finish

3. haven’t finished

4. are not finish

5. Andrew is angry because he …………..a long time for Claire.

1. has been waiting

2. have waited

3. waited

4. waites

6. This restaurant is very, very good. It’s …………restaurant in London.

1. the better

2. the good

3. the best

4. the goodest

7. Why are you so …………..? You’ve eaten all the ice cream. There are other people in this family.

1. shy

2. selfish

3. creative

4. friendly

8. At the moment, my father is designing a hospital. He’s an …………..

1. accountant

2. plumber

3. architect

4. doctor

9. In the morning I usually eat ………….eggs.

1. boiled

2. baked

3. chopped

4. mashed

10. They are people who I work with. They are my …………….

1. flat mates

2. classmates

3. neighbours

4. colleagues

11. Вы получили письмо от вашего ровесника из Великобритании, который хочет стать вашим другом по переписке.

Dear friend,

My name is Steven and I am 15. I want to have a friend from Russia. Could you answer my questions? Where do you live? Have you got a lot of friends? How do you spend your free time? What is your favourite place in your town/ village?

Best wishes,


Напишите ответ. Начните с фразы:

Dear Steven,

Thank you for your letter. …

Ответы 8 класс 1 вариант

























Критерии оценивания ЗАДАНИЯ 11 :

Содержание- 3б

Грамматика- 3б

Лексика- 2б



По критериям Грамматика, Лексика и Орфография:

1-2 ошибки- баллы не снимаем

3-4 ошибки- минус 1 балл

5-6 ошибок- минус два балла

Тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме: Упражнения (чтение, лексика, грамматика), 8 класс


1.    Установите соответствие тем A-H текстам 1-7.  Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
1. For the first time since 1948, the British capital will host the summer Olympic Games. It was the fourth participation of Britain in the battle to host the games after failed attempts of Birmingham for the 1992 Olympics and Manchester for 1996 and 2000. «I’m looking forward to what I’m sure will be a fantastic Olympic Games,” said Prince William.

2. There are many factors, both social and psychological, which influence the roles of teachers and learners in the classroom. The book «Roles of Teachers and Learners” by Tony Wright helps teachers to understand these roles. And the ways in which co-operative learning may best be fostered.

3. It’s calculated that Joanne Rowling, the author of very famous books about Harry Potter, is earning $36,000,000 daily and her total profit is already more than $1,000,000,000.

4. In 2005 » Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” broke the previous record of Potter series itself as wall as all other records had ever held by freshly published books: more than 8.9 million copies had been sold within 24 hours since the moment of release.

5. The word «hamburger” comes from the name of the German city Hamburg and not from the word «ham”, and so the word «cheeseburger”, sometimes used to mean a similar kind of sandwich with cheese instead of meat, is based on a false analogy.

6. Reading works of literature gives students an insight into the variety of ways language has been handled over the last three centuries.  It is both rewarding and motivating for learners to discover they can understand the language, and that they can even enjoy the experience of reading an English or American classic.

7. The world’s famous cycling race comes to its exiting conclusion when the riders cap off three weeks of road racing and 21 stages with a sprint down the Champs Elysees in Paris. The Tour de France will be broadcast live daily at Sport land at 5 p.m. until the last stage on Sunday, June 24.

2.     Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.  Ответьте на вопросы заданий, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответов 1, 2 или 3.
     There is something about the English Channel that has always fascinated the human race and it has always played a special role in British history. The sea itself has always been important to mankind but the Channel often created a barrier between Great Britain and the Continent. This barrier has existed for more than 12,000 years and the desire to break it has occupied the minds of many people for almost two hundred years.
     The construction of the tunnel is perhaps the most incredible engineering project of the 20th century. In fact its completion was called a «technical triumph”.
     However, the first proposal to build a Channel Tunnel appeared in 1802, when a French engineer presented his project for two tunnels to cross it. Historians say Napoleon was interested in that plan. But Napoleon was more interested in fighting the British than in linking the two countries, and shortly afterwards a new war between England and France began. There were many other plans to build a tunnel but unfortunately all of them failed. It was not until after the last war that Britain and France began seriously considering the project. On the 12th February, 1986, Mrs. Thatcher and President Mitterrand signed the Franco-British Treaty which allowed the construction and the operation of the Channel Tunnel. The tunnel was completed eight years later.
     It is now very quick and easy to cross the Channel. You don’t have to book a ticket. The Channel Tunnel trains operate twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year. You can now cross the Channel in thirty-five minutes. At last the great barrier has been broken.
     In 1996, the American Society of Civil Engineers, with Popular Mechanics, selected the tunnel as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.
1. What has always been important to all people?
a. The English Channel.
b. The sea.
c. The tunnel.
2. What did Europeans want to do for many years?
a. To create a barrier between Great Britain and the Continent.
b. To sign a contract on the construction of the tunnel.
c. To connect Great Britain and the continent by train service.
3. When did the Channel Tunnel begin to function?
a. In 1994.
b. In 1986.
c. In 1996.
4. Who proposed the first plan to build a tunnel under the Channel?
a. Napoleon
b. A French engineer.
c. President Mitterrand.
5. When did the construction of the tunnel become possible?
a. After the treaty had been signed.
b. After the engineering project had been presented.
c. After many other plans had been discussed.
6. Why is it easy to cross the Channel at present?
a. The tickets are cheap.
b. The tickets are sold everywhere.
c. The trains go day and night.
7. What is the best title for the text?
a. Engineering Projects.
b. The Channel Tunnel.
c. Seven Wonders of the World.



1 задание

2 задание











 Лексика и грамматика

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B3–B9 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами

It happened in the English lesson. All the students were finishing their compositions about pets. Ms Smith, our English teacher, B3____________________ up to the window and said “What a nice winter day! It B4____________________ now! And everything is so quiet.”

There was a faint sound from outside the window. At first Ms Smith B5____________________ any attention to it. Then the sound was repeated and it became B6____________________.  Ms Smith opened the window and exclaimed “Look, B7____________________, we have a new student, today!” She turned to the class with a little white kitten in her hands and said, “This poor kitten is cold and hungry.”  

Alice raised her hand and said “I B8____________________ the kitten home. I think I’ll call him Snowy.”

Everyone was very glad. “It’s so nice that Snowy B9____________________ a new family”, said Ms Smith.

Now Snowy is a big clever cat.

COME    (B3)

SNOW     (B4)



CHILD     (B7)



Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B10–B14 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию B10–B14

Sandra had never been to the theatre and felt very exсited when Mum  said she had bought tickets to the Opera House. Of course, she knew and admired the beautiful B10___________________.

It was B11 _________________ all over the world. Yet, Sandra was not sure if she would like the B12_____________.

Classical music was not very popular with her friends and she didn’t  often listen to it. What if she felt B13 ________?

“Thank you, Mum!” said Sandra when they were going home. “It was B14_______________________!

What’s on next time?”

BUILD   (B10)

 FAME (B11)


BORE   (B13)


Занесите ответы в бланк












Раздел 3 (задания по лексике и грамматике)




is snowing


did not paydidn’t pay






will take’ll take shall take can take


has just found’s just found











Восьмой класс (8 класс) Вопросы по музыке для тестов и рабочих листов

Вы можете создавать печатные тесты и рабочие листы из этих 8 класс Музыка вопроса! Выберите один или несколько вопросов, установив флажки над каждым вопросом. Затем нажмите кнопку добавить выбранные вопросы к кнопке теста перед переходом на другую страницу.

Предыдущая Страница 1 из 9 Следующие Выбрать все вопросы Каков порядок целых и половинных шагов в мажорной гамме?
  1. ш, в, ш, ш, в, ш, ш,
  2. ш, ш, в, ш, ш, ш, в
  3. h, w, w, w, h, w, w
  4. ш, ш, ш, в, ш, ш, в
Предыдущая Страница 1 из 9 Следующие .Тест на вопросы

WH — упражнения по грамматике английского языка

Этот тест на вопросы WH проверяет ваше понимание 6 слов вопросов WH, в том числе кто, что, где, когда, почему и как. Вам нужно решить, когда использовать каждое слово.

Сможете ли вы набрать идеальные баллы в этом упражнении с несколькими вариантами ответов? Узнайте ниже.

WH Вопросы теста


Выберите правильное вопросительное слово WH.

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