Контрольная работа по будущему времени английский язык: Тест по английскому языку (6, 7 класс) на тему: Тест Способы выражения Будущего времени в английском языке


Тест (английский язык, 7 класс) по теме: Тест употребление форм будущего времени


  1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between 2and 5 words, including the word given.
  1. Our meeting is tomorrow.


      We ___________________________________ tomorrow.

  1. The arrival time of Helen’s flight is 8.00 p.m.


      Helen’s flight ___________________________ 8.00 p.m.

  1. Hurry up! We’ll get to the theatre after the beginning of the play.


By the time we get to the theatre, the play _____________________________ begun.

  1. Do you have any plans for Saturday evening?


What _________________________________ Saturday evening.

  1. Look at those black clouds! There is rain on the way!


     Look at those black clouds! It_____________________________ rain.

  1. Our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary is in June next year.


      By June next year we ____________________________________ twenty-five years.

  1. I’ll be home late.


      I __________________________ late.

  1. This book will take me two years to write.


      In two years’ __________________________________ this book

  1. I’ve been in this company for almost three years.


By the end of the month _________________________ in this company for three years.

  1. Don’t worry; David won’t be late.


Don’t worry; David ______________________ time.

  1. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form.


  1. The train ___________ (leave) London at 8.15 next Tuesday morning. It ___________ (arrive) in Edinburgh at 14.30.
  2. Thanks I’d love something. I _____________ (have) a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit, please.
  3. Watch out! Behind you! That dog ________________ (bite) you.
  4. By the time you get back Harry _________________ (leave).
  5. This time next week I ______________ (lie) on the beach in Italy.    
  6. They say the weather __________ (get) worse in the next few days.
  7. I _____________ (carry) those bags for you; they must be very heavy.
  8. The builders ______________ (finish) building the roof by Thursday.
  9. By December I _________ (study) English for three years and I plan to go on.
  10. They _______________ (travel) to Paris this time next weekend.
  1. Underline the most suitable verb form in each sentence.
  1. She looks very pale. I think she will/ is going to faint.
  2. I’ll be/ I’m going to be a rocket scientist when I grow up.
  3. “Somebody’s at the door”. “I’ll/ I’m going to see who it is”.
  4. I need to be home early today so I leave/ am leaving soon.
  5. By the time you get back all the food will have gone/ will go.
  6. Why are you going to buy/ will you buy a new mountain bike?
  7. Don’t phone between 8.00 and 9.00. I’ll study/ I’ll be studying then.
  8. Can you call me at 7.00, because I’ll leave/ I’m leaving tomorrow.
  9. Christmas is/will be on a Tuesday next year.
  10. Let me know as soon as Louise will get/ gets there.
  1. Choose one of the answers A, B, C, D for each sentence.


I…. to a football match on Sunday

a/ will go

b/ am going

c/ go

d/ will have gone


I’ve decided I ……… be an actor when I finish school.

a/ will be

b/ am

c/ I’m going to

d/ will have been


The new school …….. ready by October.

a/ is built

b/ will be built

c/ will have been built

d/ will be building


I ……. so don’t bother me.

a/ will work

b/ will be working

c/ am working

d/ work


By 2100 people ……. on holiday to different planets.

a/ go

b/ will have gone

c/ are going

d/ will be going


You …….  that vase if you don’t put it down.

a/ are breaking

b/ break

c/ will have broken

d/ are going to break


I’ve got nothing to do tomorrow so I…….. late

a/ will have got up

b/ am to get up

c/ am going to get up

d/ get up


Everyone says that City ………. the Cup.

a/are going to win

b/ win

c/are winning

d/ will have won


I’m sorry dinner isn’t ready yet, but it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,in a minute.

a/ will be ready

b/ is going to be ready

c/ is ready

d/ will have been ready


Don’t worry about the mistake you made, nobody ……….

a/ is noticing

b/ will notice

c/ will be noticing

d/ notices






are having a meeting


leaves, arrives


is going to


arrives at


will have


I’m going to be


will have


is going to bite




are you doing on


will have left


am leaving


is going to


will be lying


will have gone


will have been married for


will / is going to get


are you going to buy


won’t be home until


will carry


I’ll be studying


I will have written/ finished


will have finished


I’m leaving


I will have been


will have been studying




will be  here on


will be travelling





b/ am going



c/ I’m going to



c/ will have been built



b/ will be working



d/ will be going



d/ are going to break



c/ am going to get up



a/are going to win



a/ will be ready



b/ will notice


Упражнения «Времена группы Future» (с ответами)

1. Преобразуйте следующие утвердительные предложения в отрицательные. Переведите получившиеся предложения.

  1. We’ll have packed our luggage by the time the taxi comes.
  2. The government will close the old jail.
  3. My son will be meeting me at the airport at 8 on Tuesday.
  4. I’ll go roller-skating next weekend.
  5. Bob will have left India by this time tomorrow.
  6. By 2050 they’ll have been living in the country for forty years.
  7. The baby will be sleeping at 9 tonight.
  8. They’ll have been working for this company for 10 years next September.

2. Выберите верный вариант глагола и переведите предложения.

  1. By the time Teddy comes home Pamela … (will eat/will have eaten/will be eating) all the apple jam.
  2. It’s still not clear if the weather … (will change/will have changed/changes) for the better.
  3. When Sandra enters a Design College she … (will study/will be studying/will have been studying) Drawing for 5 years there.
  4. We … (will travel/will have travelled/will have been travelling) to lake Baikal in 2 months.
  5. She … (will be playing/will have played/will have been playing) tennis tomorrow afternoon.
  6. My dear granny … (will become/will be becoming/will have become) a pensioner by 2018.
  7. When you come to the station I … (will wait/will be waiting/will have waited) for you by the central entrance.
  8. By the time he returns, we … (will starve/will have starved/will have been starving) here for 3 days!

3. Поставьте глагол в форму Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect или Future Perfect Continuous.

to work

  1. I … in Brazil at this time next year.
  2. Dad … in the garden next Sunday.
  3. By next Monday she … here for one month already.
  4. In May our Russian teacher … at our school for 30 years!

to read

  1. He … the report by that time.
  2. We … the letters when you come.
  3. Pearson … the contract tomorrow.
  4. Ann … this book for two weeks the day after tomorrow.




  1. We won’t have packed our luggage by the time the taxi comes. (Мы не упакуем наш багаж ко времени приезда такси.)
  2. The government won’t close the old jail. (Правительство не закроет старую тюрьму.)
  3. My son won’t be meeting me at the airport at 8 on Tuesday. (Мой сын не будет встречать меня в аэропорту в 8 часов во вторник.)
  4. I won’t go roller-skating next weekend. (Я не пойду кататься на роликах в следующие выходные.)
  5. Bob won’t have left India by this time tomorrow. (Боб не уедет из Индии к этому времени завтра.)
  6. By 2050 they won’t have been living in the country for forty years. (К 2050 году они не будут жить в стране в течение 40 лет.)
  7. The baby won’t be sleeping at 9 tonight. (Малыш не будет спать сегодня в девять вечера.)
  8. They won’t have been working for this company for 10 years next September. (Они не будут работать в этой компании в течение 10 лет в следующем сентябре.)


  1. will have eaten (К моменту прихода Тедди домой Памела съест весь яблочный джем.)
  2. will change (Все еще неясно, изменится ли погода к лучшему.)
  3. will have been studying (Когда Сандра поступит в дизайнерский колледж, она будет изучать рисование в течение пяти лет.)
  4. will travel (Мы отправимся в путешествие к озеру Байкал через 2 месяца.)
  5. will be playing (Она будет играть в теннис завтра днем.)
  6. will have become (Моя дорогая бабуля выйдет на пенсию к 2018 году.)
  7. will be waiting (Когда ты придешь на вокзал, я буду ждать тебя у центрального входа.)
  8. will have been starving (К тому времени, когда он вернется, мы будем изнемогать от голода 3 дня!)


  1. will be working (Я буду работать в Бразилии в это время в следующем году.)
  2. will work (Папа будет работать в саду в следующее воскресенье.)
  3. will have worked (К следующему понедельнику она будет работать здесь уже месяц.)
  4. will have been working (В мае наш учитель русского языка проработает в школе 30 лет!)
  5. will have read (К тому времени он прочитает доклад.)
  6. will be reading (Мы будем читать письма, когда ты придешь.)
  7. will read (Мистер Пирсон прочитает контракт завтра.)
  8. will have been reading (Анна будет читать эту книгу в течение двух недель послезавтра.)

Упражнения «Времена группы Future» (с ответами) — 4.5 out of 5 based on 57 votes

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Тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему: тест по английскому языку по теме : Будущее время

        «Future Simple»

1 вариант

I. Поставьте глаголы в будущее время.

    1. We(go) to the cinema tomorrow.

    2. Where you (spend) your weekend?

    3. Mother (not, drive) a car soon.

    4. He (buy) a new mobile?

    5. It (be) hot next summer.

II. Поставьте глаголы  в правильную форму.( Present Simple or Future Simple) Предложения переведите.

  1. If the weather (be) hot, I (sunbathe) on the beach.
  2. We (do) it when John (come).
  3.  I (buy) you a big  juicy apple if there (be) some in the shop.
  4. You (learn) French when you ( go) to school.
  5. When Mary ( ring) me up, I (talk) to her.
  6. If we (be) in Glasgow next week, we (see) each other.

2 вариант

I. Поставьте глаголы в будущее время.

  1. They (not ,play)volleyball.
  2. He (ski) in the park.
  3. What you(do) in the evening?
  4. He (celebrate) his birthday?
  5. I (talk) to my friend on the phone.

II. Поставьте глаголы  в правильную форму.( Present Simple or Future Simple). Предложения переведите.

   1 If Ann (spend) the summer at her granny’s, we (see) her there.

   2. If there (be) a lot of snow in the forest, I (go) skiing.

   3. If the snow (be) wet, we (make) a snowman.

   4. When the temperature (be) higher, they (drive) to their country house.

   5.Nobody (go) skiing tomorrow if it (be) cold.

   6. If it (rain), we (stay) at home .

 1 вариант

I. Поставьте глаголы в будущее время.

    1. We(go) to the cinema tomorrow.

    2. Where you (spend) your weekend?

    3. Mother (not, drive) a car soon.

    4. He (buy) a new mobile?

    5. It (be) hot next summer.

II. Поставьте глаголы  в правильную форму.( Present Simple or Future Simple) Предложения переведите.

  1. If the weather (be) hot, I (sunbathe) on the beach.
  2. We (do) it when John (come).
  3.  I (buy) you a big  juicy apple if there (be) some in the shop.
  4. You (learn) French when you ( go) to school.
  5. When Mary ( ring) me up, I (talk) to her.
  6. If we (be) in Glasgow next week, we (see) each other.

«Spotlight». Проверочная работа по теме «Future Tenses»


Раскройте скобки, используя будущее время.
1. This time next week I____(fly) to Italy.
2. By this time next month she ____(study) history for 3 years.
3. The bus ____(leave) at 4 p.m.
4. The weather is sunny. It ____(not to rain)
5. I ___(have) a birthday party today.
6. By 10 o’clock tomorrow she ____(write) this article.

7. Kate ____ (be) 16 years old next week.

Раскройте скобки, используя будущее время.

1. ___ you____(help) me with my homework?
2. The concert ____(start) at 8 p.m.
3. By this time next year he ____(play) the guitar for 5 years.
4. I ____(meet) my aunt this evening.
5. We ____(read) this book by tomorrow.
6. On Saturday afternoon Nick ___(do) his homework.
7. They___(buy) a new car for their mother’s birthday.

Раскройте скобки, используя будущее время.
1. This time next week I____(fly) to Italy.
2. By this time next month she ____(study) history for 3 years.
3. The bus ____(leave) at 4 p.m.
4. The weather is sunny. It ____(not to rain)

5. I ___(have) a birthday party today.
6. By 10 o’clock tomorrow she ____(write) this article.
7. Kate ____ (be) 16 years old next week.

Раскройте скобки, используя будущее время.

1.___ you____(help) me with my homework?
2. The concert ____(start) at 8 p.m.
3. By this time next year he ____(play) the guitar for 5 years.
4. I ____(meet) my aunt this evening.
5. We ____(read) this book by tomorrow.
6. On Saturday afternoon Nick ___(do) his homework.
7. They___(buy) a new car for their mother’s birthday.


Раскройте скобки, используя будущее время.
1. This time next week I____(fly) to Italy.

2. By this time next month she ____(study) history for 3 years.
3. The bus ____(leave) at 4 p.m.
4. The weather is sunny. It ____(not to rain)
5. I ___(have) a birthday party today.
6. By 10 o’clock tomorrow she ____(write) this article.
7. Kate ____ (be) 16 years old next week.

Раскройте скобки, используя будущее время.

1. ___ you____(help) me with my homework?
2. The concert ____(start) at 8 p.m.
3. By this time next year he ____(play) the guitar for 5 years.
4. I ____(meet) my aunt this evening.
5. We ____(read) this book by tomorrow.
6. On Saturday afternoon Nick ___(do) his homework.
7. They___(buy) a new car for their mother’s birthday.

Раскройте скобки, используя будущее время.
1. This time next week I____(fly) to Italy.
2. By this time next month she ____(study) history for 3 years.
3. The bus ____(leave) at 4 p.m.
4. The weather is sunny. It ____(not to rain)
5. I ___(have) a birthday party today.
6. By 10 o’clock tomorrow she ____(write) this article.
7. Kate ____ (be) 16 years old next week.

Раскройте скобки, используя будущее время.

1.___ you____(help) me with my homework?
2. The concert ____(start) at 8 p.m.
3. By this time next year he ____(play) the guitar for 5 years.
4. I ____(meet) my aunt this evening.
5. We ____(read) this book by tomorrow.

6. On Saturday afternoon Nick ___(do) his homework.
7. They___(buy) a new car for their mother’s birthday.

Контрольная работа Future Simple | 5 заданий с ответами

В данной контрольной работе представлено 5 заданий разных типов.

Задание 1. Проверка знания правил образования и употребления Future Simple.
  1. При помощи какого/каких вспомогательных глаголов образуется время Future Simple?
  2. Объясните разницу между временем Future Simple и конструкцией to be going to.
Задание 2. Закончите предложения, используя I’ll + подходящий по смыслу глагол.

Образец: I’m too tired to walk home. I think I’ll get a taxi.

  1. I feel a bit hungry. I think … something to eat.
  2. It’s too late to telephone Tom now … him in the morning.
  3. ‘It’s a bit cold in this room.’ — ‘Is it? … on the heating then.’
  4. ‘We haven’t got any cigarettes.’ — ‘Oh, haven’t we? … and get some.’
  5. ‘Did you write that letter to Jack?’ — ‘Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me. … it this evening.’
  6. ‘Would you like tea or coffee?’ ‘…  coffee, please.’
Задание 3. Соедините части предложения из правой и левой колонок таблицы.

Will you shut

English lessons twice a week.

He will return

tell Tom what you said. I promise.

They will take

to Moscow in a few days

Will you please

the door, please?

I won’t

be quiet? I’m trying to concentrate.

Задание 4. Поставьте C (Correct) напротив предложений, которые составлены верно, и W (Wrong) – напротив предложений, которые составлены неверно.
  1. This time next year I will am in Japan.
  2. When you will know your examination results?
  3. Do you think will we win the match?
  4. That bag looks heavy. I’ll help you with it.
  5. I will going to travel round the world.
Задание 5. Решите 5 тестов (только 1 ответ верный).
1. “Why have you got so much food?”
    “Because I _____ a meal for two people.”

A) cook
B) am going to cook
C) will cook
D) had cook

2. “My car isn’t working.” 
    “Ask Joe to look at it. He _____ you.”

A) will help
B) helps
C) is going to help
D) helped

3. “I passed my driving test!” 
    “That’s great! I _____ some champagne to celebrate!”

A) am going to buy
B) will buy
C) bought
D) am buying

4. “Why have you got your old clothes on?”
    “Because I _____ the grass.’

A) had cut
B) cutted
C) am going to cut
D) cut

5. Mark ___ into the army next year.

A) was going
B) goes
C) will go
D) will be go

Задание 1.
  1. shall/will или только will
  2. Мы используем will,когда решение что-то сделать возникает в процессе разговора, а не заранее. Мы используем going to, когда уже принято решение что-то сделать.
Задание 2.
  1. I’ll have / I’ll get
  2. I’ll phone / I’ll telephone / I’ll ring / I’ll call
  3. I’ll turn / I’ll switch / I’ll put
  4. I’ll go
  5. I’ll do / I’ll write
  6. I’ll have
Задание 3.

Will you shut the door, please?
He will return to Moscow in a few days
They will take English lessons twice a week.
Will you please be quiet? I’m trying to concentrate.
I won’t tell Tom what you said. I promise.

Задание 4.
  1. W
  2. W
  3. W
  4. C
  5. W
Задание 5.
  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. C

Часть материала скопирована из следующих источников:
1. Raymond Murphy «English Grammar In Use» Cambridge University Press
2. Atalay Oguz «TEST MASTER» – Baskent Education Publication

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Тест по английскому языку (9 класс): Тест для 9 класса по теме » Future Tenses»

Test Future tenses.

  1. Underline the correct verb tense.
  1. This time next week we will be enjoying /will have enjoyed ourselves at the Notting  Hill Carnival.

2.   The train to Bristol will leave/leaves at 5:00 pm form platform six.

3.   I am going/ will go to the art exhibition tomorrow afternoon. Do you want to join me?

4.   Don’t worry, John will have been fixing/ will have fixed your computer by the end of the day.

5.   Be careful! You will spill/ are going to spill coffee on your keyboard!

6.   You can’t carry all these bags yourself. I am taking/ ‘ll take some of them off your hands.

  1.  Put the verbs in brackets into the future tense.
  1. A: This time next week I………..(fly) to Madrid.

B: Really? Can you join me?

  1. A: You’ve been surfing the Net all morning!

B: Yes. By 11 o’clock I………(surf) the Net for four hours.

  1. A: Have you moved to your new flat yet?

B: No, I…………( move) at the end of this week.

  1. A: ………..(you/go) shopping later today?

B: Yes. Do you need anything from the shops?

  1. A: You look tired!

B: Yes. By 9 o’clock I…………..(study) for five hours.

  1. A: Why don’t you come to my house at seven o’clock?

B: …….( you/come) back from work by then?

  1. A: Sarah is retaking her driving test next week.

B: I know. She…………( take) it three times so far!

  1. A: Haven’t the builders finished repairing the roof yet?

B: No, not yet. By the end of this week, they…………..( repair) the roof for two weeks.

  1. Use the appropriate tense to express a future meaning and the phrases in brackets to complete the sentences that each person might say.
  1. Her friend says he is cold. (close/window).


  1. Tom is catching the plane to Madrid  tonight. (leave/ 8:00)

“My plane…………………..”.

  1. George has made plans to go to the theatre with Jenny tonight. ( meet/outside theatre)

“ Jenny and I………………………”.

  1. Someone asks Mary about her plans for tomorrow evening. (watch/favourite TV show)

“ At this time tomorrow evening I……………………”.

  1. They are going to the theatre but they’re worried about missing the start of the show. ( show/start)

“ By the time we get there……………………”.

  1. Someone’s has asked me how long I have been working in this company.( here/two years)

“ By next September I………………………..”.

Тренажёр по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему: Грамматическая копилка (способы выражения будущего)

Муниципальное  автономное  образовательное учреждение

средняя школа №1 города Михайловска Свердловской области

Грамматическая  мозаика(Способы выражения будущего )

Материал составлен для учащихся 9-10 классов

Цель-контроль и расширение знаний видовременных форм глагола

Работа состоит из четырех вариантов.

Задания направлены на проверку умений определять временную форму в действительном залоге.

Вторая задача- развитие  навыка сравнения двух способов выражения будущего времени.

Третья задача – умение определять форму по контексту

                         Составила: Сычева М.В., учитель  

английского языка                

1 variant  Be going or Future Simple

  1. The phone is ringing, I ______________________________ (answer).
  2. ______________________________ that dress ? (buy/I).
  3. Peter and Sarah ______________________________ to London next week (move).
  4. It’s cloudy. I think it ______________________________ (rain).
  5. It is sure. We ______________________________ something for you (do).
  6. It is so hot in here. ______________________________ the window ? (open/I).
  7. The kettle is boiling. I ______________________________ some tea (make).
  8. What will you do when you ______________________________ 18 ?
  9. Don’t worry. They ______________________________ (not/get) lost, they know the road.
  10. I am upset, I ______________________________ (cry).

2 variant  Be going or Future Simple

10. I _____________________________ have a pint of lager after work.

1. In the restaurant I _____________________________ have a glass of red wine.

2. I think we _____________________________ have a cold winter this year.

3. What are your plans for tomorrow ? — I _____________________________ have a quiet evening at home.

4. Look at this man on a ladder. He _____________________________ fall.

5. It’s so hot in here. I _____________________________ open the windows.

6. I _____________________________ sell my car. Do you want to buy it ?

7. Have you got my notebook ? — Sorry, I still need it. I _____________________________ bring it back tomorrow.

8. I think the company _____________________________ increase the sales by 10% next year.

9. I _____________________________ never do it again. I promise !

3  variant         Future Continuous or Perfect

  1. Don’t come before 5pm, ______________________________ (I/ work) at my office.
  2. Come at 5.30pm, ______________________________ (I/ finish) working.
  3. Do you think ______________________________ (you/ still/ live) in the same house next year?
  4. If you can, come to see me, ______________________________ (I/ stay) at the Beach Hotel until Saturday.
  5. In my dreams, tomorrow ______________________________ (I/snuggle up) to you and not taking my exam !
  6. I’m visiting Australia at the moment, at the end ______________________________ (I/ travel) more than 6000 km.
  7. I’ll come to join you around 7pm, ______________________________ ; (my meeting/ end) by then.
  8. I can imagine that tomorrow ______________________________ (the holiday/ finish), it’s sad.

4 variant  Future Continuous or Perfect

  1. Jonathan ______________________________ (work) on his invention for three hours before he finally goes to bed.
  2. Jack ______________________________ (work) at the post office for 20 years by the time he’s 50.
  3. I’m afraid Jack ______________________________ (not/recover) from the accident by the time his football training begins.
  4. I ______________________________ (grow) my own vegetables for 2 years by the end of the year.
  5. ______________________________ (you/ mail) the invitations before Friday?
  6. We ______________________________ (convert) the rooftop of our apartment into a garden by the end of the week.
  7. Scientists hope they ______________________________ (solve) the world’s food shortage problem by the end of the century.
  8. By June, Mr. Patterson ______________________________ (teach) music at school for ten years.
  9. By November, Harry ______________________________ (sell) his products to local stores for 2 years.
  10. Are you sure you ______________________________ (clean) the living room before the guests arrive?



  1. will answer
  2. Shall I buy
  3. are moving
  4. is going to rain
  5. are going to do
  6. Shall I open§May I open
  7. shall make
  8. are
  9. won’t get
  10. am going to cry


1. am going to

2. will

3. will

4. am going to

5. is going to

6. will

7. am going to

8. will

9. will

10. will

  1. I’ll be working
  2. I’ll have finished
  3. you’ll still be living
  4. I’ll be staying
  5. I’ll be snuggling up
  6. I’ll have travelled
  7. my meeting will have ended
  8. the holiday will have finished
  1. will have been working
  2. will have been working
  3. will not have recovered
  4. will have been growing
  5. Will you have mailed
  6. will have converted
  7. will have solved
  8. will have been teaching
  9. will have been selling
  10. will have cleaned

тестов по английскому языку: будущие времена — резюме.

Прочтите приведенные ниже вопросы и решите, какой ответ лучше всего подходит для каждого места.

Вопрос 1

Ваши водительские права … на следующей неделе. Срок действия

истекает срок действия истекает срок действия Срок действия истекает Вопрос 2

У меня есть предложение для Питера. … его сегодня вечером?

Будете ли вы видетьБудете ли вы видетьПобираетесь увидетьВопрос 3

Том … для компании на 20 лет на следующей неделе. Мы … вечеринка для него.

работает … организация будет работать…организуются будут работать … собираются организовать будут работать … организуем вопрос 4

Каждый студент … экзамен на аттестат зрелости в мае.

принимает, будет брать, будет принимать, вопрос 5

… окно?

Я открою? Я открою? Я открою? Я собираюсь открыть? Вопрос 6?

. Надеюсь … завтра.

не идет дождь не идет дождь не идет дождь не идет дождь вопрос 7

Я не могу больше смотреть на эти документы. Я … безумие.

вот-вот на грани на шаг будет в вопросе 8

Как только я… назад, я … что-то хорошее.

пойду … куплю … куплю … куплю … куплю … куплю Вопрос 9

Вы можете навестить меня завтра? Ну, я полагаю, ты … я какое-то время. Мы … в отпуске.

не увидит … пойдет не увидит … пойдет не увидит … пойдет не увидит … пойдет Вопрос 10

Я … пойду с вами.

не должен не должен не должен Вопрос 11

Торопитесь! Поезд …

вот-вот уезжаетэто уезжаетэто на кирпиче уезжаетбудет уезжать Вопрос 12

Концерт… в 20:00

начнется из-за старта Вопрос 13

Если она … сдаст экзамен, ей нужно учиться усерднее.

вот-вот будетэто связано с вопросом 14

Я … вечеринка и хотел бы вас пригласить. Спасибо, если вам нужна помощь, я … вам руку.

собираюсь организовать … дам организую … предоставлю организацию … дам организацию … дам вопрос 15

Вы … ваша комната без моего разрешения.

не уйдет

Simple Future Test — learnEnglish-online

Простой тест на будущее поможет вам попрактиковаться в понимании структуры глагольного времени. Попробуйте набрать идеальную 10.

Простой тест будущего


Выберите правильный вариант для простого будущего.

Вы уже прошли тест раньше.Следовательно, вы не можете запустить его снова.

Вы должны войти в систему или зарегистрироваться, чтобы начать викторину.

Вы должны пройти следующую викторину, чтобы начать эту викторину:


0 из 10 вопросов ответил правильно

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Прошло времени

Вы набрали 0 из 0 баллов, (0)

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