Методическая разработка по иностранному языку (3 класс): Входная контрольная для 3 класса по английскому языку по программе Верещагиной И.Н.
Входной тест 3 класс
Задание 1.Расставьте буквы в правильном порядке.
Задание 2: Запиши словами.
__________________ ______________ ________________ ______________
Задание 3: Составь предложения из слов. Запиши их.
Образец: can’t, cat, a, swim. – A cat can’t swim.
Tom, sing, can. — __________________________________________
long, His, isn’t, pen. — ______________________________________
cat, got, big, a, Jess, has. — ______________________________
Задание 4: Вставь пропущенные слова:have или has.
Образец: He has got a rabbit.
I ______ got a black cat.
Tom ______ got a big bag.
Ann ______ got a black pen and a red pencil.
______ you got a dog? — Yes, I _______.
Задание 5: Поставь вместо пропусков am или is или are
1) I ______ clever.
2) His cat ______ not grey.
3) Tim’s dog ______ big and black.
4) _______ he five?
5) Mary ______ from Great Britain.
6) My mother _______ nice.
7) We _______ very funny.
8) ______ you doctors ?
Задание 6: Выбери ответ
- How are you?
a). Thank you.
b). I’m nine.
c). I’m fine.
- What’s your name?
a). I’m nine.
b). I’m Bob.
c). Hello!
- Are you a girl?
a). Yes, I am.
b). Yes, I can.
c). Yes, we are.
- How old are you?
a). I’m a student.
b). I’m from Russia.
c). I’m ten.
7. Соответствуют ли утверждения тексту? Напиши Yes или No.
My name is Tim. I’m nine. I’m not from America, I’m from Great Britain. I go to school. I can run and jump, but I can’t fly. I like to play football. My mother and my father are doctors. My sister is a student. Her name is Mary, she’s eight. We like to play together. I love my family.
- His name is Tom. _______
- He is five. _______
- He can run. ________
- He can’t jump. _______
- He is from America. ________
- His mother is a dentist. __________
- His sister’s name is Ann. __________
- His sister is eleven. _____________
Контрольная работа по английскому для 3 класса
1.Date: Surname: Class:
1Вставь SOME ( + , can…? ) или ANY ( — , ? )
There is ______ milk in the cup.
There is ______ bread on the table.
Are there ______ oranges in the bag?
There isn’t ______ cheese in the fridge.
There are______ flowers in the vase.
There aren’t ______ carrots in the fridge.
There is ______ coffee in the cup.
Is there ______ cheese in the fridge?
There are ______ grapes on the plate.
2.Read and match
1 .rice a) апельсиновый сок
2. orange juice b)вода
3, water c) бутерброд
4. sandwich d)молоко
5. milk e)торт
6. chocolate f)яйцо
7. lemonade g)курица
8. cake h)рис
9. egg i)шоколад
10.chicken j)лимонад
3.Write these words in English:
1. мясо
3. печенье
4. сосиски
5. макароны(паста)
2.Date: Surname: Class:
1.Вставь SOME ( + , can…? ) или ANY ( — , ? )
1.They’ve got ______ cakes in this shop.
2.Can I have ________ potatoes, please.
3.Have you got ______ ice-cream?
4.There aren’t ___________ boys in the team!
5.There isn’t ______ milk in the fridge.
6.I can see______ tomatoes in the bag.
7.There aren’t ______cucumbers in the fridge.
8.Can I have ______tea, please?
9.Is there ______cheese on the shelf?
2.Write these words in English
1. морковь
2. кока-кола
3. пицца
4 овощи
2.Read and match
1 .rice a) апельсиновый сок
2. orange juice b)вода
3, water c) бутерброд
4. sandwich d)молоко
5. milk e)торт
6. chocolate f)яйцо
7. lemonade g)курица
8. cake h)рис
9. egg i)шоколад
10.chicken j)лимонад
Итоговая контрольная работа для 3 класса по английскому языку.
(УМК М.З. Биболетовой «Enjoy English-2»)
Автор: С.В. Парубенко
Variant 1Name ____________________
Surname _____________________________
Form ________________________________
Расставь слова в предложениях в нужном порядке:
there, carpet, on, blue, floor, the, is, a.
room, there, a, clock, is, my, round, in.
Вставь в пропуски is или are:
There … three doors in the house.
There … a big round mirror in the hall.
There … many books on the shelves.
There … a table in the kitchen.
There … four candles on the table.
Отметь правильный перевод:
Roo’s letter
а)письма Ру, b) письмо Ру, с) открытка Ру
brothers’ balloons
шарик брата, b) шарики брата, с) шарики братьев
Зачеркни не подходящее по смыслу слово
Head, mouse, mouth, ear, nose, eye, eyebrow
Подпиши названия частей лица и тела
Variant 2
Name ____________________
Surname _____________________________
Form ________________________________
Расставь слова в предложениях в нужном порядке:
two, windows, there, in, living-room, are, the.
on, ten, shelf, books, the, are, there.
Вставь в пропуски is или are:
There … a door in the house.
There … five big chairs in the hall.
There … many pictures on the walls.
There … a fireplace in the living-room.
There … a clock on the shelf.
Отметь правильный перевод:
Piglet’s letter
а)письма Пятачка, b) письмо Пяточка, с) конверт Пяточка
sisters’ pencils
карандаш сестёр, b) карандаши сестры, с) карандаши сестёр
Зачеркни не подходящее по смыслу слово
Eye, ear, nose, forehead, lip, eleven.
Подпиши названия частей лица и тела
Программа курса английского языка к УМК Английский с удовольствием/ Enjoy English для 2-11 классов общеобраз. учрежд.- Обнинск: Титул,
2009г., книга для учителя к УМК М.З. Биболетовой “
-2”, тетрадь на печатной основе к УМК М.З. Биболетовой “
-2”, учебник М.З. Биболетовой “
Итоговая контрольная работа для 3 класса по английскому языку
Пояснительная записка
Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 3 класса по английскому языку. Материал использован в соответствии с требованиями Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта начального общего образования.
Цель данной итоговой работы: контроль уровня сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков учащихся третьего класса.
УМК: Верещагина, Притыкина: Английский язык. 3 класс. Учебник. В 2-х частях. ФГОС. 2019.
Время выполнения работы: 40 минут.
Содержание итоговой работы: контрольная работа составлена на основе лексико-грамматических тем, изученных в течение 2019 – 2020 учебного года в соответствии с требованиями программы учебного предмета «Английский язык» для обучающихся 3 класса.
Структура работы:
Данная итоговая работа включает в себя 6 лексико-грамматических заданий:
Задание № 1 – проверка навыка образовать порядковые и количественные числительные.
Задание № 2 – проверка навыка образовать множественное число существительных.
Задание № 3 – проверка навыка образовать притяжательный падеж для существительных единственного и множественного числа.
Задание №4 – проверка навыка образовать сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения прилагательных.
Задание № 5 – проверка навыка образовать необходимую грамматическую форму глагола.
Задание № 6 – проверка навыка построения специальных вопросов к указанным словам.
Критерии оценивания
За каждый верный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа учащийся получает 0 баллов. Максимальное количество баллов – 30. Отметка выставляется в соответствии с процентным соотношением, принятым в конкретном учебном заведении.
Список источников:
УМК Верещагина, Притыкина: Английский язык. 3 класс. Учебник. В 2-х частях. ФГОС. 2019.
Притяжательный падеж: https://s- english.ru/uprazhneniya/possessive-case
Степени сравнения прилагательных https://s- english.ru/uprazhneniya/stepeni-sravneniya-prilagatelnykh
Final grammar test 3 grade
Напиши числительные по образцу: 20 – twenty – the twentieth
12 _____________________________________________
43 _____________________________________________
21 _____________________________________________
65 _____________________________________________
80 _____________________________________________
Образуй множественное число существительных.
A box _____________________________________________
A child _____________________________________________
A man _____________________________________________
A day _____________________________________________
A family _____________________________________________
Напиши ‘s или s’.
This is Jane … notebook.
I am playing with my friends. These are my friend … toys.
She has got a son. This is her son … bedroom.
Where are Mark … keys?
My grandmother and grandfather have got a house. This is my grandparent … house.
4. Напиши степени сравнения прилагательных.
It is (good) … day in my life!
Today the weather is (bad) … than it was yesterday.
What animal is (big) … in the world?
Jane’s game is (interesting) … than Kate’s one.
I think monkeys are (funny) … animals at the Zoo.
5. Раскрой скобки, поставив глагол в нужной форме.
1. Нe (not to like) his new toy. _____________________________________________
2. Lina (play) with her funny dog every day. ___________________________________
3. They (see) sweets in the box yesterday? _____________________________________
4. I (can) play football last summer. __________________________________________
5. My friends (not to eat) carrots now. ________________________________________
6. Задай специальные вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. British people watch TV a lot. (What?)
2. Mother bought some bananas in the shop. (Where?)
We are playing chess with our grandfather. (Who?)
My friends went to school yesterday. (When?)
She bought ten bananas last week. (How many?)
Final grammar test 3 grade
Напиши числительные по образцу: 20 – twenty – the twentieth
12 twelve – the twelfth
43 forty-three – the forty-third
21 twenty-one – the twenty-first
65 sixty-five – the sixty-fifth
80 eighty – the eightieth
Образуй множественное число существительных.
A box boxes
A child children
A man men
A day days
A family families
Напиши ‘s или s’.
This is Jane’s … notebook.
I am playing with my friends. These are my friends’ … toys.
She has got a son. This is her son’s … bedroom.
Where are Mark’s … keys?
My grandmother and grandfather have got a house. This is my grandparents’ … house.
4. Напиши степени сравнения прилагательных.
It is (the best) … day in my life!
Today the weather is (worse) … than it was yesterday.
What animal is (the biggest) … in the world?
Jane’s game is (more interesting) … than Kate’s one.
I think monkeys are (the funniest) … animals at the Zoo.
5. Раскрой скобки, поставив глагол в нужной форме.
1. Нe (doesn’t like) his new toy. _____________________________________________
2. Lina (plays) with her funny dog every day. ___________________________________
3. Did they (see) sweets in the box yesterday? __________________________________
4. I (could) play football last summer. ________________________________________
5. My friends (aren’t eating) carrots now. _____________________________________
6. Задай специальные вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. British people watch TV a lot. (What?)
What do British people watch a lot?
2. Mother bought bananas in the shop. (Where?)
Where did mother buy bananas?
We are playing chess with our grandfather. (Who?)
Who is playing chess with our grandfather?
My friends went to school yesterday. (When?)
When did my friends go to school?
She bought ten apples last week. (How many?)
How many apples did she buy yesterday?
Тест по иностранному языку (3 класс) на тему: Тест по английскому языку 3 класс 4 четверть
тест для 3-х класса
- Сделай правильный выбор и вставь нужное слово:
- When ….. your birthday?
- am b) are c) is
- How old ……. you ?
- am b) are c) is
- Tiny ……. in the forest.
- live b) like c) lives
- My little brother ……… go to school.
- don’t b) doesn’t c) like
- Tiny …….. very big ears.
- does b) has c) have
- Does Tiny ……. ice cream and jam?
- likes b) live c) like
- In the morning Dino …… his teeth.
a)clean b) washes c) cleans
- He …… to bed at 9 o’clock.
- goes b) go c) come
- Ufo rides his bike …. Sunday.
- In b) on c) at
- Uco has breakfast …. 7:30 am.
- at b) on c) in
- Вставь подходящие по смыслу вопросительные слова
a) When b) Where c) How d) What e) Who
- …….. do you live?
- …… old are you ?
- ……. is your birthday?
- ……. lives in the forest?
3. Вставь пропущенные слова в текст:
I goes o’clock washes homework home school lives
Andrew lives with his mum and dad. They live in a nice house.
Andrew usually gets up at seven __(1)___ . He ___(2)__ his face and hands in the morning .
The boy goes to _(3)_ every day. He comes _(4)__ at 2 pm.
After lunch he plays with his pet. They like to run and jump together.
Andrew does his __(5)______ and watches TV in the evening . Usually he __(6)__ to bed at 9 pm.
His family is very happy. On Sunday they often walk in the park.
4. Прослушай внимательно рассказ Андрю о своих друзьях и выбери правильный вариант ответа:
- Andrew has got …… friends.
- one b) two c)three
- Ben’s eyes are big and …… .
- green b) blue c) brown
- Ben likes to play ……….. .
- tennis b) chess c) ball
- Alex has ………. eyes.
- blue b) green c) brown
- Alex likes ………, he plays the piano well.
- books b) music c) computer
Текст для аудирования для итогового теста в 3-х классах
I have got two friends Ben and Alex. We like to walk and play together.
Look at Ben. He is smart. His eyes are big and green. His nose is not long. He likes to play chess. We play chess together.
Look at Alex. Alex has red hair. His face is round and merry. He has brown eyes. Alex likes music and he listen to it a lot. He can play the piano very well.
Dialogue for audition of final test for 5-th form .
— Next week I’m going to stay in London for 3 days. What if I come
should see first ?
- Well..Three days … is a short period of time for London. Are
you Interested in church and historic places?
- Not really. I would like to see something unusual. Any ideas?
- Then you should visit MOMI and Madame Tussaud’s museums…
- MOMI? I’ve never heard of it. Is it an art gallery or famous bridge?
- NO , it is neither a bridge nor a gallery. It’s a museum of the
Moving Image, a museum of cinema and TV- history. It’s very unusual …
- OK! Any others ideas?
- What about visiting of London famous parks — St. James, for example.
Londoners are proud of their parks and gardens. You can spend
many hours walking and relaxing.
- OK! That’s not a bad idea
1.Henry was a major in the UK army
2.He went to Great Britain on business
3.In London he felt unwell
4.The doctor was paid 15 pounds for all visits
5.The doctor didn’t examine Henry
1.Great Britain is separated from the continent by _________
a)the Pacific Ocean c)the Bristol Channel
b)the Irish Sea d) the English Channel
2. The Union Jack is _________
a) the flag of the UK c) the flag of Wales
b) the flag of Scotland d) the flag of England
3.What is capital Scotland __________ ?
a) Glasgow c) Cardiff
b) Edinburgh d) Snowdon
4. Christopher Columbus discovered _________
a) Central America c) North America
b) South America d) the United States of America
5. The official national symbol of the USA is _________
a) the Statue of Liberty c) the turkey
b) the eagle b) the “Mayflower”
6. The capital of the US is _________
a) Washington, D. C. c) New York
b) Washington d) Philadelphia
7. In Australia winter comes in ___________
Контрольная работа для 3 класса по англ.яз
3 класс
1.Прочитайте текст.
It is spring now. March, April and May are spring months. The weather is fine in spring. It is cool or warm. It sometimes rains. In May it is very warm. You can see flowers in the fields.
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:
Is it spring now? ______________________________________________________________
What are spring month? _________________________________________________________
Is it warm or hot in spring? _______________________________________________________
4)Can you see flowers in the fields? ___________________________________________
2.Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
My name is Tom. I am a boy. I am 10/ I am from Great Britain. I live with my mum and dad. My favourite holiday is my birthday. My birthday is on the 18
1)Закончи предложения
Tom’s birthday is …
A) on the eighth of July
b) on the eighteenth of June
c) on the eighteenth of July
2) Найди предложение, которое не соответствует тексту
a) Tom is from Great Britain
b) He has got a pet
c) Tom would like to have a cat
d) Tom can ride a bike
3.Зачеркни лишнее слово:
1. Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, October
2. orange, potato, tomato, cucumber, carrot
3. read, write, happy, play, dance, sing
4. crocodile, fox, giraffe, bird, elephant
5. ear, neck, face, cake, nose
4. Выбери нужное слово:
1) My friends are / is nice.
2) He likes / like winter.
3) Mary does not lives / live in a big house
. 4) February is the first / second month of the year.
5) April is the second / third month of spring.
5. Напиши словами:
1 января ______________________________
2 июня____________________________________
8 марта___________________________________
3 апреля_______________
Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 3 класс Spotlight
Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 3 класс Spotlight. Итоговое тестирование 3 класс. Проверочная работа по английскому языку. Exit test.
1. Look and write
13 – thirteen
11 —
12 —
15 —
17 —
20 —
2. Read and choose
1) А) What your name?
В) What’s your name?
2) А) What’s that?
В) What that?
3) А) This my pet.
В) This is my pet.
1) What’s your name?
2) How old аге you?
3) What’s your favourite subject?
4. Read and choose.
1) This is my fish. Its / Your name is Bubbly.
2) She / Her name is Lucy.
3) This is my mother. Нег / His name is Lucy.
4) Look at its / our friends, Bob and Mary!
5) This is my grandfather. Нег / His name is John.
5) Read and complete: am, is, are.
1) It …………….. a duck.
2) I ……… not a student.
3) ………… they friends?
5) Who ………. he?
6. Read and match.
1) What’s this? 2) Who’s she? 3) What аге they? 4) Who’s he? 5) Is it а pencil? | A) Му little sister. B) They’ге rulers. C) No, it’s а pen. D) Му big brother. E) lt’s а pencil. |
7. Read and choose.
1) We doesn`t / don`t like tea.
2) Does Mary likes / like potatoes?
3) Does / Do you like chips?
4) She like / likes biscuits?
5) Does / Do
8. Read and choose.
1) We haven`t got some / any eggs.
2) Have they got some / any cheese?
3) Can I have some / any cake?
4) He has got some / any popcorn.
5) She hasn`t got some / any milk.
6) They ‘ve got some / any rice.
9. Read and choose.
1) What’s that?
а) lt’s а pencil.
b) These are pencils.
2) What are those?
а) А реп.
b) Pens.
3) Whose is this book?
а) lt’s Mary’s.
b) lt’s Mary.
4) Whose is this?
а) Bob.
b) Bob’s.
10) Read and choose.
1) There is / are a bed in front of the window.
2) There is / are two dogs under the table.
3) There is / are some books on the shelf.
4) There is / are a lamp on the table.
- Read and choose.
1) I go to bed … 11 o’clock.
a) in b) at c) on
2) I visit my friends … Sundays.
a) in b) on c) at
3) … is this doll? It is Bob’s.
a) Who b) What c) Whose
4) … is John? In the kitchen.
a) What b) Where c) Whose
5) Can a bird swim?
a) Yes, it can. b) No, it can’t.
6) I love … . They are cute!
a) dog b) dogs
7) Look at the cat. It … a long tail!
a) have got b) has got
8) … is Mary? He is Mike’s sister.
a) What b) Where c) Who
9) There are … potatoes in the fridge.
a) any b) a c) some
10) Look! Kate … a kite!
a) is fly b) is flying
1. Look and write
13 – thirteen
11 — eleven
12 — twelve
15 — fifteen
17 — seventeen
20 — twenty
1) В) What’s your name?
2) А) What’s that?
3) В) This is my pet.
3. Read and answer about yourself.
1) What’s your name? My name is Peter.
2) How old аге you? I am eight.
3) What’s your favourite subject? My favourite subject is English.
4. Read and choose.
1) This is my fish. Its name is Bubbly.
2) Her name is Lucy.
3) This is my mother. Нег name is Lucy.
4) Look at our friends, Bob and Mary!
5) This is my grandfather.
5) Read and complete: am, is, are.
1) It ……is……….. a duck.
2) I …am…… not a student.
3) …Are……… they friends?
4) This ……is……… not my car.
5) Who …is……. he?
6. Read and match.
1) What’s this? E) lt’s а pencil.
2) Who’s she? A) Му little sister.
3) What аге they? B) They’ге rulers.
4) Who’s he? D) Му big brother.
5) Is it а pencil? C) No, it’s а pen.
7. Read and choose.
1) We don’t like tea.
2) Does Mary like potatoes?
3) Do you like chips?
4) She likes biscuits?
5) Do dogs likes meat?
8. Read and choose.
1) We haven’t got any eggs.
2) Have they got some cheese?
3) Can I have some cake?
4) He has got some popcorn.
5) She hasn’t got any milk.
6) They’ve got some rice.
9. Read and choose.
1) What’s that?
а) lt’s а pencil.
2) What are those?
b) Pens.
3) Whose is this book?
а) lt’s Mary’s.
4) Whose is this?
b) Bob’s.
10) Read and choose.
1) There is a bed in front of the window.
2) There are two dogs under the table.
3) There re some books on the shelf.
4) There is a lamp on the table.
- Read and choose.
1) I go to bed …at… 11 o’clock.
a) in b) at c) on
2) I visit my friends …on… Sundays.
a) in b) on c) at
3) …Whose… is this doll? It is Bob’s.
a) Who b) What c) Whose
4) …Where… is John? In the kitchen.
a) What b) Where c) Whose
5) Can a bird swim?
a) Yes, it can. b) No, it can’t.
6) I love …dogs… . They are cute!
a) dog b) dogs
7) Look at the cat. It …has got… a long tail!
a) have got b) has got
8) …Who… is Mary? He is Mike’s sister.
a) What b) Where c) Who
9) There are …some… potatoes in the fridge.
a) any b) a c) some
10) Look! Kate …is flying… a kite!
a) is fly b) is flying
Распечатываемые тесты, рабочие листы и задания для третьего класса (3 класс) по английскому языку
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.Тест по английскому для 3 класса
Контрольные и экзаменационные листы:
тест 1
Уровень: средний
Возраст: 16-100
Скачиваний: 62
разнообразный тест по английскому
Уровень: elementary
Возраст: 7-17
Скачиваний: 2619
Письменный тест
Уровень: elementary
Возраст: 10-12
Скачиваний: 2457
Уровень: средний
Возраст: 14-16
Скачиваний: 7
Уровень: elementary
Возраст: 11-12
Скачиваний: 34
тест для начинающих
Уровень: elementary
Возраст: 10-14
Скачиваний: 1204
Тест по английскому
Уровень: elementary
Возраст: 6-14
Скачиваний: 1203
Уровень: elementary
Возраст: 6-10
Скачиваний: 824
Повторные упражнения
Уровень: начальный
Возраст: 12-14
Скачиваний: 741
Уровень: elementary
Возраст: 9-17
Скачиваний: 713