Australia is the only country in the world which is also a continent. It consists of the mainland and numerous smaller islands lying between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Its neighbouring countries include the Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Indonesia, New Zealand. By its total area Australia is the sixth largest country. The word Australia came from the Latin language and meant “southern”. Before the first British settlement, which appeared in the late 18th century, the country was inhabited by indigenous Australian people who were divided into at least 250 language groups. The continent was first discovered by Dutch explorers in the 17th century. Later, its eastern half was occupied by British colonists. In the 18th century the population of the island steadily grew.
The beginning of the 20th century was marked by the foundation of the Commonwealth of Australia. Its six colonies formed a federation, which maintained a parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy political system. At the moment the federation consists of six states and several territories. Australia is known to be one of the wealthiest countries in the world. It’s a developed country with stable economy. It offers a high quality of life, health and education, as well as economic freedom and the protection of civil rights. The official language within the country is English. The capital of Australia is the city of Canberra. Other major cities are Melbourne, Perth, Sydney and Adelaide.
Although Australia uses a parliamentary system of government, it is a constitutional monarchy, ruled by Queen Elizabeth II. As she resides in the Great Britain, her viceroys present her in Australia. The government of the country is separated into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. The executive power is presented by the Federal Executive Council. The legislative power is presented by the bicameral Parliament. The judicial power involves the High Court of Australia and other federal courts.
Almost half of the continent is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts. For a long time people thought these lands are useless, until they understood that there is a lot of coal, iron, lead, uranium, and other resources. If at previous centuries the economy if the country was based on sheep wool export, today the main industries are connected with oil, radio electronics, food produce, ore mining, agricultural exports. The most common trees in the country are the eucalyptus, acacia and mimosa. There are many unusual animals on the continent, such as koala-bear, kangaroo, and some others. The climate of Australia is mainly influenced by ocean currents. The northern part of the country may experience seasonal rainfalls, while southern part has a temperate climate.
Австралия является единственной страной в мире, которая еще и континент. Она состоит из материковой части и многочисленных мелких островов, пролегающих между Индийским и Тихим океанами. К соседним странам относятся Соломоновы Острова, Новая Каледония, Индонезия, Новая Зеландия. По общей площади Австралия является шестой по величине страной. Слово Австралия произошло из латинского языка и означает " южный". До первых британских поселений, появившихся в конце 18 века, страна была населена коренным австралийским народом, разделенным, по крайней мере, на 250 языковых групп. Континент был впервые обнаружен голландскими мореплавателями в 17 веке. Позже, его восточная часть была занята британскими колонистами. В 18 веке население острова неуклонно росло.
Начало 20-го века было ознаменовано основанием Содружества Австралии. Ее шесть колоний образовали федерацию, которая утвердила парламентскую демократию и конституционно-монархическую политическую систему. В настоящее время федерация состоит из шести штатов и нескольких территорий. Австралия, как известно, одна из самых богатейших стран в мире. Это развитая страна с устойчивой экономикой. Она предлагает высокое качество жизни, здравоохранения и образования, а также экономическую свободу и защиту гражданских прав. Официальным языком в стране является английский. Столицей Австралии является город Канберра. Другие крупные города – это Мельбурн, Перт, Сидней и Аделаида.
Несмотря на то, что Австралия использует парламентскую систему правления, в стране установлена конституционная монархия во главе с королевой Елизаветой II. Так как она проживает в Великобритании, в Австралии ее представителями являются ее наместники. Правительство страны разделяется на три ветви: законодательную, исполнительную и судебную. Исполнительная власть представлена федерально-исполнительным советом. Законодательная власть представлена двухпалатным парламентом. К судебной власти относится Верховный суд Австралии и прочие федеральные суды.
Почти половину континента занимают пустыни и полупустыни. В течение длительного времени люди полагали, что эти земли бесполезны, пока не поняли, что в них содержится много угля, железа, свинца, урана и других ресурсов. Если в предыдущие столетия экономика страны была основана только на экспорте овечьей шерсти, то сегодня основные отрасли промышленности связаны с нефтью, радиоэлектроникой, пищевой продукцией, горнорудной промышленностью, сельскохозяйственным экспортом. Наиболее распространенными деревьями в стране являются эвкалипт, акация и мимоза. На континенте есть много необычных животных, таких как коала, кенгуру и т.д. Климат Австралии в основном зависит от океанических течений. В северной части страны зачастую проходят сезонные дожди, в то время как южная часть отличается умеренным климатом.
см. также: Все рефераты на английском языке с переводом
Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent. It is the sixth large country and the smallest continent.The capital of the country is Canberra. The official language is English.
Australia is the driest continent on the Earth. The unique climate and the isolation of Australia from other continents explain the existence of unusual plants and animals.
The commonest tree of Australia is the eucalyptus. In the drier areas there is the Australian acacia or mimosa. In those areas one can also find strange bottle trees. They preserve water in their trunks.
Australian animals are also very unusual. Among them there are kangaroos, duck-bills, koala bears, and others.
Australian population is about 23 million people. The natives of the country are called Aborigines. Now they comprise a very small part of the country’s population due to the former extrusion ofthe indigenous peoplein the past.
There are 5 big cities in Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane. Canberra was specially planned as a capital. All the government buildings are situated there.
Sydney is the oldest and largest city in Australia. It is a big industrial centre. About 5 million people live in the city.
Australia has a lot to offer to tourists.
The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands.
The most famous building in the country is the Sydney Opera House. Its roof looks like sails. It is a masterpiece of architecture. More than 5,000 people can visit concerts, operas, theatre performances and other events.
Kakadu National Park is in Australia’s Northern Territory and covers about 20,000 square kilometres. It is a wetland with over 200 kinds of birds and 1,700 plant species. It is also the home of Australian crocodiles.
Австралия – единственная страна в мире, которая также является континентом. Это шестая по территории страна и самый маленький континент. Столица страны – Канберра. Официальный язык – английский.
Австралия – самый засушливый континент на Земле. Уникальный климат и изоляция Австралии от других континентов объясняют наличие необычных растений и животных.
Эвкалипт – самое распространенное дерево в Австралии. В более засушливых районах есть австралийская акация или мимоза. В этих областях можно также найти странные бутылочные деревья. Они накапливают воду в своих стволах.
Австралийские животные также очень необычны. Среди них кенгуру, утконосы, коалы и другие.
Население Австралии составляет около 23 миллионов человек. Коренных жителей страны называют аборигенами. Теперь они составляют очень небольшую часть населения из-за вытеснения коренного народа в прошлом.
В Австралии 5 больших городов: Сидней, Мельбурн, Аделаида, Перт и Брисбен. Канберра была специально спланирована как столица. Там расположены все правительственные здания.
Сидней – старейший и крупнейший город в Австралии. Это крупный промышленный центр. В этом городе живут около 5 миллионов человек.
Австралия может многое предложить туристам.
Большой Барьерный риф – крупнейший в мире коралловый риф, состоящий из более 2900 отдельных коралловых рифов и 900 островов.
Самое знаменитое здание в стране – Сиднейский оперный театр. Его крыша выглядит как паруса. Это шедевр архитектуры. Более 5000 человек могут посетить концерты, оперы, спектакли и другие мероприятия.
Национальный Парк Какаду находится в Северной территории Австралии и охватывает около 20000 км2. Это водно-болотные угодья с более чем 200 видами птиц и 1700 видами растений. Также это дом австралийских крокодилов.
Австралия настолько интересна, что сложно представить с чего начать описывать эту страну. Самый изолированный континент на планете с самыми оригинальными вещами. Прекрасные пляжи, погода — еще лучше! Отличная еда, музыка и очень приятные люди. Эта страна похожа на старый Лос–Анджелес. A place to visit at least once in a lifetime for sure!
Содружество Австралии является федерацией государств. В Австралии шесть штатов - Новый Южный Уэльс, Квинсленд, Южная Австралия, Тасмания, Виктория и Западная Австралия. Каждое государство имеет свое правительство.
В настоящее время в Австралии проживает около 23 миллионов человек. Туземцев страны называют аборигенами. Сейчас они занимают очень небольшую часть населения из–за прежней экструзии коренных жителей в прошлом.
Столица Австралии — Канберра. Все правительственные здания расположены там.Столица также является домом для многих культурных учреждений, таких как: Австралийский национальный университет, Национальная галерея, Национальный музей, Королевский военный колледж, Австралийский институт спорта и другие.
Самый большой и самый посещаемый город в Австралии — Сидней. С населением более 4,6 млн. человек. В Сиднее есть множество достопримечательностей. Самыми известными из них являются Сиднейский оперный театр, Мост Харбор–бридж, Католический кафедральный собор Святой Марии и ряд других.
В стране есть некоторые уникальные виды животных, которых больше нигде не найти. Среди них: коалы, кенгуру, валлаби, нелетающие эму, вомбаты и многие другие. Таким образом, австралийские зоопарки могут быть еще одним интересным местом для туристов.
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Ministry of Education
“Secondary school № 21”
The abstract on a theme:
Australia or the Australian Union
Students 11A:
Lebedeva Regina
Goryachkina Natasha
English teacher:
Guseva I.G.
Yoshkar - Ola
1. The purposes………………………………………………………………р.3
2. The reasons to choice the theme………………………………………… р.4
3. The visit card of Australia …………….………………………………… р.5
4. Flag………………………………………………………………………. р.6
5. Gerb……………………………………………………………….………р.7
6. Hymn …………………………………………………………………… р.8
7. Australia. The territory……………………………………………............р.9
8. Australia’s Unique History ……………………………………….............р.11
9. Geographical situate………………………………………………………р.13
10. The climate of Australia ………………………………………................р.14
11. Cites of Australia……………………………………………...…………р.15
12. The population …………………………………………….…………….р.17
13. The animals of Australia ……………………………………..…………р.18
14. Undersea world ……………………………………………………… р.19
15. Sight ……………………………………………….…………….............р.20
16. Celebrate………………………………………………….…………… р.22
17. Sport…………………………………………………………………… р.23
18. The list of the used literature…………………………………………… р.24
The purposes
To raise interests to study of the English language as a means of intercultural dialogue; to expand a linguistic and social outlook; to develop research skills on means of a design technique.
The reasons to choice the theme
To expand an outlook about Australia;
To study a nature, fauna and its features;
To show sights of Australia and its origin;
To develop and to strengthen knowledge;
To raise an interest to foreign language;
To check up the forces and abilities in creation of student's work
1. The visit card of Australia
Capital-Canberra the general (common) information
Territory -7687 thousand sq.kms.
The official name of Australia -Australia Union, form of government –constitutional monarchy.
The chief of state is the English queen, which is represented by (with) the general-governor.
The population- 18 439 000 men
Time – Outstrips Moscow on 6-8 h.
Currency – 1 dollar- to 100 cents.
Official language – English.
Australia’s national day-on 26 January marks the date
National colour-In 1984 Australia officially adopted green and gold as its national colors.
2. The flag of Australia
The state flag of Australian Union is painted a blue colour. In the upper left there is a flag of Great Britain. It is a symbol of Australian Union to British Commonwealth of Nations. A blue colour of flag it is a symbol of ocean, around all side Australia. In the middle of flag there is an image of Constellation of a Southern Cross. The six stars on the territory Papua. Pentagonal star is symbolize a District of Canberra. The flag was taken in 1950 year.
3. The state emblem of Australia
The state emblem of Australian Union is image in the view of shield. Having kept with twice side a Kangaroo and ostrich Emy. In the growing three of evkalipt the shield is divided on the six parts which consist from emblems a everyone states. The state of South Australia is introduced by bird of sorokonyt. The west Australia is introduced by swan. The state of Victoria is introduced by constellation with empiric crown, the state of Kingsland- blue Malt cross. The Lion is symbolizing the state of Tasmania; new Wells is introduced by crossom with gold star. In the supper part of gerb there is pentagonal star, six rin which symbolize six states. As for seven rin symbolize the District of Canberra. The gerb was taken in 1912 year.
4. The national hymn
This is hymn was take on the social opinion. In the 1917 the Australian office of statistic spended tests. Who took part more 60 thousand citizen. And on 19 April in1980 the president Australia took states about national hymn.
Australians all let us rejoice,
For we are young and free;
We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil;
Our home is gift by sea;
Our land abounds in nature’s gifts
Of beauty rich and rare;
In history’s page, let every stage
Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains
Then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.
Beneath our radiant Southern Cross
We will toil with hearts and hands;
To make this Commonwealth of ours
Renowned of all the lands;
For those who’ve come across the seas
We have boundless plains to share;
With courage let us all combine
To Advance Australia Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.
5. Australia. The territory
Australia to be divided into 6 parts:
New South Wales
State Victoria
State Queensland
Western Australia
South Australia
Northern Territory.
New South Wales
New South Wales is Australia’s leading industrial state. Most people live along the east coast, and most of them are in Sydney. Sydney is also the largest city in Australia.
State Victoria
In Victoria most people live in the south. Melbourne is the capital of the state and the largest city. Sheep and wheat are the main products here. Citrous fruits, grapes, peaches and apricots are grown along the Murray River.
State Queensland
Queensland is Australia’s second largest state. Brisbane, its capital, is situated on the east coast. Queensland has long beautiful sandy beaches. Its coast is a popular place for holidaymakers
Western Australia
The state of Western Australia is dry and inhospitable expert the south-western corner of the state. Nearly all of the state’s farms, sheep stations and fruit gardens are situated there. The rest of the state is dry desert land with very few towns or lonely cattle stations.
South Australia
South Australia is the third largest state. Most of South Australia’s people, farms and industry are in the south-eastern of the state. Most of Australia is too dry for farming. Farming very much depends on irrigation or underground water.
Northern Territory
Northern Territory is the least populated and least developed part of Australia. Crocodiles still live in some of the swamps along the coast. Darwin is its capital and the only large settlement in the north. Alice Springs, generally called Alice or the Alice, is the only town in the south.
6. Australia’s Unique History
Captain James Cook discovered Australia in 1770. He was sent to discover the huge that many people believed was south of the equator. He landed south of present day Sydney in New South Wales of England.
At this time England was having many social problems. Unemployment was high. Crime was one of the greatest problems. The government punished people by sending problems. The government punished people by sending them to prison. England’s solution to crowded prisons was to send prisoners to the far colonies. They could colonies and eventually earn their freedom. Therefore, in 1788 Captain Arthur Phillip commanded eleven ships to Australia. About 750 of the 1000 people on the ships were convicts. These first settlers were greeted by the Aborigines, the first inhabitants of Australia. There were an estimated 300,000 Aborigines living in Australia at that time.
Great Britain claimed all of Australia in 1827. In 1851 gold was discovered about 300km west of Sydney. People rushed to the gold field to find their fortunes. This attracted robber called bushrangers. Ned Kelly was a famous bushranger. He was a very clever outlaw.
In 1901 Australia became a nation within the British Empire under Queen Victoria’s rule. It was called the Commonwealth of Australia. Australia had a very limited constitution. Great Britain continued to make decisions regarding all of Australia’s foreign affairs.
In 1931 Australia gained independence from Great Britain.
The native make only insignificant percent (interest) of the population of Australia, and in the large cities – Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide they are simply lost on a background of hundreds other nationalities. Obviously, in Australia hardly have remained life, conducting a example in staff ( state) Southern Australia, are given up in the complete order of the natives, and extraneous can visit these places only under the special sanction.
However, as far as I known, in these territories the native live is quite modern, using automobiles, TV sets and guns. In mountains Grampians in 200 km from Melbourne there is a centre aborigine of culture in southeast territories of Australia the native were ruthlessly destroyed white colonist’s people in 19- beginning 20 of centuries. The native represents kangaroo in dance, throw boomerang.
7. Geographical situated
The Commonwealth of Australia is a self- government federal state. It has got six states. It is situated in the south-west of the Pacific Ocean. The area of this country has got 7,687,000 square kilometers. Australia is the largest island in the world and it is the smallest continent. The Dutch were the first Europeans to visit Australia. In 1770 the English captain James Cook discovered the east cast of Australia. Nearly twenty million people live in Australia.
Australia is a continent, a country and an island all at the same time. It is the sixth largest country and the smallest continent in the world. Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. Australia is situated south of Asia, between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. Australia is the world’s driest continent. Huge areas of land are so dry that they are uninhabited. There are rainforests in the north, snowfields in the south east, desert in the centre and fertile croplands in the south and south and south-west. Australia is also the flatted continent after Antarctica.
8. The climate of Australia
Australia’s climate is dry and warm. Australia is situated in the southern hemisphere and that’s why thee is summer, when we have winter and there is winter, when we have summer. It is interesting to know that January is the hottest month in Australia.
Temperature. Melbourne enjoys four distinct seasons. Winter with cool nights; spring and autumn butted throughout the year. Water Temperatures: winter 10,5C , summer 21,5 C. January and February are the hottest month in Melbourne, with maximum temperatures reaching about 25 C.
Climate in Sydney:
Warm and temperate with sunshine most days of the year. Water temperatures: Summer 22,5 C, winter 18 C.
Since Australia is in the southern hemisphere, the seasons are the reverse of the those north of the equator. Sydney has a mild, sunny, Mediterranean climate. The wettest month is between April and June.
9. Cites of Australia
The capital of the country is Canberra. The city became the capital in 1927. Federal government works in Canberra in the government buildings. It is interesting to know that there are no industrial plants in Canberra. The population in Canberra is about 3000,000 people. Canberra is the home of Australia’s embassies from around the world. The centerpiece of the city is the new Parliament House which was opened in 1988. This is where Australia’s government meets. Canberra is also the “natural capital” and is within easy reach of some of Australia’s most spectacular countryside.
The air here is fresh and crisp. No wonder the people of Canberra love to spend their time outdoors!
Here we are Sydney, the largest and oldest city in Australia. Sydney is home to nearly four million people. Sydney’s population is mainly English in background, but more than a quarter of its esidents were born overseas! The main countries of origin are the UK and Ireland, New Zealand, Europe, former Eastern Bloc countries, Lebanon and South East Asia. Although English is the main language spoken, one in than English. Italian, Greek, Arabic/ Lebanese, Chinese and Spanish are the foreign language most commonly spoken. Tourists from all over the world are attracted by mate, and its impressive galleries, museums, architecture and parks.
10. The population
Australia has a population of about 18 million people. 70 per cent of the population lives in its 10 largest cities. Canberra is the capital of Australia. It is not the biggest city. Sydney and Melbourne are much bigger. Australia is a multicultural society. People from about 2000 nations live there. The Aborigines, the Australian there. The Aborigines, the Australian naives, represent about 1.5 per cent of the population.
Характеристика религий в Австралии:
11. The animals of Australia
Despite the variety and richness of its other animals, Australia’s strange, beautiful mammals are probably the continent’s most important ‘ambassadors’. From the unlikely egg-laying platypus and echidna to the marsupial koalas, possums and kangaroos, the continent’s mammals are symbols of the country. Australia boasts almost 50 different kinds of kangaroo and wallaby, ranging from tiny rat kangaroos to the great red, which can be over 2,5m. high and can weigh as much as 85kg. Some kangaroos are plant eaters, but certain other marsupials are carnivorous.
Australia’s best-known animals are the kangaroo, the koala and the dingo. There are 50 species of kangaroo. Some stand as tall as a man and some are as small as a cat. They can often be seen in many of the forests and parks. The koala is the best loved of all Australian animals. The koala lives on leaves alone. About 400 species of birds in Australia are found nowhere else in the world. There are 55 species of parrots in Australia. They are very colorful. The emu is the most inserting bird in Australia. It is big and cannot fly. The kangaroo and emu can be seen on Australia’s coat of arms. The kookaburra is another interesting Australia bird. It cannot sing, but laughs like a human!
12. Underwater world
Opposite Other intriguing and colourful inhabitants of this unique underwater wonderland are the reef’s corals. There is an incredible variety growing along the Great Barrier Reef – 350 species, ranging in colour from bluish – grey to yellow to red. They can be divided into two broad categories: true reef corals are the ‘hard’ or ‘stony’ type that actually builds the reef – these include well-known formations such as ‘brain’ corals, with patterns that resemble the markings of a human brain, and ‘staghorns’ that protrude like the antlers of a deer.
Although this beautiful underwater world is best appreciated by scuba diving across its depth and mingling with the marine life, snorkeling also has its merits. Visitors who wish to stay dry are catered for, with glass bottomed boats, semi-submersible craft and underwater observatories providing a glimpse of this incredible submarine fairyland.
It looks really spectacular from the air, but the true magic of the Great Barrier Reef lies underneath the water’s surface. This remarkable submarine world is an extraordinary environment of vibrant movement and color, featuring around 1500 fish species, as well as sharks, turtles, manta rays and a variety of marine mammals.
13. Sights
The Sydney Opera Theatre — an outstanding architectural structure, world centre, where will be carried out премьерные displays in various areas executorships of art. Having opened in 1973 to year, the Opera Theatre has risen in one number with by buildings having world meaning.
The national park Cacadu, located in tropics on north of Australia in 252 km to the east Darvina, is known for all world as treasure of culture and of ecology.
12 Apostles
From coast of staff Victoria is possible to see 12 of rocks of the Apostles, as if worth on the guard in scenery of breakages and of open ocean. These rocks were formed in result тысячелетней of work of ocean. To to our time was kept only 8 from 12 of the initial Apostles.
This miracle in 450 km from Алис-Спрингс in of Central Australia is located. His sizes: 3,6 km - length, 2км-width, height - 348 м, in a diameter 9,4km. Uluru changes the colour at various illumination, it is especial appreciably on rise and on sunset.
The Sydney Bridge, сооруженный in 1932 to year, gently named as a Hanger. It became a symbol of Australia for all worlds. The bridge was under construction at once from of two coast. His length 1149 of meters, it weighs 52 800 of ton, in it six millions заклепок, and that it completely to recolor, it is required 272 000 of liters of a paint.
Luna Park just over the Harbor Bridge beside Milson’s Point, was once Australia’s most popular fun park.
Art Gallery of New South Wales
Exhibitions at the Art Gallery of New South Wales attract thousands every year. The Art Gallery of New South Wales is a large public art museum near the centre of Sydney. It has a collection of paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs and artists’ prints.
The Macquarie Lighthouse
The Macquarie Lighthouse on Old South Head Road, the first lighthouse in Australia, is now fully automatic
Natural parks and entertainments
Kuranda– touristy village
Butterfly Sanctuary- reserve and museum of butterflies, which is in Kuranda.
National Park Daintree– Natural Park – reserve
Tjapukai – park of culture of the natives.
14. Celebrate
Celebratory and non – working days:
January 1 – New Year
January 26 – Day of Australia
March 6 - Day of work. It is marked in new Southern Wales
March 13 – Day of work. Staff (state) Victoria
March 20 – Day Canberra. Territory of federal capital
April – passionate Friday, Easter Monday
April 25 – Day of army
May1- May Day. Northern territory
May 1- day of work, Kingsland
June 5 – Day of the basis. Western Australia
June 12 – Birthday the queen. Everywhere, expert for Western Australia
October 2 – Day of work, everywhere, except for Victoria, Kingsland and Tasmania
December 25 – Christmas
December 26 – Day of declaration, Southern Australia
December 26 – Day of the declaration, Southern Australia
15. Sport
Extreme entertainments in Australia: In Australia there are infinite opportunities for extreme entertainments. The following list – example of some of them:
White water Rafting – the allow on плотах on the fast and dangerous moum\ntain rivers is widely submitted by the most various variants with all levels of complexity from 1 up to5.
Ocean Rafting – driving on large inflatable плотах at ocean.
Bungee – there is a large variety of kinds bungee – traditional jump downwards on верёвка, flight upwards sitting or in a horizontal rule (situation) and jumps( downwards by head and on the country, from below upwards) .
Canyoning –travel on canyons including elements скалолазания, including, overcoming водопадов, and also allow on the Mountain Rivers and descent (release) in пещеры.
Mouting biking –travel on mountain bicycles or on impassability.
Paragliding – flights with the help of special narrow parachute sliding in air flows (on one or with the instructor).
Abseiling – descent –release ) from rocks on cables.
Fly by wire – an opportunity to feel by the pilot of the high-speed plane. You put on glasses, glove, fasen belts and are sent in flight. The plane is reliable fixed on steel трос, therefore it( he ) will get of out of control. A direction and speed of flight you supervise.
Air Ballooning – rise on air sphere.
The list of the used literature.
Happy English 3, T. klementieva, J. Shannon.
Australia – A continent revealed.
Sydney- city of sails
Internet - resource
[17.04.2010] olga Посмотрели: 79209 Рейтинг: 46 Коментариев: 2
Australia, or the Commonwealth of Australia, as it is officially called, is situated on the island continent. It also occupies the Island of Tasmania and some minor islands round the coast of the continent.
It is a highly developed industrial-agrarian country. Its area is about 8 million km2. It is the only state in the world that occupies the territory of a whole continent.
The capital of Australia is Canberra, which became the capital only in 1927.
From 1787 to 1867 Australia was a place where criminals were sent from Britain. That is why the official language of Australia is English.
Almost one half of Australian territory is occupied by deserts and semideserts. For quite a long period of time it was thought to be useless for economic development. But it is rich in coal, iron ore, bauxites, uranium, lead and many other mineral resources.
For almost a century the production and export of sheep wool was the basis of the economy of the country. Now the most important industries are oil, chemical, ore mining, radioelectronics, and food industry. The country exports agricultural products and raw materials.
As for the nature, the commonest trees of Australia are the eucalyptus and the Australian acacia or mimosa, the national emblem of the country. Such unusual animals as a kangaroo or a koala-bear originate from Australia.
Australia is one of the most unusual and exotic countries of the world. A significant feature of modern Australian society is the representation of a lot of cultures drawn from many lands by its people.
Historically part of the British Empire and now a member of a Commonwealth of Nations, it is a relatively prosperous and independent nation.
Австралия, или Австралийский Союз, как официально называется страна, находится на островном континенте. Она также занимает остров Тасмания и небольшие острова вокруг континентального побережья.
Это весьма развитая индустриально-аграрная страна. Её площадь составляет около 8 млн км2. Это единственное государство в мире, занимающее территорию целого континента.
Столица Австралии - Канберра, стала столицей лишь в 1927 году.
С 1787 по 1867 год Австралия была местом, куда отправлялись преступники из Англии. Именно поэтому официальным языком Австралии является английский.
Почти половину территории Австралии занимают пустыни и полупустыни. В течение довольно долгого времени они считались бесполезными для экономического развития. Но они богаты углём, железной рудой, бокситами, ураном, свинцом и многими другими полезными ископаемыми.
Почти столетие производство и экспорт шерсти овец являлся основой экономики страны. В настоящее время наиболее важными отраслями являются нефтяная, химическая, горнорудная промышленность, радиоэлектроника, а также пищевая промышленность. Страна экспортирует сельскохозяйственную продукцию и сырьё.
Что касается природы, то самыми распространенными деревьями в Австралии являются эвкалипт и австралийская акация, или мимоза - государственный герб страны. Такие необычные животные, как кенгуру или коала, родом тоже из Австралии.
Австралия является одной из самых необычных и экзотических стран мира. Важной особенностью современного австралийского общества является представительство многих культур, принесённых на континент из разных земель.
Будучи исторически частью Британской империи, а в настоящее время членом Содружества Наций, Австралия является процветающей и независимой страной.
Австралия – это страна в Южном полушарии с населением в 17 миллионов человек. Это независимый член Содружества наций. Столица страны – Канберра. Официальный язык – английский. Австралия состоит из острова Тасмании и 6 штатов: Новый Южный Уэльс, Северная территория, Квинсленд, Южная Австралия, Виктория и Западная Австралия.
Австралия всегда находилась под влиянием Британии. Говоря об истории страны, стоит упомянуть, что сначала это была большая колония для заключенных. Позже, она стала обычной страной.
Главный экономический сектор страны – сфера обслуживания, включающая туризм, образование и финансы.
Самый большой город Австралии – Сидней, расположенный в штате Новый Южный Уэльс. Это место знаменито своими Голубыми горами, которые покрыты лесами голубоватого эвкалипта. Поэтому воздух над ними полон микроскопических частиц эвкалиптового масла, а в свете солнца он настоящего голубого света.
Самый сухой из всех штатов — Южная Австралия с единственной рекой Мюррей. Раньше она была основной магистралью Южной Австралии, которая транспортировала людей и товары. Туристы здесь могут покататься на старых лодках, которые до сих пор хранятся в некоторых городах на реке.
Тасмания, расположенная на юге Австралии, отличается от других штатов. На острове нет пустынь. Большая часть территории покрыта красивыми дикими лесами. И зимой, и летом здесь выпадает большое количество осадков. Население Тасмании около полумиллиона человек.
Следует отметить, что Тасмания – это родина красивой природы, здесь также можно встретить таких экзотических животных как кенгуру, ехидны, коалы, динго и многих других.
Australia is a country in the Southern Hemisphere with a population of about 17 million people. It’s an independent member of the Commonwealth. The capital of the country is Canberra. The official language is English. Australia consists of an island Tasmania and six states: New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.
Australia has always been influenced by Britain. Speaking about the history of the country, it should be mentioned that at first it was a big colony for prisoners. Later, it became an ordinary country.
The main economic sector of the country is the service one, which includes tourism, education and financial services.
Australia’s biggest city is Sydney, which is situated in the state of New South Wales. This place is famous for its Blue Mountains, covered with forests of blue coloured eucalyptus trees. So, the air above is full of microscopic drops of eucalyptus oil and it is of a real blue colour in the sunshine.
The driest of all the states is South Australia with the only big river flowing there, that is called the Murray River. In former times it used to be South Australia’s main road, which transported people and goods. Tourists can ride old riverboats that are still kept in some towns on the river.
Tasmania, located in the south of Australia, differs from the other states. There are no deserts on the island. Most of the territory is covered with wild beautiful forests. There are lots of rains both in winter and summer. The population of Tasmania is about half a million people.
It should be said that Australia is home to beautiful nature as well as to such exotic animals as kangaroos, echidnas, koalas, dingoes and many others.Австралия2016-11-16T21:34:16+00:00adminAustralia - АвстралияПеревод темы по английскому языку 'Австралия': Австралия – это страна в Южном полушарии с населением в 17 миллионов человек. Это независимый член Содружества наций. Столица страны – Канберра. Официальный язык – английский. Австралия состоит из острова Тасмании и 6 штатов: Новый Южный Уэльс, Северная территория, Квинсленд, Южная Австралия, Виктория и...admin [email protected]Английский язык онлайн
Australia Essay, Research Paper
Australia is the only country that is also a continent. In area, Australia ranks as the sixth largest country and smallest continent. Australia is located between the South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. The part of the Indian Ocean that is south of Australia is called the Southern Ocean in the country. Australia is about 7,000 miles southwest of North America and about 2,000 miles southeast of mainland Asia. Australia is often referred to as being “down under” because it lies entirely within the Southern Hemisphere. The name Australia comes from the Latin word australis, which means southern. The official name of the country is the Commonwealth of Australia. Australia is a dry, thinly populated land. Only a few areas along or near the coasts receive enough rainfall to support a large population. The southeastern coastal region has the most people by far.
Australia’s two largest cities are Sydney and Melbourne. Canberra, the national capital, lies only a short distance inland. The huge interior of Australia is mostly desert or dry grassland and has few settlements. The country as a whole averages only six persons per square mile. Australia is famous for its vast open spaces, bright sunshine, enormous numbers of sheep and cattle, and unusual wildlife. Kangaroos, koalas, platypuses, and wombats are only some of the many animals that live in Australia. The country was once a group of British colonies, and most of the Australian people are of British ancestry. When people moved to Australia from Britain, they took many British customs with them. Australians drive on the left side of the road, as do British drivers. Tea is the favorite hot drink in Australia, as it is in Britain. English, the official language of Australia, includes many British terms. But Australians have developed a way of life all their own. Australia has a warm, sunny climate. The people can therefore spend much of their free time out doors. Australians love outdoor sports and outdoor living in general.
Australia is one of the world’s developed countries. It has busy cities, modern factories, and highly productive farms and mines. Australia is the world’s leading producer and exporter of wool and bauxite. It also produces and exports large amounts of other minerals and farm goods. The income from these exports has made it possible for most of the people of Australia to have a high standard of living. In the past, Britain was Australia’s most important trading partner. Today, Australia trades most with Japan and the United States.
The first Australians were a dark-skinned people known today as Aborigines. The Aborigines had lived in Australia for at least 40,000 years before the first white settlers arrived. Britain settled Australia as a prison colony in 1788. Since then, the number of whites has steadily increased and the total number of Aborigines has declined. Today, the vast majority of Australians are white.
The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of states. The nation is administered under a written constitution. The Australian Constitution gives certain powers to the federal government and leaves all other government powers to the states. Australia has six states. They are New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia. Each state has its own government. Australia also has two mainland territories–the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. Each territory is responsible for its own administration, but until the territories become states, the federal government must approve major policy changes. Australia has a parliamentary system of government. Under the parliamentary system, the political party or the coalition of parties controls the national government with a majority of seats in the Lower House of the parliament. The leader of the majority party or the coalition heads the government as Prime Minister. Australia is a constitutional monarchy like Britain. The British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is also queen of Australia and the country’s head of state. However, the queen has little or no power in the Australian government. She serves mainly as a symbol of the historical tie between the two countries. Australia is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the association formed by Britain and a number of its former colonies that are now independent countries. A governor-general, who represents the queen, officially heads the federal government of Australia. The queen appoints the governor-general on the recommendation of the Australian Prime Minister. The governor general’s role, like the queen’s, is mainly symbolic. In 1975, however, the governor-general used his power to remove the Prime Minister from office. The Prime Minister, Australia’s head of government, is normally responsible only to the majority party or coalition. If the party or coalition chooses a new leader, that person becomes Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister appoints members of Parliament to head the government departments. The department heads, called ministers, and the Prime Minister make up the Cabinet. The Cabinet establishes major government policies. The federal Parliament has an upper and a Lower House. The upper house is called the Senate and the Lower House is called the House of Representatives. Most bills are introduced in the House. The Senate reviews bills passed by the House and can reject them. The Australian Senate has 76 members. Each state elects 12 senators and each mainland territory elects 2. Membership in the 148-member House of Representatives is divided among the states and mainland territories according to population. Senators are elected to six-year terms, and representatives to three-year terms. Elections for the House must be held at least every three years. But the Prime Minister may ask the governor general to dissolve the House and call for new elections at any time.
All Australians 18 years of age or older must vote in parliamentary and state elections. Those who do not vote may be fined. The federal courts. The High Court of Australia decides constitutional questions. It also serves as the nation’s court of final appeals. Other federal courts deal with bankruptcy cases, family law, industrial disputes, and violations of federal law. Each Australian State has its own parliament, court system, head of government, and governor. The heads of state governments are called premiers. The governor of each state represents the queen. Australia’s states do not operate as independently of the federal government as do, for example, the states of the United States. The Australian states have heavy administrative responsibilities in certain areas, such as local law enforcement, public education, and the building of roads. But the federal government collects nearly all the nation’s taxes. Each state receives a share of the federal tax income. But this allowance is usually not enough to finance major new public works. By granting or denying a state’s requests for additional funds or loans, the federal government strongly influences the services that the state provides.