Контрольная работа 10 класс Модуль 5 УМК Spotlight. Контрольные работы spotlight 10

Контрольная работу по учебнику Spotlight 10

Advanced level

Form 10

I. Match the words in Column A with the words/ phrases in Column B.

Column A Column B

1. surf A. money

2. pocket B. activities

3. household C. schools

4. boarding D. the Net

5. extra-curricular E. chores(5*1point)

II. Fill in the correct word.

 messages  borrow  forces  uniform  sports

  1. How much did Kate …………………...… from you?

  2. Every teenager knows how to send text………………………… on the phone.

  3. Do students wear a ……………………… in your school?

  4. Peter dreams of a career in the armed………………….. .

  5. Do you want to do extreme ……………………….. this week-end?

(5*1 point)

III. Choose the correct answer:

1. Daniel is ……… student in class.

good better the best

2. Tennis is a ……… sport than Rugby.

difficult more difficult the most difficult

3. This is ……… hotel I've ever stayed in.

expensive more expensive the most expensive

4. She is probably ……… person I know.

bad worse the worst

5. This is ………… castle in Britain.

old older the oldest

(5*1 point)

VI. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.

1. Kate is now the new managing ……………………. of the company. DIRECT

2. The famous …………..…… Pablo Picasso was born in 1881 in Spain. ART

3. James has got a very good university……………………………… EDUCATE

4. Can I have a look at your ………………………………..? COLLECT

5. He looked at the girl in ……………………………………… AMAZE

(5*2 points)

V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (ing form/ inf.)

  1. Would you like ……………………… (go) shopping tomorrow?

  2. Kate must …………………(see) a doctor as soon as possible.

  3. Rick and Diane enjoy ………………… (do) extreme sports.

  4. I'm looking forward to ……………..… (travel) to South America next week.

  5. What do you want ……………… (eat) tonight?

(5*2 points)

VI. Choose the correct answer:

1. By the end of the month I …………… the project.

shall finish shall be finishing shall have finished

2. This time tomorrow they…………a test.

will write will be writing will have written

3. I shan't speak to him if he …………..

doesn't apologize won't apologize don't apologize

4. He …………the work yet.

hasn't done doesn't do isn't doing

5. Look. The baby ………… .

sleeps is sleeping sleep

(5*2 points)

VII. Paraphrase the sentences:

  1. Fiona loves martial arts very much.

(crazy) Fiona ……………………………………….. martial arts

  1. I really like playing board games.

(keen) I ………………………………………….…. board games.

3. I have never seen such a good film.

(best) It's the …………………………………………………………..seen.

4. It was the least expensive hotel we could find.

(cheapest) It was the …………………………………………………………find.

5. This is the first time I have sent a text message.

(never) I …………………………………………….message before.

(5*3 points)


Контрольная работа Spotlight 10 класс 7 модуль

Прочитайте текст о видах «сэконд-хэнд» шопинга. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1-5. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

  • Do you love to go shopping, but seem to spend all your hard-earned cash on just one or two items? If so, why not consider hunting around for cheaper, second-hand options? With a little time and patience, it's possible to find some great bargains.

  • People bring unwanted things that they dig out of their attics and garages to a car boot sale. There they sell them or swap them with other traders for something else. Anything from children's toys to sports equipment can turn up at these sales, which are usually held at weekends.

  • Good second-hand shops can be full of surprises and are often a perfect place to pick up a bargain! Many specialize in certain items such as rare books, designer clothes or antique furniture. Always check things carefully before you buy them as it may be difficult to exchange them or get a refund later.

  • People donate used clothes, shoes, toys and other things to charity shops where you can usually buy them for next to nothing! The money often goes to help people who are hungry, homeless or who live in poor developing countries.

  • There are wonderful places to buy handmade gifts, Christmas decorations and second-hand items. The beauty of these bazaars is that all the money raised usually go to charity, so you can shop till you drop knowing that it's all for a good cause! The only problem is that they are only held in December.

  • </<font face="Times New Roman, serif">Прочитайте текст о туристических полетах в космос. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 6-9 соответствуют содержанию текста (1-True), какие не соответствуют (2-False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3- Not stated).

  • Where would you like to go for next holiday? Perhaps you might choose to go to the beach or go skiing in the mountains? Or how about a holiday in space? You probably think you'll never be able to go on holiday in space, but in fact space tourism is already here - if you are extremely rich! If you want to go into space today, it will be very expensive. An eight-day trip to the International Space Station costs about $20 million.

  • Fifty years ago only the richest people could travel by plane, but now 1.6 billion people fly every year. So perhaps the same thing will happen with space travel. The USA, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Russia and India are all planning to build 'space planes'. So, in the future, space travel might be a lot cheaper and easier.

  • The Japanese company Shimizu Space Systems is already building a space hotel. It will have 64 rooms, each with fantastic view! As well as enjoying the view, you will be able to go for a spacewalk, or have fun in a zero-gravity play room. So start to save money now, if one day you want to have your birthday, or even wedding, in space.

  • 6. Many rich people have already been on holiday in space.

  • 1)True 2) False 3) Not stated

  • 7. Fifty years ago no one travelled by plane.

  • 1)True 2) False 3) Not stated

  • 8. Many countries are building 'space planes' at the moment.

  • 1)True 2) False 3) Not stated

  • 9. You won't be able to go outside the Japanese space hotel.

  • 1)True 2) False 3) Not stated

  • Раздел Грамматика и лексика

  • Open the brackets using correct forms:

  • 10. Normally this room (clean) every day but it (not clean) yesterday.

  • 11. Thousands of new houses (build) every year.

  • 12. This room (not use) for years.

  • 13. When I saw the car, it (drive) at over fifty miles per hour.

  • 14. This book much (speak) about.

  • Translate into English:

  • 15. Мне предложили очень интересную работу.

  • 16. Об этом фильме сейчас много говорят.

  • 17. Эта книга была написана до того, как автор стал знаменитым.

  • 18. Земля была покрыта снегом.

  • Write using the past simple active or passive voice.

  • One of the most famous April Fool's Jokes of all time 19_____(play) by a TV station many years ago. The station 20______(make) a program about Italian spaghetti trees. In the film, Italian farmers 21______( show) picking the pasta from spaghetti trees, and the film 22_____(explain) how the pasta 23______(leave) in the sun to dry before being packaged and sold. The film was a great success and millions of people 24________(believe) the story completely.

  • Fill in : practical, best, fully, ballet, special

  • 25. _____ -booked

  • 26. _____ joke

  • 27. _____ dancers

  • 28. _____ effects

  • 29. _____ seller

  • Choose the correct answer A, B or C

  • 30. She impressed everybody ______ her acting skills.

  • A)about B) with C) for

  • 31. Fashion models are quite popular _____ young girls.

  • A) among B) around C) for

  • 32. I'm terribly sorry! I mistook you _______ someone else.

  • A) for B) with C) over

  • 33. Could you turn ____ the lights, please? It's very dark here.

  • A) on B) off C) down

  • 34. Jerry invited me to the cinema but I had to turn him ____ as I was busy.

  • A) away B) up C) down


  • 1 -17б -«2»

  • 18 - 26б - «3»

  • 27 - 32б - «4»

  • 33 - 34б - «5»

  • botana.cc

    spotlight 10 контрольные работы по модулям

    Скачать: Mодульная контрольная работа по английскому языку УМК "Spotlight" 10 класс, Модуль 1. Modules 1-10. Контрольные работы. по первым двум модулям УМК работы учащихся. Spotlight. Скачать: контрольные работы по английскому языку по умк spotlight (5 - 9 классы). Контрольные работы по материалам модуля 2 и модуля 3 (учебник Spotlight 10) состоят из. английский язык контрольные работы тест по модулям 1-9 к Spotlight 10, Афанасьева. английский язык контрольные работы тест по модулям 1-9 к Spotlight 10, Афанасьева. Контрольные работы к УМК Spotlight. Дистанционный конкурс по Контрольные работы к УМК Spotlight. Решебник по английскому языку Spotlight 10 класс станет вашей отличной помощью в учебе. При. Готовые ответы на тесты к Test Booklet, которая входит в состав книг по английскому языку Spotlight 4.2/5(212).


    Task 1.  Choose the correct word.

    1. Package/packed holidays are organized by a tour operator.
    2. I think we will take/catch a taxi directly from the airport to our hotel.
    3. They are planning to visit Spain and are going to employ/hire a car.
    4. The doctor wrote him a prescription/recipe for two tablets.
    5. Yesterday I fell off the bike and now I have a pain/ache in the knee.
    6. Jennifer has you always wanted to perform on screen/stage but she has been too scared to do it.

    Task 2.  Fill in the gaps withthe or – (no article).

    1. … Lake Titicaca which is between … Bolivia and … Peru is the world’s highest large lake.
    2. … Virgin Islands were bought by … United States from … Denmark in 1917 and are popular tourist centres.
    3. … New Caledonia is an island in … Pacific Ocean.
    4. … Turkey is situated on two continents, … Asia and … Europe.
    5. .New York City is situated at the mouth of … Hudson River on the East coast of … USA.

    Task 3.  Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

    1. We … (dance) when the music … (stop).
    2. I … (not/feel) well last night.
    3. “Are you going shopping tonight?”        “No, I … (go) yesterday.”
    4. “Did you see Nathan?”        “No, he … (leave) by the time I arrived at his house.”
    5. “Where is Scott?”        “He … (talk) on the phone when I saw him.”
    6. “Did Alan arrive on time?”        “No, I … (wait) for an hour before he arrived.”

    Task 4.  Chose the correct answer.

    1. A cinema is a place where films _____.  
    1. show                         B. are shown                        C. are showing
    1. When we arrived at the airport, we found that the flight _____.
    1. had been cancelled         B. is being cancelled                C. has been cancelled
    1. 'The TV is too loud. Can you turn it _____?'
    1. on                         B. up                        C. down
    1. The walls gave _____ a smell spotlight 10 контрольные работы по модулям paint for a week.
    1. off                         B. back                        C. away
    1. _____-confident people may have expectations that are not realistic.
    1. well-                 B. self-                        C. good-
    1. You're a _____-looking guy, so why can't you get a girlfriend?
    1. well-                 B. self-                        C. good-
    1. Does she get _____ well with her step mother?
    1. around                B. in                        C. off
    1. I hate travelling by boat because I get sea _____ .
    1. sick                        B. ill                        C. pain
    1. The dog looks as if it ______ hungry.
    1. will be                B. were                C. had been
    1. I wish I ______ speak better Spanish.
    1. could                B. will be able                C. would can
    1. When did the London Olympics _____ place?
    1. find                B. hold                        C. take
    1. Fiona is so _____; she sometimes eats a whole packet of biscuits without offering a single one to anyone else.

    A.        hungry                B, spotlight 10 контрольные работы по модулям. greedy                C. starving

    1. We are going _____ holiday at the end of July.

    A.        at                        B. on                        C. to

    Task 5.

    Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз, spotlight 10 контрольные работы по модулям. В задании один заголовок лишний.

    1. National language
    2. Freedom of media
    3. Customs and traditions
    4. Public transport
    1. Geography
    2. Leisure and sport
    3. Modern history
    4. Economic outlook
    1. Lithuania is situated on the eastern Baltic coast and borders Latvia in the north, the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and Poland in the southwest, and Belarus in the southwest and east. The geometrical centre of Europe lies in eastern Lithuania 25km north научно исследовательской работы по информатике its capital Vilnius. The landscape varies between lowland plains and hilly uplands and has a complex network of rivers.
    2. Lithuania has historically been the least developed of the Baltic republics, with a smaller industrial base and greater dependence on agriculture. Sugar beet, cereals, potatoes and vegetables are the main crops. Lithuania's foreign trade has gradually changed during the 19908, and now the European Union, not Russia, is its main trading partner.
    3. Lithuanian is the mother tongue for 80% of the population. After the country joined the European Union in 2004 this language has become one of the EU official languages. Lithuania has a large number of dialects for such a small territory, including High Lithuanian and Low Lithuanian.
    1. Lithuania offers different opportunities for a nice vacation. You can explore a range of large sand dunes and pine forests while hiking in the Curonian Spit National Park, take part in some action sports in Nida, a village that makes a true paradise for sailing, windsurfing, paragliding and kiting, or try out more extreme sports, such as hot-air ballooning and gliding.
    1. Those who are interested in folklore may enjoy their stay in Lithuania in any season of the year. The Mardi Gras celebrations are held in various Lithuanian cities and small towns at the beginning of February. The Folklore Festival is held in Vilnius' Spotlight 10 контрольные работы по модулям Town during in May, spotlight 10 контрольные работы по модулям. There you can see craft fairs, taste traditional dishes, join song and parties and listen to psalms.
    2. Lithuania's TV market is dominated by commercial channels. The radio market is similarly competitive. Lithuania's media are free and operate independently of the state, and there are no government-owned newspapers. However, politicians do occasionally attempt to influence editorial policy.
    3. In cities and towns there are buses and trolleybuses, which spotlight 10 контрольные работы по модулям run from 05.00 to 23.00, but times do vary between routes. You can't pay the fare to the driver in cash but you can buy coupons from him. Coupons can be also bought at news kiosks before boarding. Minibuses контрольная работа по химии для 1 курса less crowded but more expensive.


    Task 1.

    1. Package  2. take  3. hire  4. prescription  5. pain  6. stage

    Task 2.

    1. -- -- --            2, spotlight 10 контрольные работы по модулям. the, the, --    3. -- the    4. -- -- --     5. -- the, the

    Task 3.

    1.        We were dancing when the music stopped.

    2.        I did not feel well last night.

    3.        “Are you going shopping tonight?”        “No, I went yesterday.”

    4.        “Did you see Nathan?”        “No, he had left by the time I arrived at his house.”

    5.        “Where is Scott?”        “He was talking on the phone when I saw him.”

    6.        “Did Alan arrive on time?”        “No, I had been waiting for an hour before he arrived.”

    Task 4.

    1. A cinema is a place where films _____.  
    1. show                         B. are shown                        C. are showing
    1. When we arrived at the airport, we found that the flight _____.
    1. had been cancelled         B. is being cancelled                C. has been cancelled
    1. 'The TV is too loud. Can you turn it _____?'
    1. on                         B. up                        C. down
    1. The walls gave _____ a smell of paint for a week.
    1. off                         B. back                        C. away
    1. _____-confident people may have expectations that are not realistic.
    1. well-                 B. self-                        C. good-
    1. You're a _____-looking guy, so why can't you get a girlfriend?
    1. well-                 B. self-                        C. good-
    1. Does she get _____ well with her step mother?
    1. around                B. on                        C. off
    1. I hate travelling by boat because I get sea _____ .
    1. sick                B. ill                        C. pain
    1. The dog looks as if it ______ hungry.
    1. will be                B. were                C. had been
    1. I wish I ______ speak better Spanish.
    1. could                B. will be able                C. would can
    1. When did the London Olympics _____ place?
    1. find                B. hold                        C. take
    1. Fiona is so _____; she sometimes eats a whole packet of biscuits without offering a single one to anyone else.

    A.        hungry                B. greedy                C. starving

    1. We are going _____ holiday at the end of July.

    A.        at                        B. on                        C. to

    Task 5.



    Проверочная работа №1 к учебнику Spotlight 10 класс

    Spotlight 10. Test 1.

    1. Составьте словосочетания.2. Вставьте пропущенное слово: messages, shopping, time, sports, games.

    6. Bill doesn't spend a lot of ….. with his family. It's a pity.

    7. I often go window … when I want to relax.

    8. Do you want to do extreme … this weekend?

    9. Every teenage knows how to send text …. on a mobile phone.

    10. They play computer … all the time.

    3. Выберите правильный вариант:

    11. Marta is …, but sometimes she makes things more difficult instead of easier.

    A. patient B. well-meaning C. caring

    12. I think Paul is … of me because I have a new bike.

    A. jealous B. dishonest C. mean

    13. Kate is a very kind and … girl; she believes whatever people tell her.

    A. loyal B. trusting C. supportive

    14. I love this artist's paintings; he is very …..

    A. respectful B. comfortable C. creative

    15. Ivan is quite …; one minute he is all happy, the next he is upset.

    A. selfish B. moody C. aggressive

    4. Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово:

    16. Get off my back/ shoulder and stop teasing me I'm really not in the mood.

    17. James and I get along very well although we don't always see eye to eye/ ear.

    18. She is so annoying! She always gets on my neck/ nerves.

    19. I can't stand Michael. He is a pain in the back/ neck.

    20. I've never seen Luke in such a bad mood; he's like a bear with a sore back/ head.

    21. No one like our new classmate and everybody gives him the cold eye/ shoulder when he comes in.

    5. Образуйте от данных слов те слова, которые по смыслу подходят в предложение.

    22. My family is always very … of my decision. (support)

    23. She is a very … person; no wonder she is a babysitter. (care)

    24. This book is really …. (interest)

    25. He is a well- … man in the community. (respect)

    26. This actor is very … in England. (fame)

    27. My car is very … I don't spend much money on petrol. (economy)

    6. Поставьте глагол в нужное время:

    28. A: … (you/ like) bungee jumping?

    B: You know, I … (never/ try) it but I … (think) of trying it this weekend.

    29. A: …. (you/ have) lunch yet?

    B: Not yet. I …. (work) in the garden for the past five hours.

    30. A: What … (you/ do) this weekend?

    B: Nothing special. I … (usually/ visit) my grandparents at the weekends but they …. (leave) for London on Friday.

    31. A: Where are the Smiths?

    B: They …. (go) to Paris for the weekend.

    32. A: How long …. (Jane and Kate/ be) friends?

    B: They …. (know) each other for ten years and they …. (share) a flat for the last four years.

    33. A: I …. (go) to the gym every day for two months and I …. (not/ lose) any weight yet.

    B: I …. (exercise) every day too but I …. (also/ be) on a diet.

    7. Выберите правильный предлог:

    34. I am not very good …. Maths.

    A. at B. to C. for

    35. My father is keen … fishing.

    A. on B. about C. with

    36. Look … the unknown words in the dictionary.

    A. after B. up C. out

    37. Everybody looks … him because he didn't help clean up after the party.

    A. down on B. out of C. up

    38. Jane is looking … to the trip at the weekend.

    A. down B. after C. forward

    Spotlight 10. Test 1. Keys.

    1. B 2. C 3.E 4. D 5.A

    6. time 7. Shopping 8. Sports 9. Messages 10. Games

    11. well-meaning 12. Jealous 13. Trusting 14. Creative 15. Moody

    16. back 17. Eye 18. Nerves 19. Neck 20. Head 21. Shoulder

    22. supportive 23. Caring 24. Interesting 25. Respected 26. Famous 27. Economical

    28. do you like, have never tried, am thinking

    29. have you had, have been working

    30. are you doing, usually visit, are leaving

    31. have gone

    32. have Jane and Kate been, have known, have been sharing

    33. have been going, haven't lost, have been exercising, have also been

    </<font face="Times New Roman, serif">34. A 35. A 36. B 37. A 38. C


    Контрольная работа 10 класс Модуль 5 УМК Spotlight

    Контрольная работа 10 класс Модуль 5I variantREADING Match texts 1-7 with headings A-H. Use the headings only once. There is one you do not need to use.

    A COOKING GLASSB WALKING HOLIDAYC LET CHANCE DECIDED DANGERO······················································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································Контрольная работа 10 класс Модуль 5II variantREADINGMatch texts 1-7 with headings A-H. Use the headings only once. There is one you do not need to use.A PLACES TO STAY INB ARTS AND CULTURE C NEW COUNTRY IMAGE D ··········································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································

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    Контрольная работа 10 класс 1 модуль Spotlight



    A Match the words /phrases in Column A with the words /phrases in Column B

    Column A Column B

    1 hang out …. A online

    2 surf ….. B with friends

    3 do ….. C voluntary work

    4 send …. D the net

    5 listen …… E emails

    B Fill in the correct word

    games sports messages time shopping

    7 I often go window …………………when I want to relax.

    8 They play computer ……………………….. all time!

    9 Every teenager knows how to spend text………………… on a mobile phone

    10. Do you want to do extreme ………………this weekend?

    11 Bill doesn’t spend a lot of ………………. with his family. It’s a pity.

    C Choose the correct answer A, B or C

    12 I think Paul is …… of me because I have a new bike.

    A jealous B dishonest C mean

    13 Marta is ….. but sometimes she makes things more difficult instead of easier

    A patient B well-meaning C caring

    14 Kate is a very kind and …… girl; she believes whatever people tell her.

    A loyal B trusting C supportive

    15 Ian is quite ……..; one minute he’s all happy, the next he’s upset

    A selfish B moody C aggressive

    16 I love this artist’s paintings; he’s very ……….. .

    A respectful B comfortable C creative

    D Underline the correct word

    17 James and I get along very well although we don’t always see eye to eye/year.

    18 I can’t stand Michael. He’s a pain in the back/neck.

    19 Get off my back/shoulder and stop teasing me! I’m really not in the mood!

    20 She’s so annoying! She always gets on my neck/nerves!

    21 No one likes our new classmate and everybody gives him the cold eye/shoulder when he comes in.

    22 I’ve never seen Luke in such a bad mood; he’s like a bear with a sore back/head.

    E Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.

    23 My family is always very …….… of my decisions. SUPPORT

    24 She’s a very …….. person; no wonder she’s a babysitter. CARE

    25 He’s a well-………… man in the community. RESPECT

    26 This book is really …… . INTEREST

    27 This actor is very …………….. in England. FAME

    28 My car is very ……………… . I don’t spend much money on petrol. ECONOMY

    F Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, present continuous, present perfect or present perfect continuous.

    29 A: What …………….. (you/do) this weekend?

    B: Nothing special. I …………(usually/visit) my grandparents at the weekends …………… (leave) for London on Friday.

    30 A: ……………..(you/have) lunch yet?

    B: Not yet. I ……. (work) in the garden for the past five hours.

    31 A: …………………...(you/like) bungee jumping?

    B: You know, I ………….(never/try) it but I ………………… (think) of trying it this weekend.

    32 A: I …..(go) to the gym every day for 2 months and I …………(not/lose) any weight yet.

    B: I …………..(exercise) every day too but I …………….(also/be) on a diet.

    33 A: How long ………… (Jane and Kate /be ) friends?

    B: They ……………….(know) each other for 10 years and they ……………..(share) a flat for the last 4 years.

    34 A: Where are the Smiths?

    B: They ………….(go) to Paris for the weekend.

    G Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

    35 I am not very good …….. Maths.

    A at B up C for

    36 Look …………. the unknown words in the dictionary.

    A after B up C out

    37 Jane is looking ………… to the trip at the weekend.

    A down B after C forward

    38 My father is keen ….. fishing.

    A on B about C with

    39 Everybody looks …….. him because he didn’t help clean up after a party.

    A down on B out for C up

    H Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in bold. Use 2-5 words.

    40 She hasn’t been to this house before.

    time It’s the………………………………….this house.

    41 I last had Chinese two weeks ago.

    had I ………………………….. two weeks.

    43 I’ve never seen such a good film.

    best It’s the …………………….. seen.

    44 He started school in 2003.

    going He has ………………………… 2003.


    I Circle the correct response

    45 A: What’s up?

    B : a Not too bad. And you?

    b Nothing much.

    46 A: You’re looking well.

    B: a Thanks, so you are.

    b Oh, perfect!

    47 A: Somebody has stolen your sandwich again.

    B: a Oh, perfect!

    b Yeah, fine.

    48 A: Do you enjoy cycling?

    B: a Really!

    b I’m crazy about it!

    49 A: Jane is late again.

    B: a I’m sick and tired of it!

    b That’s crazy!



    Контрольная работа. Spotlight 10. Module 5. 1, 2 вариант

    Test 10-5 1. Fill in: beggar, breathtaking, excursion, shade, ancient, craftsmen, countless, candlelit. 1. In the town there were _________ cafes, shops, temples and small hotels. 2. In the streets you could see ________ and shoeshine boys. 3. A __________ procession was a part of the festival. 4. The view of this lake was really _________! 5. After my exams I am going on an _________ to Kathmandu. 6. _________ sell their handicrafts along the streets. 7. Near Bhaktapur we found an _________ temple-Monkey Temple. 8. It was quite cold wherever there was some __________ . 2. Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verb in brackets. Yesterday evening I 9. _______________ (meet) my friends. James 10.__________ (paint) the house for hours before he 11.___________ (take) a break. Dina 12. ___________ (work) on the computer for three hours before she 13.____________ (start) getting ready to go out. We 14. ____________ (wander) around the town when we 15. __________ (go) into Mary. She 16. _____________ (wait) for two hours before she 17._______________ (leave). Jane 18. _____________ (watch) TV while I 19____________ (water) the plants. Ian 20. __________ (ask) Tina out yesterday but she 21. __________ (already/make) plans. You 22. ______________ (talk) to on the phone when I 23. ____________ (come) in. Two days ago Betty 24. ____________ (return) the book I 25. ______________ (lend) her. Owen 26. ______________ (type) his essay when the computer 27. _____________ (crash). Choose the correct answer A, B or C. 28. How are you going to get ____________ in the city? A atB aroundC through 29. How do you get ______________ your classmates? A on withB upC off 30. The underground is the most convenient form of ___________ in the city. A transferB transportC touring 31. The salary is so small that there’s no way we can get _____________. A onB byC around 32. Jane rang the ______________ agent’s to book her flights. A touristB travelC transport Test 10-5 B I. Fill in: contest, rent, exhibition, extend, journey, insect repellent, view, trip, hire, take. 1) Our guide suggested going to an interesting _________ at the local museum and watching some unusual paintings and sculptures. 2) We put some __________ on so as to keep mosquitoes away. 3) The teacher advised James to take part in a writing __________. 4) I’d prefer to ____________ a flat instead of staying in a hotel. 5) Our two week __________ to Scotland was the experience of a lifetime. I’ll never forget it. 6) If you want to __________ a stay in the hotel, you should address a receptionist. 7) Peter had a lot of luggage, so he decided to ____________ a taxi to the airport. 8) The ____________ from our window was of the beautiful green countryside. 9) Tom had to ______ a driver for a while as he couldn’t drive a car himself after the operation. 10) Last weekend we went on a two day _____________ to the mountains. 2. Complete the gaps using an appropriate past form of the verb. Garry 11.___________ (teach) in Manchester for 12 year before he 12.____________ (get) a post in Oxford. 13.______________ (you/see) the lightning last night? – No, I 14.____________ (sleep). Mike was tired. He 15.__________ (clean) the house since early in the morning. What 16. ____________ (Jill/say) when I _____________ (walk) in? – Oh, nothing. She 17. ___________ (talk) about her mum. They 18.______________(wait) for two hours before Ann finally 19._________ (arrive). By the time Bob 20.______________ (come) home, Laura 21.___________(cook) dinner. Harry 22.____________________ (write) several pages before he 23._____________(realize) he was off the point. James 23.__________ (paint) the house for hours before he 24.____________ (take) a break. He 25. __________ (just/ finish) packing his backpack, when Jill 26.______________(arrive). Who 27. ______________ (you/talk) to on the phone when I 28. ____________ (come) in? 3. Choose the correct answer A, B or C. 29.I don’t get …….. Brian. I don’t like his attitude. A on withB aroundC by 30.It’s difficult for people in wheelchairs to get ………. this part of town. A inB offC around 31. It’s not very far. Let’s go …….. foot. A byB onC in 32.I don’t know how you can get ………. on such a low salary. A offB byC around 33.We are going ………. holiday at the end of July. A atB toC on


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